编辑:美国完美之旅国际旅行社 小编 Jane
10/11 波士顿马拉松赛攻略!现场最佳观看点!如何在电视或互联网上观看直播 125th Boston Marathon
10 月 11 日,从霍普金顿 (Hopkinton) 到后湾 (Back Bay) 的波士顿马拉松路线将有数十万观众,观看数万名跑者全力以赴。
第125届波士顿马拉松赛 125th Boston Marathon 
时间:10/11 早上8点50分到下午4点
When: Monday, Oct 11, 2021 8:50a - 4:00p
地点 Where: 
Hopkington to Boston
Boylston St
Boston, MA
入场 Admission: 免费 FREE
网址:Event website: https://www.baa.org/
1) 比赛从马萨诸塞州霍普金顿的大街开始,在波士顿公共图书馆前的比肯街结束。
2) 行动不便者将在上午8:50第一个离开起跑线。精英女性将于上午9:32起跑,精英男性将于上午10:00起跑。
3) 第一个冲过终点线的是优秀的男女运动员,通常在上午11:30之后。第一波、第二波和第三波选手将持续到下午晚些时候。
4) 星期一马拉松比赛不要开车进入波士顿。届时会有停车限制和街道封闭。
5) 公众饮酒是不允许的。不要带背包。
6) 如果你在主场观看比赛,可以在沿途众多酒吧和餐馆中的一家喝一杯。克利夫兰圆环是一个值得观看的好地方。在布鲁克林,有Hopster和Publick House,在芬威,推荐东方标准,在终点线附近,你可以去Forum、Solas、Pour House或许多其他酒吧。
7) 在线观看:http://watchlive.baa.org

11 great places to watch the Boston Marathon

T.J. Spirits, 355 Union St. (Route 135), Ashland, 508-881-1565. A mile and a half into the race, this restaurant and bar has been described as like running through South Carolina (there’s no shortage of beer, barbecue, and bikers). An outdoor deck offers great views of the race, but plan to get there at 7 a.m. before police close the street.
Natick Center. The Marathon route flattens out around the town green — about 10 miles in — and families cheer from every spot of sidewalk in this quaint New England downtown. The steps at St. Patrick’s church offer a good view, but don’t be surprised if a runner yells “Pray for me!”
Natick Center 纳蒂克中心。马拉松的路线在10英里长的城市绿地周围平坦,在这个古雅的新英格兰市中心,人们从人行道上的每一个地方欢呼。圣帕特里克教堂的台阶视野很好,如果遇到一个跑步者喊着“为我祈祷”,不要感到惊讶哦。
Cityside restaurant and bar, 1960 Beacon St., Cleveland Circle. 617-566-1002, www.citysidebar.com. There are few rooftop views open to the public, and Cityside is one of the best. The restaurant opens at 10 a.m. on race day, and there’s usually a line of people, mostly college students from the neighborhood, waiting for a seat on the second floor where wait staff serve a limited menu.
Golden Temple, 1651 Beacon St., Brookline. 617-277-9722, www.goldentemplebrookline.com. You can carbo-load in solidarity with the runners at this Chinese restaurant. Golden Temple has tables outside, but get there early if you hope to snag one. Then, immediately order a Mai Tai.
Audubon Boston, 838 Beacon St., 617-421-1910, www.audubonboston.com. The door opens at 9 a.m. Should you desire one of the window seats, which directly face the 25-mile marker, plan to get there at 11 a.m. or earlier.
Kenmore Square.Depending on how much you like pandemonium, Kenmore may or may not be for you. The sidewalks are staked out by midmorning by enthusiastic BU students. Add to that crowd all the Red Sox fans awaiting the 11:05 a.m. game. Once the game lets out from Fenway Park around 2 p.m., it’s elbow-to-elbow for a while.
Eastern Standard Kitchen & Drinks, 528 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, 617-532-9100,  www.easternstandardboston.com. Here the spectating is civilized on a patio space that unofficially marks the beginning of the last mile of the Marathon. Expect a line out the door at 8 a.m.
奥运会马拉松奖牌获得者和沃尔瑟姆本地人 Deena Kastor 将与 WBZ-TV 团队一起报道比赛。
如果您想避开人群了解比赛的最新情况,那么请看以下为您提供的方式,可以让您在家中舒适地关注 2021 年波士顿马拉松赛。
首次开始时间为上午 8 点 02 分,适用于行动不便的跑步者。以下是开始时间的完整列表。
— 8:02 a.m., Men’s Wheelchair
— 8:05 a.m., Women’s Wheelchair
— 8:30 a.m., Handcycles & Duos
— 8:37 a.m., Professional Men
— 8:45 a.m., Professional Women
— 8:50 a.m., Para Athletics Division
— 9 a.m., Rolling start begins
Bib numbers 251-3,749:
Bus loading: 7:15 a.m.

