主讲老师:Ms. Georgenes
  • 普林斯顿大学前招生官
  • 普林斯顿大学文学学士
  • 哈佛大学教育学专业硕士
  • Ms. Georgenes拥有超过15年从事大学招生及申请辅导的经历,名校申请经验极其丰富。Ms. Georgenes曾成功辅导学生进入了包括常青藤盟校在内的多所顶尖美国大学,包括普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、杜克大学、哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、布朗大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、西北大学、康奈尔大学、布朗大学、达特茅斯学院、范德堡大学等。
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  • Common Application申请系统:如何充分利用每个问题进行个人展示?
  • 顶尖大学最喜欢什么样的文书?
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Each University chooses how it will conduct its admission process. Some do it by committee. Some do it regionally. Some do it in a pyramid structure. Typically, it’s the Dean that determines how they organize their application process. In many cases, there is some sort of general screening of the students’ applications when they first arrived.  At Princeton, there was a small group of people who quickly assessed the students by giving them an academic and a non-academic rating. It was rare that a student was rated a 1-1. (That would mean they are nationally the best academically AND non-academically). Most students who were admitted were around the 2-2 or 2-3 rating. But in certain cases, students who were a 1-5 or a 5-1 could be admitted, depending on the goal of the University.
每所大学的录取过程不尽相同。有些是招生委员会共同完成,有些是招生官根据地区分别进行,也有有些以金字塔结构进行。通常情况下,学校招生部门负责人(Dean of Admission) 能够决定学校如何组织申请流程。在许多情况下,学生申请一开始提交之后,招生部门会先对这些申请进行一轮基础审查。在普林斯顿大学,招生官会通过学术和非学术两方面来快速评估学生。很少有学生被评为两个方面都是最高的1-1。(1为最高等级,这意味着他们在学术和非学术两方面都是最好的)。大部分被录取的学生的评分约为2-2或2-3。但是在某些情况下,根据大学的特殊需求,可以录取评分为1-5或5-1的部分学生。
The first things colleges look at (and the first thing we always looked at Princeton) is the rigor of a student’s academic program and how well the student does in that program. The most important thing is to find a balance when choosing courses. Colleges understand that sometimes students have to make choices and decisions based on either scheduling conflicts and what is available at your school; just be sure to pick the hardest courses you can take that you can still get good marks.
Students always ask: what classes do colleges want me to take? The answer is they want you to take classes that are important to you.
A good test for the students is this: Please explain why you _________________________ (doubled up on science, dropped a language, didn’t take history senior year, etc). Students can practice saying out loud what they have made certain academic decisions. 
Although the first and most important thing colleges look at might be your classes and grades, but colleges are also trying to learn about how students spend their time outside of the classroom. People always ask, what kind of activities do colleges want to see in students? There is no correct answer to that. Colleges want to see students doing what is really meaningful to them and is making an impact on the world, their community or even their family.  So my first advice for students is to spend your time wisely and dedicate to those activities that are important to you. 
The types of activities that students who get into highly selective schools often include research, competition, sports, clubs, internships, volunteering, jobs, music, arts and family responsibilities. 
Another thing is that universities want both the well-rounded students and those with specialties. Typically, as students grow older, they should find and focus more on what is really important to them. In freshman and sophomore year, students try a lot of different activities like sports, musical instruments, etc. In higher grades, they take more leadership roles. That does not mean you are quitting an activity; it simply shows that you have explored and is being a leader or an innovator. 
Take two of the Asian students I have worked with as an example. One girl told me that she did not have any activity, I don't have time. While her parents work, she is responsible for taking care of her autistic sister. That is more important than any model UN, or soccer team. I encouraged her to raise that up as a very important activity. Another girl, who is from China, told me that after school she helps taking care of the stray cats. She felt it was rather informal to write on her list, but I pushed her to think about how she can take an impactful move, such as asking friends to join, raising money or contacting an organization, to take her activity to the next level. 


When applying to college, the application should be looked at as a puzzle, made up of several different pieces that all fit together to provide a picture of you. These pieces include the transcript, letters of recommendation, the activities List, the essay, and supplemental essays and questions. Each of these components can be used to share something important about yourself that hopefully all fit together. 
Find connections between what you do in your activities, essays, what you do in the classroom, and what you say that you want to study in college.

