阅读的力量让我们心怀畅想、思如泉涌,引导我们思考,激发我们去创作。在初高中阶段,养成良好的阅读习惯十分关键,阅读是培养语言能力和积累知识的最佳途径。常常有家长会问我们:暑期在家孩子应该读什么书?有没有适合孩子年龄段的阅读书目可以推荐?惠宜教育资深顾问、兰登书屋签约作家萨林格女士(Ms. Salinger)特意为5到7年级的孩子们甄选了下列英文书籍,选择了18本最适合孩子年龄阶段与心理成长的书目。书籍类型囊括了真实传记、科幻小说、历史传记、悬疑推理小说、现实主义小说等等,书籍内容涵盖了种族平等、战争反思、女性力量、科学幻想等丰富的主题,旨在以多题材、多主题、多艺术类型的书籍,提升孩子对阅读的兴趣,在阅读过程中加深对世界的思考,同时学习、积累英语语言的运用技巧。
我们随后也将推出由St. Mark's School波士顿顶级私立寄宿圣马可学校现任英语老师Dr. Barnes推荐的8-11年级英文阅读推荐书单。这个暑假,让精彩的故事和无限的想象伴孩子度过吧......
A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeleine L’Engle
这是一部经典科幻小说,讲述了通过时间皱纹穿越太空的旅程,要寻找年轻的梅格·默里(Meg Murry),失踪的物理学家之父。 这是一个关于善与恶,年轻人追逐目标的故事。
A science fiction classic about a journey through space via wrinkles in time in search of young Meg Murry’s missing physicist father. This is a tale of good versus evil and a young person’s search for purpose.
Brown Girl Dreaming
by Jacqueline Woodson
这本回忆录用诗歌的形式完整地讲述了自己在1960年代和70年代,黑人平权运动(Jim Crow,Civil Rights)时代的经历。作者曾获得美国国家图书奖。本书通过一个一直致力于自己独特才华女孩的眼光讲述了那段动荡的美国历史。
A memoir told entirely in verse about living through Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and 70s. This winner of the National Book Award tells troubling U.S. history through the eyes of a girl who remained dedicated to her unique talents.
Murder is Bad Manners
by Robin Stevens
在1930年代,Hazel Wong从香港前往一所英语寄宿学校。在那里,她和她的新朋友Daisy Wells组成了一个秘密侦探社。她们的第一个案例从发现科学老师的尸体开始。这是一个关于谋杀之谜和青少年友谊的故事。
In the 1930s, Hazel Wong travels from Hong Kong to an English boarding school. There, she and her new friend Daisy Wells form a secret detective agency. They have their first case when they discover the body of their science teacher. A murder mystery and a tale of adolescent friendship.
Dust of Eden
by Mariko Nagai
这本小说讲述了十三岁的田川美奈子(Mina Masako Tagawa)和她的日裔美国家庭,他们在珍珠港事件后被送往了一个日本俘虏集中营。这个故事是要问一个女孩:当她自己的国家把她当作敌人对待时,她会怎么做?
A novel in verse about thirteen-year-old Mina Masako Tagawa and her Japanese-American family, who are sent to a Japanese internment camp following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This story asks what does a girl do when her own country treats her like an enemy?
The Wild Robot
by Peter Brown
New York Times bestseller about a robot who finds herself alone on a wild island. First she must learn to survive, then she must uncover her mysterious past.
I am Malala
by Malala Yousafzai
The inspiring autobiography of the world’s youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner. Dedicated to girls’ learning in Pakistan’s Swat Valley, Malala was targeted by the Taliban in 2012. She survived the attack and went on to become a global advocate for girls’ education. Malala shows us the importance of girls’ education and the powerful impact even the youngest advocate can have.
Shakespeare’s Secret
by Elise Broach
When Hero starts sixth grade in a new school, she is ridiculed for being named after a character in a Shakespeare play. However, when her neighbor tells her there may be a diamond hidden in her new home that would reveal something about Shakespeare’s true identity, she starts a thrilling quest to solve this mystery.
New Kid
by Jerry Craft
When Jordan Banks is one of the only Black students entering an elite American private school, he must cope not only with the regular challenges of middle school but also with the microaggressions of his classmates.