Bus arrival: 8:20-8:50 a.m.

Expected start time: 9-9:24 a.m.
Bib numbers 3,750-7,249:
Bus loading: 7:45 a.m.

Bus arrival: 8:50-9:20 a.m.

Expected start time: 9:24-9:48 a.m.
Bib numbers 7,250-10,749:
Bus loading: 8:15 a.m.

Bus arrival: 9:20-9:50 a.m.

Expected start time: 9:48-10:12 a.m.
Bib numbers 10,750-14,249:
Bus loading: 8:45 a.m.

Bus arrival: 9:50-10:20 a.m.

Expected start time: 10:12-10:36 a.m.
Bib numbers 14,250-17,749:
Bus loading: 9:15 a.m.

Bus arrival: 10:20-10:50 a.m.

Expected start time: 10:36-11 a.m.
Bib numbers: 17,750+
Bus loading: 9:45 a.m.

Bus arrival: 10:50-11:05 a.m.

Expected start time: 11-11:24 a.m.
WBZ-TV (CBS) 将提供本地报道。赛前报道将于凌晨 4:30 从 WBZ 开始,比赛报道将于早上 8 点开始,奥运会马拉松奖牌获得者和沃尔瑟姆本地人 Deena Kastor 将与 Lisa Hughes 和 Toni Reavis 一起报道比赛。CBS 将在晚上 8 点重播比赛。在 myTV38 上。
全国直播报道将于上午 7:30 至中午在 NBC 体育网络和 NBC 体育应用程序上播出。黄金时段的比赛重播将于晚上 8 点在奥林匹克频道播出。
WBZ NewsRadio 1030 将于上午 8:30 开始报道,Jeff Brown 和 Sharon Barbano 将主持报道。
您还可以在 iHeartRadio 应用程序上收听报道。
CBSBoston.com 将从上午 8 点开始直播报道。他们的团队还将在上午 11:15 左右开始在终点线上安装一个摄像头。
如果您在新英格兰以外(或您公司的计算机服务器在新英格兰以外),您将无法观看比赛的精英部分,从大约上午 8 点到上午 11:30 CBSBoston.com 的在线流媒体比赛的那部分权利在新英格兰边界结束。
The Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the world's most prestigious road racing events. The Boston Athletic Association manages this American classic, which is sponsored by John Hancock Financial Services. The Boston Marathon has distinguished itself as the pinnacle event within the sport of road racing by virtue of its traditions, longevity and method of gaining entry into the race (via qualification).
Here's some general information if you're planning to watch the race:
1) The race starts on Main Street in Hopkinton, MA and finishes on Beacon Street in front of the Boston Public Library. 
2) The mobility impaired will be the first to leave the starting line at 8:50AM. Elite woman will leave at 9:32AM, elite men at 10:00AM.
3) The first to cross the finish line are elite woman and men runners, usually after 11:30AM. First, second, and third wave runners will continue to finish well into the late afternoon.
4) Don't drive into Boston on Marathon Monday. You will hate your life. Parking restrictions and street closures..
5) Public drinking is a no-no. You need to have a disguised container; DO NOT carry a backpack.
6) Day drinking is encouraged. If you're watching the race in the homestretch, grab a drink at one of the many bars and restaurants along the route. Cleveland Circle is always a great place to watch. In Brookline you've got Hopsters and Publick House, in in Fenway we highly recommend Eastern Standard, and near the finish line you can go to Forum, Solas, the Pour House, or many other bars.
7) Watch online: http://watchlive.baa.org
8) Cheer, cheer, cheer on the runners.
DISTANCE: 26 miles, 385 yards (42.195 Kilometers)
摄影:美国完美之旅国际旅行社 小编 Jane
第121届马拉松赛(Boston Marathon) 于2017年4月17日拉开赛事,有来自95个国家的3万多名健将参加了比赛。

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