The essay, often called the personal statement, is probably the best opportunity for you to share something personal and important about yourself. The topics that students choose rinse the spectrum. Before picking a topic, ask yourself: What do I want the reader to say about me after they finish reading my essay. This is the very first thing I did at Princeton: I would write up a couple of sentences about what the essay has taught me about this student, such as Billy is ______________.  And then think of what story that is interesting and compelling you can tell that helps convey that message.
Essay topic can be about an activity, but it does not have to be. It should not sound like a school essay or thesis. It is even ok to use incomplete sentences. For example, if a student uses a very short sentence like "But I didn't", this can actually be a very compelling sentence that can impress your readers. Also, there is actually people at the admission office, so your essay needs to be interesting to read. A good essay should wake a sleepy admission officer after lunch. It can be funny, personal, sad or brave, and make a reader want to continue reading it. 
It also should fit with the essay prompts. Take a look at the prompts given this year, they can help guide you in how to answer those questions. 
In terms of the supplements and the essays, it should be something only you can write. Don't tell the university that because you are in a big city with great museums and shows; they know that. Explain why the university is important and a good fit to you, and only you. 
Here are some of the interesting essay topics that students I have worked with chose. They were all admitted to very competitive universities. 
Yale: Reviving and expanding her school’s science magazine.
Harvard: Being told by her gymnastics coach that she was too fat.
Princeton: Heartfelt efforts to save the environment.
Princeton: Trying a Durian fruit for the first time.
Stanford: Discovering her love of language through visits to South Africa, Europe and South America.
Harvard: Helping a friend who was struggling with mental illness.
Emory: Convincing her mom to go to the dentist.
Amherst: Letting her fashion sense demonstrate her uniqueness.
Brown: Baking with an elderly neighbor – and discovering that her own secret ingredients were lemon and vanilla.
文书内容可以关于一段活动,但不一定要如此。大学申请文书千万不要写成学校的论文或报告的形式。有时候学生在申请文书里甚至可以使用不完整的句子;例如,如果你用一个短句,“但是我没有”,这可能反而非常引人注目的,可以打动招生官。另外,学生需要明白的是招生官也是人,他们也喜欢有意思的文章。一篇好的文书应该可以让一个午饭后昏昏欲睡的招生官瞬间清醒。你可以把文章写得有趣,真诚,悲伤或勇敢,这样读者才会想要继续读下去。另外,你的故事需要和Common App给出的文书题目相符合。学生应该先看一下今年给出的文书题目选项,它们会帮助指导你的写作方向。


体操教练告诉学生她太胖了。 (学生录取了哈佛大学)
帮助一个患有精神疾病的朋友。 (学生录取了哈佛大学)
说服妈妈去看牙医。 (学生录取了埃默里大学)
This is indeed a challenging and uncertain time, but colleges will continue. In some ways, the college search process this year can be easier for students who live far away and do not have the opportunity to visit a lot of college campuses. Because now colleges are doing everything they can to reach students. Typically this time of the year, admission officers are traveling to different high schools and even international traveling. When I was at Princeton, my region was New England so I would travel all over the east coast. Now the admission officers can't do that. So they are providing opportunities such as virtual tours, virtual info sessions, interviews with admission officers online, and even virtual connections with current students. If you are far away, you should take advantage of all the above. One advice I can give for taking virtual info sessions is to take a screenshot, since after you take a few, they get similar and it can be harder to remember the difference between universities. 

Having virtual contact with the colleges allows them to have your contact information, and we have to assume that colleges are tracking your interaction with them. If you are having virtual interview or even email contact, it is another way to let the colleges access your personality. So I would recommend students to practice with someone in advance; it is important to engage and have real questions for schools. 
In addition, a lot of students got their SAT, activities, or plans canceled. Colleges understand that. The important thing is to show how you have pivoted: what did you do instead? I encourage students to assess what they have done creatively. The other day I talked to a student who got in great shape and lost 60 pounds during the quarantine. It is a great thing to write his essay about. Think about how you can pivot and recover if you have big plans that got canceled. 

Q&A 环节回顾
答:Of course Princeton is a very competitive university, so taking really hard classes and being smart is the first thing. But essays play a very big part too. A good essay will make me feel a great deal for the student who is willing to share personal and authentic about themselves. This would be the thing that often makes me check admit. 
答:You can totally spend some quality time with your family and friends. Other than that, students often spend time doing researches with college professors, joining some competitions, doing community service. And when allowed to travel, students can come to the United States to do projects or programs. Please find a way to enhance your portfolio. Other students might take a class that they can't take during high school. Especially when you are already taking hard classes and getting great grades in school, you can take some risk during summer. Finally, one of the things colleges are looking for in international students is whether they can fit into an American environment. Spend your time in a way that can demonstrate you would succeed in an American college, such as attending a summer program when you can. 
答:GPA in classes is the most important. Standardized testing is important but becoming less important during this time due to the limited opportunity. And then I would say personal character. Students can show it through essay, activities, all different ways. Then, do the application components all make sense, does it all fit together? Lastly, is this student authentic? Does the student have fun doing what he's doing? This is something that would help a student stand out for a highly selective university. 