Infinite Hope: A Black Artist’s Journey from World War II to Peace
by Ashley Bryan
Ashley Bryan tells his own true story of being a Black soldier fighting during World War II through his artwork from then and now, his letters home and his current thoughts. He reflects on the racial inequality he experienced and calls for action toward a more just future.
I Can Make this Promise
by Christine Day
Edie thinks she will never know about her own Native American heritage because her mother was adopted by a white couple. Then she finds a box hidden in the attic and begins to uncover the secrets she wanted answered.
The Key to Extraordinary
by Natalie Lloyd
Emma’s family is filled with extraordinary people who learned about their destinies though dreams. Finally, Emma’s dream arrives, but her job sounds impossible: finding a famous treasure hidden guarded by a singing ghost in her town’s cemetery. How will she honor her promise to her mother to fulfill her destiny?
Lalani of the Distant Sea
by Erin Entrada Kelly
纽伯瑞奖(Newbery Award)获奖作家借鉴了她童年时期在菲律宾的故事,描述了如何在鬼魅的威胁下建造了一个海滨村庄。一位勇敢的年轻女英雄开始营救起了村庄里的人。
Newbery award-winning author draws on stories from her childhood in the Philippines to create a seaside village under the threat of haunting spirits. A brave young heroine sets out to rescue the people of her village.
Prairie Lotus
by Linda Sue Park
Multi-heritaged 14-year-old Hanna lost her Chinese mother in the 1877 San Francisco race riot. When she settles with her white father in the American heartland, she is determined to get an education, become a dressmaker and make a true friend. This is a story about a delightful heroine determined to overcome spanjudices, take control of her future and realize her dreams. 
The Giver
by Lois Lowry
本书曾获纽伯瑞(Newbery Award)奖,是关于一个生活在乌托邦式未来主义社会中十一岁男孩的故事。当他被选为记忆接收者时,他发现了自己的社会所缺失的东西。故事描述了记忆对人类生活是如此之重要。
Newbery award-winning novel about Jonas, an eleven-year-old boy living in a seemingly utopian futuristic society. When he is selected as the Receiver of Memory, he discovers what his society is missing. A tribute to the importance of memory in human life.
Lifting as we Climb: Black Women’s Battle for the Ballot Box
by Evette Dionne
Narratives about the suffrage movement in the U.S. have often overlooked the contributions of Black women. This book relates their important roles in securing voting rights for women. 
The Boys Who Challenged Hitler
by Phillip M. Hoose
令人羞耻的是,丹麦并没有抵抗纳粹的占领,现年15岁的Knud Pedersen和他的兄弟、同学一起创立了秘密的丘吉尔俱乐部(Churchill Club),企图破坏纳粹政权。这是一个青少年组织起来抵抗政治制度的真实故事。
Ashamed that Denmark didn’t resist Nazi occupation, 15-year-old Knud Pedersen, with his brother and some classmates, started the secret Churchill Club to commit sabotage against the Nazi regime. This is the true story of teenagers who organized to resist a a political regime. 
The Family Romanov
by Candace Fleming
The story of the final years of the Romanov dynasty in Russia by an award-winning author. Great for history buffs, especially those interested in the Russian Revolution, World War I and the Russian Imperial family.
The Book Thief
by Markus Zusak
这是关于女孩Liesel Meminger的故事,她在第二次世界大战中生活在德国的一个寄养家庭中直到成年。Liesel会把书偷来并与藏在地下室的犹太人分享。这是在篇幅和主题上都是很具有挑战性的一本书,它讲述了阅读的力量,传递希望给即使在最坏的情况下也能适应现状的人。
This is the story of Liesel Meminger, who comes of age living with a foster family in World War II Germany. Liesel steals books and shares them with the Jewish man they are hiding in their basement. This is a challenging book in length and subject matter, but ultimately is about the power of reading and hope for human resilience even in the worst circumstances.
