波士顿著名私立寄宿高中圣马可学校St Mark's School现任英语老师,哥伦比亚大学西方文学与历史系博士Dr. Barnes,受惠宜教育委托,特意为8到11年级的孩子们甄选了下列英文书籍,选择了16本最适合该年龄阶段与心理成长的书目。书籍类型囊括了真实传记、科幻小说、历史传记、悬疑推理小说、现实主义小说等等,内容涵盖了种族平等、战争反思、科学幻想等丰富的主题,旨在以多题材、多主题、多艺术类型的书籍,提升孩子对阅读的兴趣,在阅读过程中加深对世界的思考,对自我的认知,同时学习、积累英语语言的运用技巧。这个暑假,让精彩的故事和无限的想象伴孩子度过吧......
八年级8th GRADE
Animal Farm
by George Orwell
This novel presents a classic allegory wherein animals take over and govern their own farm, attempting to create and sustain a perfect society, a utopia. The animals inevitably fail, but the story is at once entertaining and educational for its imaginative description of the dangers residing in totalitarianism.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 
by Sherman Alexie
这部小说带有一定自传意味,是一则既有启发性又具娱乐性的故事。该故事围绕名叫Junior 的少年展开。当时,他是高中校园里唯一的美洲原住民。故事记录了Junior 作为一名少数族裔的学生在高中生活中经历的种种挣扎。
A provocative and entertaining story that is somewhat autobiographical, this novel follows a character named Junior who is the sole Native American on a high school campus. The story chronicles the struggles of life at high school and how these are exacerbated when you are a minority student.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
by Mark Twain
In this exciting story about the travels of a young Huckleberry Finn and his friend Tom Sawyer, readers experience several trials and tribulations along the Mississippi River. An extremely famous work of literature, Huckleberry Finn dives into controversial themes of domestic abuse, slavery, and others.
Diary of a Young Girl 
by Anne Frank
这本书是安妮·弗兰克 (Anne Frank) 在 13 至 16 岁时写作的关于二战恐怖的日记。该日记由安妮的父亲编辑成册,讲述了安妮如何在阿姆斯特丹躲避纳粹分子的动人故事。这本书是二十世纪最重要的文学作品之一。
Collected by her father Otto, this is the diary of a young girl who endured the horrors of World War II. Aged between 13 and 16, Anne Frank relates how she hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam. A moving tale, this is one of the most important pieces of literature from the twentieth century.
九年级 9ThGRADE
The Hate You Give 
by Angie Thomas
这部小说围绕着主人公 Starr Carter展开,讲述了9年级的Carter被推入一个和她格格不入的世界的故事。Carter最好的朋友是警察暴力的受害者,而Carter则知晓其中的来龙去脉。该小说文笔有力,对年轻人更是有很大的影响,在文学界荣获盛名与嘉奖。联系当今美国的警察暴力与市民社会的抗议活动,这本书的重要性不言而喻。
An award-winning novel about the character Starr Carter, 9th grade students are thrust into an exclusive preppy world of high school that is at odds with Carter’s neighborhood home. Ultimately, her best friend is the victim of police brutality, and Carter knows how it happened. This novel is powerful and empowering for young adults; it has never been more relevant given the protests and riots in the U.S. currently.
2001: A Space Odyssey 
by Arthur C. Clarke
When a scientist uncovers a bizarre object on the moon, humanity undertakes a sojourn into the farthest reaches of space while look for alien life. The trip turns into an unexpected battle between humankind and a computer, which leads ultimately to catastrophe. This novel is seminal for its precocious vision of technology and its keen humor.
The Serpent King 
by Jeff Zentner
The novel tells a gripping story about a graceless teen, Dill, whose family lives in a small Tennessee town along the bible belt. Once Dill’s father becomes a focus of hatred in the town, he turns to his two closest friends for support. This is a classic tale of both forgiveness and redemption in America.
My Family and Other Animals 
by Gerald Durrell
是“科孚岛三部曲”的第一本书,讲述了杰拉尔德·杜瑞尔 (Gerald Durrell) 童年在科孚岛生活了五年的故事。通过描写杰拉尔德如何在岛上饲养不同的野生动物并与家人尴尬地相处,这部小说引入了丰富多彩的人物,让读者发笑并以非常规的方式与自然产生联系。
This is the first book of the “Corfu Trilogy,” which tells the story of Gerald Durrell’s childhood where he lived on the island of Corfu for five years. Keeping different wildlife on the island and relating awkwardly with his family, the novel introduces colorful characters that make readers laugh and relate to nature in unconventional ways.
十年级10th GRADE
Go Tell It on the Mountain 
by James Baldwin
鲍德温是撰写关于非裔美国人经历的最著名的美国作家之一。在这本书中,他以纽约哈莱姆区为背景,讲述了一个 14 岁的男孩反抗父亲和一个看似完美的家庭的故事。该作品是对在家中受虐的儿童的成长经历的有力研究。
One of the most famous American writers about the African American experience, this is a powerful study of growing up in an abusive home. Set in Harlem, the story follows a fourteen-year-old boy who rebels against his father and the superficiality of a seemingly perfect family.
Life of Pi 
by Yann Martel
在这个文笔优美、令人难忘的故事中,Pi 是海难的唯一幸存者。在救生艇上陪伴着他的是一只鬣狗、一只猩猩和一只巨大的老虎。对于喜欢使用象征手法的文学作品,或者希望提升自己的阅读理解能力的同学们来说,这是一本必读的书。
In this beautifully written and memorable story, Pi is the sole survivor of a shipwreck. His only consorts on the lifeboat are a hyena, an orangutan, and an enormous tiger. This is a must-read for students that enjoy novels about literal and figurative journeys or quests for understanding and improvement.
American Born Chinese
by Gene Luen Yang
本书将三个故事串联在一起:亚裔美国学术Jin Wang努力融入新社群的故事;美猴王不甘成为猴子身而觊觎神坛的故事;美国男孩丹尼(Danny)和中国表哥Chin-Kee的故事... "华裔美国人"这本书是一部令人惊艳的作品,内容逐步上升、升华、高潮——它使人们相信作者Gene Yang是一个天才。
Three apparently unrelated tales come together with an unexpected twist, in a modern fable that is hilarious, poignant, and action-packed. American Born Chinese is an amazing rise, all the way up to the astonishing climax--and confirms what a growing number of readers already know: Gene Yang is a major talent.
by Mary Shelley
An epistolary horror novel, Frankenstein recounts how the alchemist and scientist Victor Frankenstein attempts to reanimate fallen corpses. The brilliance of the story resides in the play on monstrosity, begging the question of whether the creature is a “monster” or the science behind creation itself—a question that haunts modern society to this day.
十一年级11th GRADE
The Once and Future King 
by T.H. White
This story will be enticing for students interested in history, myth, and epic poetry more generally. Told in five parts, T.H. White famously regales the reader with spellbinding legends of King Arthur, the knights of Camelot, Merlin, and others that inhabit a magical world of wizardry and warfare.
by Weike Wang
In Wang’s debut novel about a Chinese-American graduate student, the main character finds the scientific method inadequate for understanding her parents, her boyfriend, or herself. The optimist sees the glass as half-full, the pessimist half-empty, explains the narrator, while a chemist sees it as half-liquid, half-gaseous, probably poisonous. Wang offers a unique blend of scientific observations, Chinese proverbs, and American movie references.
The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas
在这部关于背叛、监禁和复仇的经典故事中,读者们跟随书本一起进入 19 世纪的法国和意大利,享受看到恶棍们“罪有应得”而大快人心的乐趣。尽管这本书并非真正让人感到愉悦,但确实是一本令人无比满足的书。
In this classic tale of betrayal, imprisonment, and revenge, students can lose themselves in a long book that invites the reader into 19th century France and Italy to enjoy the pleasure of seeing villains get what they deserve. It is not really a happy book but one that is deeply satisfying.
The Other Side of Truth 
by Beverley Naidoo
When Sadie and Femi’s journalist father will not remain silent about corruption in the Nigerian military, their mother is killed as they flee to England. This novel delves into mature themes of displacement and what it means to be a refugee—a great work to read with friends and discuss privilege and suffering.
Dr. Barnes老师简介

