周四(2021年9月9日),美国地区法官托马斯-瓦兰拒绝了美国司法部提出的重审要求,并宣布胡安明博士无罪释放,在此之前,联邦调查局特工在宣誓后承认故意在伪造的证据上建立一个案件。胡博士是一名加拿大研究员,自2013年起在田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校工作,他被指控为中国的间谍,作为有争议的 "中国倡议 "的一部分被审判,理由是文件存档错误和联邦调查局承认的谎言。7月1日,国会亚裔党团(CAPAC)主席赵美心议员与众议院公民权利和公民自由监督小组委员会主席杰米-拉斯金议员一起,就针对华裔美国科学家的种族定性和结束中国倡议的必要性举行了圆桌会议。CAPAC的成员发表了以下声明。
“对胡安明博士的审判 - 根据有缺陷的 "中国倡议 "提交的第一个案件 - 是一个完美的例子,说明为什么必须终止这一有问题的倡议。联邦调查局根据一个人的种族建立案件,寻找罪证,而不是从犯罪开始,寻找嫌疑人,助长了对美国华人的怀疑气氛。这导致许多年轻的华裔美国人决定避免从事科学领域的工作,因为他们也会被调查或更危险,在反亚裔仇恨犯罪上升的情况下,这尤其危险。更糟糕的是,联邦调查局已经表现出愿意捏造证据来支持他们的间谍指控,而不是承认这个案子从一开始就有缺陷。基于所有这些原因,我对司法部即使在审判无效的情况下选择继续审理此案感到失望。这也说明了为什么必须结束 "中国倡议"。我们的政府对反间谍工作有合法的需要,但这项工作必须基于证据而不是种族。我很高兴这个案子被撤销,胡博士被无罪释放。但对他的职业生涯和个人生活的损害已经完成。而且,在结束 "中国倡议 "之前,其他人将面临类似的骚扰和惩罚,原因不外乎他们的种族。”
For Immediate Release
September 10, 2021
Ben Suarato - 202.225.5464
[email protected]
CAPAC Member Statements on Acquittal of Dr. Anming Hu After Mistrial Based on False Evidence
Washington, D.C. — On Thursday, US District Judge Thomas Varlan rejected a US Department of Justice request for a retrial and acquitted Dr. Anming Hu following a mistrial in which FBI agents admitted under oath to knowingly building a case on falsified evidence. Tried as part of the problematic “China Initiative,” which presumes Chinese scientists and researchers to be possible spies based only on ethnicity, Dr. Hu, a Canadian researcher working at the University of Tennessee Knoxville since 2013, was accused of spying for China based on a paperwork filing error and the FBI’s admitted lies.  On July 1, CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu joined Rep. Jamie Raskin, Chair of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Civil Rights an Civil Liberties, for a roundtable on the use of ethnic profiling against Chinese American scientists and the need to end the China Initiative. Members of CAPAC issued the following statements:
CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu:
“The trial of Dr. Anming Hu – the first case brought to trial under the flawed China Initiative – is a perfect example of why this problematic initiative must be ended. By building cases based on a person’s ethnicity and looking for a crime instead of starting with a crime and looking for a suspect, the FBI has contributed to an atmosphere of suspicion towards Chinese Americans. This has led to many young Chinese Americans deciding to avoid careers in science out of fear they too will be investigated or worse, and it is particularly dangerous amid rising anti-Asian hate crimes. Worse, the FBI has demonstrated a willingness to fabricate evidence in support of their espionage claims rather than admit the case was flawed from the start. For all of these reasons, I am disappointed that the Department of Justice chose to pursue this case, even after the mistrial ruling. And it underscores why the China Initiative must be ended. There is a legitimate need for counterespionage work in our government, but that work must be based on evidence and not race. I am glad this case has been dropped and Dr. Hu acquitted. But the damage to his career and personal life have been done. And, until the China Initiative is ended, others will face similar harassment and punishment for no reason other than their ethnicity.”
CAPAC Whip Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-33):
“Professor Hu’s acquittal echoes similar cases of Wen Ho Lee, Sherry Chen, and Professor Xiaoxing Xi, all of whom were falsely accused of spying for China. The Department of Justice should (1) apologize, (2) commit to doing the implicit bias training that the Department previously committed to, and (3) investigate whether racial profiling is being used by Department personnel. These investigations and prosecutions are not inconsequential – they can destroy lives and contribute to the unfair and unjustified suspicion of those who are of Asian descent. The Department’s Inspector General must also investigate.”

Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-08):
“I am heartened by Judge Varlan’s decision to acquit Dr. Anming Hu of all charges. Though nothing can undo the damage that this unjust prosecution wreaked on Dr. Hu’s life, I am thankful that his case has now been put to rest. However, Dr. Hu is not the only ethnically Chinese scientist to have faced selective and outrageously unfair prosecution by our government. Along with many members of the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee, I have been concerned about the potential targeting of ethnically Chinese scientists by the federal government, and we will continue to work with CAPAC to uncover and prevent illegitimate profiling of our own people.”

赞助:Eyre Writing Center
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