国庆期间战争大片《长津湖》热度不断,票房连续逆跌,今天我们看一下 Hollywood Reporter 对这部影片的报道。这篇报道发表于10月1日,所以里面的数据都是截止到10月1日的数据。


China Box Office: ‘Battle at Lake Changjin’ Roars Past $80M as Holiday Weekend Gets Underway
Tentpole war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, co-directed by A-list Chinese filmmakers Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam, has rocketed to the top of China’s box office during the opening days of the country’s long National Day holiday period.
①The film was released on Thursday and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time on Friday, according to local ticketing app Maoyan, which projects the film will finish its run with a total of well over $500 million. ②China’s National Day holiday period stretches over the Oct. 1-7 period and is typically one of the country’s biggest box-office windows of the year.


China Box Office: ‘Battle at Lake Changjin’ Roars Past $80M as Holiday Weekend Gets Underway
roar past 字面意思是“呼啸而过”,比如马路上经常能看到摩托车手竞相追逐,从身边呼啸而过,我们可以说:
A group of young men on motorcycles roared past. 
文中 roar past 指“超过超越”,体现出《长津湖》票房势头的猛烈。意思上也可以用 exceed, surpass 替换,但缺少 roar past 的气势感。
文中 ‘Battle at Lake Changjin’ Roars Past $80M 的意思就是:《长津湖》票房突破8000万美元。
get/be underway 是外刊中很常见的搭配,相当于 happening now “在进行中的”,比如一到旅游季,苏州古城的宁静就会被打破,我们可以说:
Peace in the ancient city of Suzhou will be shattered when the tourist season gets underway (=starts) . 
再比如,表示“XX正在做某事,XX正在采取行动”时,就可以用 Efforts are underway to do sth 这个表达,比 XX is doing sth 更加老道。
文中 as Holiday Weekend Gets Underway 就可以理解成:随着周末假期的到来。

Tentpole war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, co-directed by A-list Chinese filmmakers Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam, has rocketed to the top of China’s box office during the opening days of the country’s long National Day holiday period.
一句话单独成段,其主干为:Tentpole war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin has rocketed to the top of China’s box office
“Tentpole war epic”和“The Battle at Lake Changjin”是同位语的关系,前者是影片类型,后者是影片名。
Tentpole 由 tent 和 pole 组合而成,tent 指“帐篷”,pole 指“柱子、杆子”,tentpole 就是“帐篷支柱”的意思,在美式英语中也可以指 a film that is expected to be very successful and so able to fund a range of related products or films “主力大片大制作电影”。
epic 指“史诗、史诗般的电影或书籍”,比如 a Hollywood epic 好莱坞式史诗电影。所以主语Tentpole war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin 的意思就是:《长津湖》这部史诗级战争大片。
tentpole 和 epic 是对这部影片的极高评价。
这部大片怎么了呢?我们看主干后半部分:has rocketed to the top of China’s box office
rocket 作名词指“火箭”,这里作动词,比喻事物像火箭一样飙升。图表类写作中就可以用 rocket 来描述数据的“飙升”,可以和 soar, shoot up 等替换。文中 rocket to the top of China’s box office 的意思是“迅速登顶中国票房榜首”,其中 rocket 和题目中的 roar 相呼应。
如果表示“票房是多少”,我们还可以说:The film's box office has rocketed to $80m. 这部电影的票房飙升至8000亿美元。
至此,句子主干就很好理解了:Tentpole war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin has rocketed to the top of China’s box office
主语 The Battle at Lake Changjin 后面跟了一个分词形式的后置定语,补充了这部影片的导演:co-directed by A-list Chinese filmmakers Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam
前缀“co-”表示“共同”,比如 coordinate 协调,cooperate 合作,co-worker 同事,co-author 文章或书籍的合著者。文中 co-direct 就是“联合执导、共同导演”的意思。
A-list 是形容词,指“一等的、最出名的”,比如“一线演员”就可以说 A-list actors,类似的还有 B-list “二等的、较出名的”,比如 B-list celebrities 二线艺人。
后置定语 co-directed by A-list Chinese filmmakers Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam 的意思就是:由中国一线电影制作人陈凯歌、徐克和林超贤联合执导的
主干后面还跟了一个时间状语,补充了电影“登顶票房榜首”的时间:during the opening days of the country’s long National Day holiday period.
注意“国庆长假”的说法,不是 National Day long holiday,而是 long National Day holiday.
the opening day 指电影的“首映日”,复数 the opening days 就是电影“刚放映的那几天”。
类似的还有 debut,注意读音 [ˈdeɪbjuː],t 不发音。debut 指演员、运动员或新事物的 the first public appearance “首次公开亮相”,比如:
Quan hongchan made her debut as an Olympic athlete at Tyoko Olympics. 
World News Times 在报道《长津湖》时就用了这个词:
It garnered over $31 million on its debut on September 30.