Dr. Barnes 是波士顿著名私立寄宿高中圣马克中学(St.Mark's School)的现任英文老师,主要教授高年级学生的英语课程在加入圣马克中学之前,Dr. Barnes于哥伦比亚大学获得西方文学及历史学博士学位,并在哥伦比亚大学教授本科新生核心课程:Literature Humanities
自从2020年春季与惠宜教育合作推出美高衔接课《美国文学》以来,一年多的时间里,Dr. Barnes带领孩子们阅读了超过15本西方经典人文著作,包括了不起的盖茨比、堂吉柯德、罪与罚、红字、但丁神曲之地狱、失乐园、女仆的故事、科学怪人、过客、路、士兵的重负等西方脍炙人口的经典作品。Dr. Barnes 知识渊博,授课风趣,课堂互动积极,讨论深入,受到学生和家长们一致好评。很多同学在他的带领下,逐渐喜欢阅读英文原版书籍,对英语文学和创作有了更深的理解,校内的英语成绩也有了实质的提高。

惠宜教育 (PrepEdu Consulting LLC)2015年成立于美国教育之都波士顿,是美国本土高端专业教育咨询机构。惠宜教育是美国独立教育顾问协会(IECA)高级资深会员,美国大学招生咨询委员会(NACAC)会员,美国招生管理协会(EMA)会员及EMA 2019年度华盛顿年会铂金赞助机构。创立至今,惠宜教育帮助三百多名来自中国内地许多城市、美国、加拿大、新加坡、香港、澳洲、西班牙等地的学生们成功申请到优质的美国初中、高中及大学,其中绝大多数是美国最顶尖热门的私立寄宿学校和非常著名的大学,比如菲利普斯埃克塞特,菲利普斯安多福,哈佛大学,麻省理工大学,达特茅斯等。惠宜教育始终把学生和家长的利益放在首位,秉承“高端、专业、诚信、尽责”的服务理念,从真正提高孩子的全面素质入手,为其提供专业的学术背景提升和课外活动规划, 其认真、细致、人性化留学咨询服务获得了家长们极高的口碑。
惠宜教育由留美化学博士波士顿Jing博士创办。波士顿Jing博士从事全职留学顾问多年,身为顶级私立寄宿美高学生的妈妈,Jing博士是美国私立精英教育的受惠者、实践者与传播者,亲自实地、多次走访了美国东西部150多所学校,与许多私立初中、高中都建立起了密切的信任关系。团队成员均毕业于哈佛大学、达特茅斯学院、埃姆赫斯特学院、纽约大学等名校,汇集了顶级美高迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy )和西城中学 (Westtown School) 的前招生官,圣保罗中学 (St. Paul’s School) 的人文学科老师,在加拿大、美国出生长大同时精通中英文的华裔文书老师等教育界精英,为学生提供高端到位的留学咨询和规划服务。团队负责大学申请的美国顾问老师曾在哈佛大学招生办协助工作,并曾长期担任哈佛校友面试官,对美国藤校的招生喜好及录取标准十分熟悉。
单项服务:面试辅导、文书写作、面试陪同 、美国精品文学课程、创意写作课程
PrepEdu Consulting LLC
395 Totten Pond Road Suite 404

Waltham,MA 02451, USA
