The Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, held a discussion on October 21, 2021. It is approved by the Israeli government regarding tourism policy and entry into Israel. The meeting was attended also by the Minister of Health, the Minister of Tourism, the Director General of the Ministry of Health and etc..
该新政策将于 2021 年 11 月 1 日起生效,同时并将根据情况发展进行相应更新。
The new policy will take effect on November 1, 2021, and will be updated in accordance with new developments or discoveries.
According to the new policy, 2021, any foreign (vaccinated) person who meets all the cumulative conditions will be allowed to enter
1. 在进入以色列之前的 14 天内未在任何标记为“红色”的国家进行逗留;
Providing they did not stay in a red country during the 14 days before entering Israel
2. 根据下文规定的条件,接种了 WHO 批准或适用的疫苗;
Vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the WHO or applicable, in accordance with the conditions set forth in section 3 below
3. 将他带入以色列没有其他障碍;
There is no other impediment to bringing him into Israel
4. 通过本古里安机场进入以色列。
Entered Israel through Ben Gurion Airport
A foreigner who does not meet the above conditions will not be allowed to enter Israel through this outline, not even under full isolation conditions (For this population, the Exceptions Committees will continue operating)
The vaccines approved in this outline and requirements
1. 接种辉瑞/莫德纳/阿斯利康/科兴或国药疫苗:
Foreigners vaccinated with Pfizer / Moderna / AstraZeneca / Sinovac or Sinopharm
-接种了两次疫苗,自进入以色列时距离接种第二次疫苗以来已过去 14 天或更长时间(但到离开以色列前不超过 180 天)。

Received two vaccine shots; 14 days or more passed since their second vaccine upon entry to Israel (but no more than 180 days upon leaving Israel)
-接种了疫苗加强针,自进入以色列时距离接种加强针以来已过去 14 天或更长时间。

Received the booster vaccine dose; 14 days or more passed since their booster shot upon entry to Israel
2. 接种杨森疫苗:
Foreigners vaccinated with Janssen's vaccine
-自进入以色列时距离接种疫苗之日起 14 天或更长时间(
但到离开以色列前不超过 180 

14 days or more passed since the vaccination date upon entry to Israel (but no more than 180 days upon leaving Israel)
-接受了疫苗加强针,自进入以色列时距离接种加强针以来已过去 14 天或更长时间。

Received the booster vaccine dose; 14 days or more passed since their booster shot upon entry to Israel
3. 出示以色列 MOH 系统可以进行数字认证的文件,在 NAAT(类似于 PCR 的分子测试)中获得阳性结果

Foreigners presenting a reference that the Israeli MOH systems can digitally authenticate,  to a positive result in a NAAT (Molecular test resembling PCR)
- 自进入以色列时测试已过去 11 天或更长时间(
但到离开以色列前不超过 190 

11 days or more have passed since the test upon entry to Israel (but no more than 190 days upon leaving Israel) 

Received in addition at least one dose of the vaccines approved by the WHO (in this case, time span and sequence of events is inconsequential)
4. 截至 21 年 11 月 15 日,接种了Sputnik,并在以色列的血清学检测结果呈阳性(在获得阳性结果之前将被隔离)。
Foreigners vaccinated with Sputnik, as of 15.11.21, and subject to a positive Serologist test result in Israel (will remain in isolation until a positive result is obtained)
-接种了两次疫苗,并且在进入以色列时第二次接种后已过去 14 天或更长时间(但到离开以色列前不超180 天)。
Received two vaccine shots, and 14 days or more passed since their second shot upon entry to Israel (but no more than 180 days upon leaving Israel)
-接受了疫苗加强针,并且自入境以色列时接种加强疫苗以来已过去 14 天或更长时间。

Received the booster vaccine dose, and 14 days or more passed since their booster shot upon entry to Israel
Those who meet the above requirements must also prepare for entry in accordance with the following procedures:
1. 在飞行前 72 小时内提交 PCR 测试结果为阴性的文件;
Presenting documentation to a negative PCR test result performed up to 72 hours before the flight
2. 出示填写入境旅客申报单的证明;
Presenting proof of filling the incoming passenger declaration
3. 按照上述疫苗种类规定,提供疫苗接种的免疫证明;
Certificate of immunization attesting to the performance of vaccinations in accordance with the provisions above
4. 以色列 MOH 系统可以进行数字验证的病情恢复证书;
Certificate of recovery, the Israeli MOH systems can digitally authenticate, indicating a recovery in accordance with the provisions of section 3 above
5. 以色列人口管理局在本古里安机场进行随机文件合规性检查;
Conducting random document compliance check-ups by the Population Authority at Ben Gurion Airport
6. 在本古里安机场着陆时进行 PCR 测试;保持隔离直到获得阴性结果或隔离24 小时,以较早者为准;
Performing a PCR test upon landing at Ben Gurion Airport; remaining in isolation until a negative result is obtained, or 24 hours, whichever earlier
7. 对于仅接种Sputnik疫苗的人:
- 在本古里安机场进行血清学检测;隔离直到获得阳性测试结果(除了在着陆时进行的 PCR 测试获得阴性结果之前的隔离)。
For those vaccinated with Sputnik vaccines only - performing a serological test at Ben Gurion Airport; isolation until a positive test result is obtained (In addition to isolation until a negative result is obtained for the PCR test taken upon landing)
  1. 若有不符合门槛条件的过境外国人?
    A foreigner in transit who does not comply with the threshold conditions
    Entry to Israel will be denied, and he will be returned to his country of origin
  2. 在以色列逗留期间被检测出 COVID-19 呈阳性?
    A foreigner who was tested positive to COVID-19 during his stay in Israel
    Will be transferred to a hospital-hotel at the responsibility of the Home Front Command; medical treatment is at the expense of the foreigner, under his insurance policy
  3. 接种了Sputnik疫苗,但血清学检测结果为阴性的人?
    A person who received the Sputnik vaccine, but his serological test result is negative
    将被允许留在以色列,并进行完全隔离(14 天,可选择将时间缩短至 7 天),但在隔离期间可以返回他的国家。He will be allowed to remain in Israel,
     subject to complete isolation (14 days, with an option to shorten the time to 7 days), but may return to his country during the isolation period
  4. 出示伪造文件?
    A foreigner presenting a forged document
    在 5 年内不得进入以色列
    Entry to Israel is denied for a period of 5 years
  5. 对 COVID-19 呈阳性但拒绝离开汽车旅馆或违反隔离规定?
    A foreigner who is positive to COVID-19 but refuses to vacate to a motel or violates isolation rules?
    5 年内不得进入以色列。
    Entry to Israel is denied for a period of 5 years
  6. 未发现 COVID-19 呈阳性但仍违反隔离规定?
    A foreigner who was not found positive to COVID-19 but still violates isolation rules
    3 年内不得进入以色列
    Entry to Israel is denied for a period of 3 years
For more related policies, you can also refer to:

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