答:Princeton has the strongest school spirit. The love, the pride and the ownership of the school are really unique. In terms of comparing Princeton to other Ivy schools, being located in a city probably is more appealing to Chinese international students. Princeton is in a beautiful town where you have early access to all essential resources and airport. 
Princeton is really focused on undergraduate education. There is no law school, business school or medical school. When you apply to Princeton, you just get admitted to the college; there is no need to indicate which major you want to study.  But I definitely recommend students consider talking about the academic field that really interests him/her in his essay or activity list.
问:今年如果学生没有SAT/ACT, 会不会在申请中出于劣势?
答:No, it would not hurt your application this year. Even if a student is able to take the SAT one time, it would not be the same as those who could take it 3 or 4 times last year and had superscores. It is not fair to compare the scores for this year to what they would have been in the prior year. If you have test scores and they are great, do submit them; but if you don't, college won't blame you. Also this might be a good chance for those who might have low test scores but strong transcripts to stand out.
惠宜教育 (PrepEdu Consulting LLC)2015年成立于美国教育之都波士顿,是美国本土高端专业教育咨询机构。惠宜教育是美国独立教育顾问协会(IECA)高级资深会员,美国大学招生咨询委员会(NACAC)会员,美国招生管理协会(EMA)会员及EMA 2019年度华盛顿年会铂金赞助机构。创立至今,惠宜教育帮助四百多名来自中国内地许多城市、美国、加拿大、新加坡、香港、澳洲、西班牙等地的学生们成功申请到优质的美国初中、高中及大学。惠宜教育始终把学生和家长的利益放在首位,秉承“高端、专业、诚信、尽责”的服务理念,从真正提高孩子的全面素质入手,为其提供专业的学术背景提升和课外活动规划, 其认真、细致、人性化留学咨询服务获得了家长们极高的口碑。
惠宜教育由留美化学博士波士顿Jing博士创办。Jing博士在美国工作、生活 15 年,从事全职教育顾问多年。身为顶级私立精英寄宿学校学生的妈妈,Jing博士是美国私立精英教育的受惠者、实践者与传播者,亲自实地、多次走访了美国 300 多所初中、高中和大学,与许多私立初中、高中都建立起了密切的信任关系。
团队顾问老师均毕业于哈佛大学、达特茅斯学院、埃姆赫斯特学院、纽约大学等名校,汇集了顶级美高迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy )和西城中学 (Westtown School) 的前招生官,顶级美高圣保罗中学 (St. Paul’s School) 的人文学科老师,在加拿大、美国出生长大同时精通中英文的华裔文书老师等教育界精英,为学生提供高端到位的留学咨询和规划服务。
我们的学生也都纷纷被顶级美初、顶级美高学校录取, 例如:菲尔中学(Fay School)、鹰溪中学(Eaglebrook School)、菲斯登中学(The Fessenden School)等和菲利普斯埃克塞特中学(Phillips Exeter Academy)、菲利普斯学校安多佛(Phillips Academy Andover)、劳伦斯威尔高中(The Lawrenceville School)、米尔顿高中(Milton Academy)、迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy)等。每年惠宜学子很多获得梦想学校第一志愿的录取,极大部分学生都获得自己最心仪的前三志愿学校的录取! 
美本申请团队顾问老师均有着丰富的美本申请经验,汇集了普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)前招生官、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)前招生官,哈佛大学(Harvard University)前面试官等名校申请顾问。同时,惠宜教育聘请了哈佛大学(Harvard University)、麻省理工大学(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)等常春藤名校的教授团队,指导美本申请学生进行暑假科研项目、积极参加各科竞赛,以帮助学生们提升背景、获取科研经验, 充实学生履历。惠宜学子纷纷被麻省理工大学(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)、芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)、范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)、康奈尔大学( Cornell University) 等包括常春藤名校在内的顶级美本录取。
单项服务:面试辅导、文书写作、面试陪同 、美国精品文学课程、创意写作课程
PrepEdu Consulting LLC
395 Totten Pond Road Suite 404

Waltham,MA 02451, USA

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