萨林格女士(Ms. Salinger),企鹅兰登书屋签约作家,以最优异成绩(Magna Cum Laude)毕业于哈佛大学英语文学专业,并获得优等毕业生霍普斯奖(Hoopes Prize)和莱维尔特(Leverett Prize)小说创作奖。此外,她还从约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)获得了散文文学硕士学位及加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkley)英语文学博士学位,并获得了惠普大学(Hewlett University)奖学金和美国教育部Jacob Javitz奖学金。她在教授各个年龄段的学生小说与散文写作上非常有经验。曾作为研究散文文学的科尔曼研究员在约翰·霍普金斯大学教授本科与艺术硕士专业学生的写作课程。作为乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)的写作教授,她获得了本德尔教学奖(Bender Teaching Award)。萨林格老师还获得了福特计划、Phi Beta Kappa学会、Dorot基金会、Newhouse基金会、以及外语研究项目的研究与创作资助金。她还作为布里格斯文学(Briggs Literary)研究学者到爱尔兰学习,并获得了夏季文学研讨会奖(Summer literary Seminars Award),并在立陶宛进行写作。她最新的一本非小说写实类创作作品即将由企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)出版。

惠宜教育 (PrepEdu Consulting LLC)2015年成立于美国教育之都波士顿,是美国本土高端专业教育咨询机构。惠宜教育是美国独立教育顾问协会(IECA)高级资深会员,美国大学招生咨询委员会(NACAC)会员,美国招生管理协会(EMA)会员及EMA 2019年度华盛顿年会铂金赞助机构。创立至今,惠宜教育帮助三百多名来自中国内地许多城市、美国、加拿大、新加坡、香港、澳洲、西班牙等地的学生们成功申请到优质的美国初中、高中及大学,其中绝大多数是美国最顶尖热门的私立寄宿学校和非常著名的大学,比如菲利普斯埃克塞特,菲利普斯安多福,哈佛大学,麻省理工大学,达特茅斯等。惠宜教育始终把学生和家长的利益放在首位,秉承“高端、专业、诚信、尽责”的服务理念,从真正提高孩子的全面素质入手,为其提供专业的学术背景提升和课外活动规划, 其认真、细致、人性化留学咨询服务获得了家长们极高的口碑。
惠宜教育由留美化学博士波士顿Jing博士创办。Jing博士在美国工作、生活 15 年,从事全职教育顾问多年。身为顶级私立精英寄宿学校学生的妈妈,Jing博士是美国私立精英教育的受惠者、实践者与传播者,亲自实地、多次走访了美国 300 多所初中、高中和大学,与许多私立初中、高中都建立起了密切的信任关系。
团队顾问老师均毕业于哈佛大学、达特茅斯学院、埃姆赫斯特学院、纽约大学等名校,汇集了顶级美高迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy )和西城中学 (Westtown School) 的前招生官,顶级美高圣保罗中学 (St. Paul’s School) 的人文学科老师,在加拿大、美国出生长大同时精通中英文的华裔文书老师等教育界精英,为学生提供高端到位的留学咨询和规划服务。
我们的学生也都纷纷被顶级美初、顶级美高学校录取, 例如:菲尔中学(Fay School)、鹰溪中学(Eaglebrook School)、菲斯登中学(The Fessenden School)等和菲利普斯埃克塞特中学(Phillips Exeter Academy)、菲利普斯学校安多佛(Phillips Academy Andover)、劳伦斯威尔高中(The Lawrenceville School)、米尔顿高中(Milton Academy)、迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy)等。每年惠宜学子很多获得梦想学校第一志愿的录取,极大部分学生都获得自己最心仪的前三志愿学校的录取! 
美本申请团队顾问老师均有着丰富的美本申请经验,汇集了普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)前招生官、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)前招生官,哈佛大学(Harvard University)前面试官等名校申请顾问。同时,惠宜教育聘请了哈佛大学(Harvard University)、麻省理工大学(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)等常春藤名校的教授团队,指导美本申请学生进行暑假科研项目、积极参加各科竞赛,以帮助学生们提升背景、获取科研经验, 充实学生履历。惠宜学子纷纷被麻省理工大学(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)、芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)、范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)、康奈尔大学( Cornell University) 等包括常春藤名校在内的顶级美本录取。
单项服务:面试辅导、文书写作、面试陪同 、美国精品文学课程、创意写作课程
PrepEdu Consulting LLC
395 Totten Pond Road Suite 404

Waltham,MA 02451, USA

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