①The film was released on Thursday and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time on Friday, according to local ticketing app Maoyan, which projects the film will finish its run with a total of well over $500 million.
这句话的主干是:The film was released on Thursday / and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time on Friday
release 本义是“释放”,后面可以加囚犯、人质,可以加员工(解雇),也可以加情绪(宣泄),还可以加电影、书籍、产品(发行),文中 The film was released on Thursday 可以根据语境翻译成“这部电影于周四上映”。
表示“票房是多少”,这里用了一个非常简单的表达:earn+钱,World News Times 在报道《长津湖》时也用了一个类似的表达:
It garnered over $31 million on its debut on September 30.
garner 表示 to obtain or collect sth “获得”。
影片's box office roars past+钱
影片's box office rocketed to+钱
影片's box office exceed/surpass+钱
注意,roar past、rocket to、exceed、surpass 的主语最好是 box office 而不是 film,如果单是 film,可能会导致语意模糊——你不知道说的是票房,还是成本、预算。题目中因为前面已限定明确,所以可以使用 film 而不会造成语意模糊
China Box Office: ‘Battle at Lake Changjin’ Roars Past $80M as Holiday Weekend Gets Underway
而 earn, garner 身含有“得到、获得”的意思,所以它的主语可以为 film,不会造成语意模糊。
至此,主干意思就很好理解了:The film was released on Thursday / and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time on Friday
票房数据是哪里来的呢?后面通过 according to 结构进行补充:according to local ticketing app Maoyan
local 本义是“当地的”,这里要结合语境,翻译为“中国的”。
ticketing app和Maoyan是同位语的关系,意思是“售票app猫眼”。
Maoyan后面又跟了一个定语从句,进行补充:which projects the film will finish its run with a total of well over $500 million.
这里的 project 是动词,意为“预测”,相当于 forecast, estimate,《经济学人》在报道北京大兴机场的修建原因时,就用到了这个表达:
As a result, / passengers often suffer long and unpredictable delays, / especially in the corridor between Beijing and Shanghai, / China's busiest. If traffic grows as projected, the congestion will get worse. 
run 在这里也是个熟词僻义,名词,指戏剧、电视剧、节目、电影的“放映期上映期”。此外 run 作动词时也可以表示“上映放映”的意思,比如《新概念三》第22课 By heart 开头有这么一句话:
Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end.
文中 finish its run 就是“结束放映”的意思。
with a total of well over $500 million 中,well 在这里表示“很,非常”,举个例子:
He was driving at well over the speed limit. 
至此,定语从句的意思就很好理解了:which projects the film will finish its run with a total of well over $500 million. 猫眼预计,这部电影将以远超5亿美元的票房结束放映。即,该电影最终的票房将大大超过5亿美元。
The film was released on Thursday and had already earned approximately $82 million by 6 p.m. local time on Friday, according to local ticketing app Maoyan, which projects the film will finish its run with a total of well over $500 million.

②China’s National Day holiday period stretches over the Oct. 1-7 period and is typically one of the country’s biggest box-office windows of the year.
这句话主要记住“假期从几号到几号”这个表达就可以了:the holiday stretches over the 起始日-结束日 period


the holiday gets underway
影片's box office roars past+钱
影片's box office rocketed to+钱
影片's box office exceed/surpass+钱
影片 earn/garner+钱
影片 rocket to the top of China’s box office
影片 finish its run with a total of+钱
形容某人优秀:A-list, B-list
the opening day 首映日
debut 首映(用法为 make one's debut, on its debut)
project, estimate, forecast 表示“预测”
the holiday stretches over the 起始日-结束日 period