Software Engineer
San Diego, CA
Job ID: FL18770221
  • Designing and developing web applications, backend services, build and test automation, prototyping, and data visualization
  • Tuning and testing and making things go faster
  • Owning the quality, reliability, and performance of our applications and services, including production on-call support shifts, construction of monitoring solutions, improving deployment automation,
  • Automating everything, then do whatever else it takes to make sure our systems are bulletproof and super-fast, such as upgrading existing services with Hystrix or building in canary release automation
  • Creating reusable libraries and patterns in an open-source contribution model
  • Supporting and coaching other engineers, pair programming or peer reviewing code, helping to ensure that all engineers are growing and part of a community
  • Helping us with our mission of getting a pull request to production within 45 minutes while maintaining the highest operational
  • BS/MS in Computer Science or equivalent
  • Experience coding in Java, Python, Go, Kotlin, or C++
  • Experience developing applications and services using Kubernetes, Docker, Spring, React, HTML/DOM, CSS, NoSQL Technologies like Cassandra, Dynamo, Redis
  • Experience or interest in learning how to make services more robust through usage of Hystrix and circuit breaker patterns
  • Experience creating applications that operate in AWS, utilizing native AWS services when appropriate, and building stacks using CloudFormation
  • Mastery of collaborative software development using GitHub
  • Knowledge of software development methodologies and practices such as Agile/Iterative development, test-driven development
Business Data Analyst
Mountain View, CA
Job ID: FL18770222
  • Plan and execute cutting-edge machine learning or deep learning research applied to marketing measurement, audience segmentation and targeting
  • Develop new algorithms and models that will be tested and should achieve state-of-the-art accuracy
  • Communicate the experimental results clearly, both within the group as well as to the broader team
  • Assist with the development and deployment of analytical tools and develop custom models, uncover insights in the data and automate analyses
  • Participate in code reviews and software development standard methodologies
  • Communicate analytical findings and recommendations in a clear and concise way to non-technical audiences, both in oral and written presentations

  • Advanced degree in Statistics, Economics, Business, or related quantitative field
  • 0-2 years of experience during coursework or as a data scientist in formal setting
  • Confident with machine learning techniques and sophisticated analytics (e.g. regression, classification, clustering, time series, econometrics, mathematical optimization)
  • Skilled in SQL and Python. Experience running complex analytics in a scripting language
  • Bonus: experience using R and other languages
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是一家来自硅谷的顶级在线教育科技公司,以帮助学员进入世界一流公司为使命。被业界称为 "在线教育界的Uber”,创始人兼CEO金一粟说,“我们就像Uber一样,将学员输送到他们想要去的目的地。”

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