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Kwasi Enin是去年全美家喻户晓的高考状元——他在2013年度的申请中获得了8所常青藤学校的全部录取。这个纽约高中生是怎么做到的?
A wrong decision can be thebeginning or end to a lifestyle. In the seventh grade, I nearly ended my musiccareer by opting to select a simple course - Music in Our Lives- that met the state music requirement. But this decision would have leftme empty. With the help of Ms. Brown, my then orchestra teacher, I was able tonot only meet the basic requirement, but also continue the beginning of mymusical journey. I am now a violist who has joyously played for nine years. I also now take Music in My Life. It is the first self–taught and longest course I have ever taken.
*找到一个有实际意义与比喻意义的意象。比如这个开头里,K童鞋找到的意象是音乐。从现实的音乐课程“Music in our lives”到类喻的“Music in my life”,伏笔已经埋好。在后面的每一个段落里,实际意义的音乐与比喻意义的音乐,一直交叉出现。
Music has become the spark of my intellectual curiosity. Idirectly developed my capacity to think creatively around problems due to theinfinite possibilities in music. There are millions of combinations of key signatures, chords, melodies,and rhythms in the world of music that wait to become attached to a sheet ofstaff lines and spaces. As I began to explore a minute fraction of thesecombinations from the third grade onwards, my mind began to formulate roundabout methods to solveany mathematical problem, address any literature prompt, and discover any exitin an undesirable situation. In middle school, my mind also started tobecome adept in the language of music. Playing the works of differentcomposers, such as Kol Nidrei by Max Bruch and Coriolan Overture by Ludwig Van Beethoven, expands my diversemusical vocabulary, my breadth of techniques and my ability to practice inorder to succeed in solo performances.
*有趣的类比。记得第一段K童鞋谈到音乐的实际意义和比喻意义吗?这里又来了。在音乐的世界里,需要将音调、和弦、音律与节奏和谐地组合,而在学术世界面对数学难题、文学问题,以及各种难关,也需要寻找类似的迂回策略。这对精彩的对照,恰是“intellectual curiosity”的有力注脚。
*用细节提高可信度。Kol Nidrei by Max Bruch,Coriolan Overture by Ludwig Van Beethoven,通过列举名家作品,即可以进一步看出他在音乐上的造诣。反观多数中国同学文章,喜欢用creative, good, excellent等简单的形容词自吹自擂,反而难以达到吹嘘效果。
Music has also become the medium formy roles in the community.Whileonstage as Big Jule of Guys and Dolls during my favorite musical, I helped create a wonderfulatmosphere in the school auditorium by singing and dancing. Whenever I perform,whether as a bassist in Men's Doo Wop Group or as a violist in Chamber Ensemble, I become immersed inthe conversations between performers and the audience. As I become lost inthese conversations, I create blissful memories in which I am truly part of mycommunity's culture - and eventually its history. I would not have theadmiration of my teachers and friends if I had not let the charisma of musicpersuade me to become a performer in my school, town, and state.
Lastly, music has become the educator that has taught me the importance of leadership, teamwork and friendship. It has taughtme the importance of order and balance. When I lead a group, I know how strongthat group can be if every member puts one hundred percent effort into ourtask. Leadership is notalways about directing others. The most important task of a leader is to createharmony between each member of the group, which reveals the group's maximum potential. With improvement and balance comes success, and music taught me all of these virtues. The bonds that I have made throughout my school years endure through stress. These powerful bonds came to be because my friends and I endured against the adversity found in high level pieces of musical literature.I thank my teachers, viola and voice for creating the environments thatnurtured these friendships and learning experiences.
*此段谈及关键词“leadership”(领导力)。但是K童鞋用音乐这个媒介去传达这个大俗套的概念时,颇显清新。当他说到“领导力不一定意味着领导别人,而是创造集体的和谐,使得集体焕发最大的潜力”时,你是不是眼角隐隐有泪光? 这是孔教上身的节奏啊。这么东方的哲学,居然在大洋彼岸的一位黑人兄弟身上应验了,每天被“aggressiveness”缠绕的招生官能不感动吗?
My haven for solace in and away from home is in the world of composers, harmonies and possibilities. My musical haven has shaped my character and without it my lifewould not be half as wonderful as it is today. It was a wise decision to turndown Music in Our Lives. The self-guided journey known as Music in My Lifeexcites my mind every day. Myheart sings every day because the journey already is wonderful. Although I hopethat my future career is in medicine, I love that I still have much to learn 1about and from the world of music.
见字如晤。再读几遍文章,你确实能感受到这篇文章表现出来的朴拙、踏实、完整,如果你再看到Kwasi Enin童鞋憨厚的笑,你会发现这篇文章最大的成功是将一个真实的申请者还原在了纸上。你又能发现申请文书的另一层密码:文字必须能体现人物。这也是为什么有时过度的修改、矫饰反而不能达到效果的原因。
-ZoomIn特写创始人 专职从事强调综合能力提升的留学辅导
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