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Business Analyst-Risk
麦肯锡公司是世界级领先的全球管理咨询公司,是由美国芝加哥大学商学院教授詹姆斯·麦肯锡(James O’McKinsey)于1926年在美国创建。在过去十年中,麦肯锡在大中华区完成了800多个项目,涉及公司整体与业务单元战略、企业金融、营销/销售与渠道、组织架构、制造/采购/供应链、技术、产品研发等领域。
► 岗位介绍
职位:Business Analyst-Risk
地点:New York
► 工作内容
You’ll work in teams of typically 3 – 5 consultants, playing an active role in all aspects of client engagement.
You will assist client teams in understanding and quantifying risk exposures, evaluating risk strategies, and building and maintaining risk models by being staffed full-time on one engagement or providing ad-hoc assistance to several engagements.
Over the course of each project, you will gather and analyze information, formulate,and test hypotheses, and develop and communicate recommendations risk-based methodologies to support top management-level strategic decisions. You'll also present results to client management and implement recommendations in collaboration with client team members. In some cases, you will be asked to travel to your client site.
► 职位要求
  • Undergraduate degree with an outstanding record of academic achievement in a quantitative discipline such as math, statistics, economics, finance, operations research, financial engineering, engineering, physics, etc.
  • Strong interest in and passion for risk topics - could be broadly interested or have a specific interest within a sector: banking/financial services, insurance, corporate, and/or in a specific function: risk regulation & compliance, advanced analytics, crisis management, cyber risk etc.
  • Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization
  • Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English and the local office language(s)
  • Typically 1-4 years’ experience in risk management (any industry sector but healthcare or pharmaceutical a plus) and/or experience in a consultancy (with risk focus) and/or comparable experience in banking, insurance, risk regulation & compliance [AML, fraud, KYC, etc.],  data privacy, climate risk, cyber risk, etc.
  • Proven record of leadership in a work setting and/or through extracurricular activities
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team and create an inclusive environment with people at all levels of an organization
  • Capability to drive an independent workstream in the context of a broader team project
  • Willingness to travel
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筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波市人才办官方合作伙伴,多次荣登胡润榜单。
至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等顶级企业 offers,擅长领域包括:金融、会计、咨询、数据、互联网、快消等:
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筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波市人才办官方合作伙伴,多次荣登胡润榜单,至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等企业 offers。我们的服务包括:求职咨询、背景提升、名企内推、海外招聘等;商务合作请联系:[email protected]
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