
该研究提出了一种高效且统一的方法,用于生成适合机器学习(ML)原子间势的参考数据库,通过ML驱动的搜索和相似性度量来探索构型空间,所有这些都不需事先知道哪些结构是相关或不相关的。由英国剑桥大学工程系和牛津大学化学系的Volker L. Deringer教授领导的研究小组揭示,ML原子间势可以以一种高度自动化的方式构建,并从一开始(从头开始)在同一协议中探索和拟合不同的势能面。与连续的主动学习相反,它们的目标是收敛并形成一个合理的势函数,即在无需额外拟合的情况下,这些势函数可以描述好各种构型。作者证明了该方法可以描述好从石墨片到密排过渡金属等多种结构和化合物。这项研究工作为计算机如何仅基于数据和相似性测量来获得结构化学提供了概念性的认知,并为在材料发现中更常规地应用ML势函数铺平了道路。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 5: 99 (2019),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
De novo exploration and self-guided learning of potential-energy surfaces
Noam Bernstein, Gábor Csányi & Volker L. Deringer 
Interatomic potential models based on machine learning (ML) are rapidly developing as tools for material simulations. However, because of their flexibility, they require large fitting databases that are normally created with substantial manual selection and tuning of reference configurations. Here, we show that ML potentials can be built in a largely automated fashion, exploring and fitting potential-energy surfaces from the beginning (de novo) within one and the same protocol.The key enabling step is the use of a configuration-averaged kernel metric that allows one to select the few most relevant and diverse structures at each step.The resulting potentials are accurate and robust for the wide range of configurations that occur during structure searching, despite only requiring a relatively small number of single-point DFT calculations on small unit cells.We apply the method to materials with diverse chemical nature and coordination environments, marking an important step toward the more routine application of ML potentials in physics, chemistry, and materials science.