2021年4月24日的《经济学人》China 版块中有篇文章,分析了中国为什么频频出现伤医事件,以及如何解决这一问题,今天我带大家一起来读一下这篇文章。
  1. 如何描述伤医事件?(What)
  2. 为什么发生伤医事件?(Why)
  3. 如何应对伤医事件?(How)
  1. 了解伤医事件的原因和解决办法;
  2. 学会用英语分析医闹事件;
  3. 掌握与医疗话题有关的词汇与表达。
  1. 听力+原文预读
  2. 文章精读
Health care: Dangerous work
Violence against doctors is frighteningly common
PATIENTS IN CHINA keep attacking their doctors. On January 27th Hu Shuyun, a physician in the southern province of Jiangxi, died after being assaulted on a ward. A few days earlier three medical workers at a hospital in Hangzhou, an eastern city, were injured when a patient set off a homemade bomb. Every month brings more shocking stories. Chinese even has a word for it: yinao, meaning “medical disturbance”. Between 2004 and 2016, the number of such disputes that ended up in court rose from 8,854 to 21,480. But only a fraction of cases get that far. In 2016 the National Health and Family Planning Commission acknowledged that it had mediated more than 60,000 disputes.
The problem of yinao has become so acute that, on March 1st, Shanghai became the first city to start a blacklist of people deemed to have engaged in banned behaviour in medical facilities. As well as facing criminal penalties, they can be barred from holding public-sector jobs and denied access to outpatient services under the social-credit system, in which bad behaviour can mean loss of rights and privileges.
These measures build on a national law that came into effect last June. It is the first to specify that citizens have a right to “basic health-care services” provided by the state. It also bans them from attacking medical staff. In July Beijing’s city government adopted its own guidelines for hospital security, recommending checks at entrances and surveillance cameras inside. On April 15th Beijing’s health commission said that 86 hospitals had installed facial-recognition systems.
China’s doctors have long worried about violence. In 2015 600,000 physicians signed a petition calling for an end to such assaults. A survey in 2019 found that 85% of doctors had encountered violence at work. Officials have hailed medical staff as heroes during the covid-19 pandemic, but at the height of the outbreak last year there were several reports of patients with the disease assaulting doctors.
Much of the anger originates in the 1980s, when reform began on the free, state-funded health-care system. Hospitals, starved of government funds, began charging patients for treatment, and often resorted to overprescribing. Many ordinary people were unable to pay. This has created a “generalised sense of distrust” towards the medical profession, says Cheris Chan of the University of Hong Kong.
Even though the government initiated further reforms in 2009, under which nearly everyone is now covered by some form of basic health insurance, the quality of care in rural areas is still poor. So people go straight to large city hospitals, many of which sell tickets for consultations that touts buy up and resell for profit.
Fully 36% of spending on health care in China comes from patients, compared with 14% in the OECD, a club mostly of rich countries. The insurance system gives hospitals an incentive to treat out-of-province patients, since they must pay upfront. And China still has only two doctors per 1,000 people, compared with 3.5 on average across the OECD. Most are poorly paid.
Medical scandals further undermine confidence. A well-known case in 2018 involved hundreds of thousands of children receiving faulty vaccines after the manufacturer fabricated inspection records. In February this year 70 people were arrested for making fake covid-19 vaccines.
Tougher regulations to protect doctors from angry patients do not seem to be working. Since the new laws were introduced in Beijing more than 180,000 prohibited items such as knives have been seized at hospital entrances. With covid-19 under control, people are going back to hospitals. This could cause violence to rise again. Until the government deals with underpaid doctors and overstretched hospitals, it is likely to continue.


①Patients in China keepattacking their doctors. ②On January 27th Hu Shuyun, a physician in the southern province of Jiangxi, died after being assaultedon a ward. ③A few days earlier three medical workers at a hospital in Hangzhou, an eastern city, were injured when a patient set off a homemade bomb. ④Every month brings more shocking stories. ⑤Chinese even has a word for it: yinao, meaning “medical disturbance”.
①句先通过 keep 体现出伤医事件的频繁,接着②③两句举了两个具体的例子(江西省、杭州市的伤医事件)进行说明,然后④句总结:Every month brings more shocking stories,呼应了①句的keep,最后⑤句介绍了这一现象的专门叫法,突出了此类事件的「常态化」。
这一段是「总→分②③→总→强化主旨」的结构,核心观点就是「医闹频繁」,keep, every month, has a word for it 都能体现出来。如果我们在写作中要描述某社会现象/事件/问题的频繁,就可以套用到这几个词,比如关于共享单车频繁被盗,我们就可以说:
Shared bicycles keep being stolen. Some riders hide the bikes in or near their homes to prevent others from using them. Others take pictures of a bike's QR code and then scratch it off to stop others from scanning it. Every day brings similar stories.
1)「袭击医生」可以说 assault, attack
2)这段话出现了几个「医务人员」的说法,medical workers 泛指「医护人员」,也可以说 healthcare workersphysician 指「内科医生」,与之相对的是 surgeon「外科医生」。
3)ward 在这里作名词,指「病房」,on/in the ward 是「在病房」的意思,再比如 a maternity ward 产科病房;a children's ward 儿科病房。
ward 还经常用作动词, 用法为 ward off,表示 to protect or defend yourself against danger, illness, attack, etc.「防止、避免」,比如《哈利波特与魔法石》的第 8 章就出现过这个表达:
His classroom smelled strongly of garlic, which everyone said was to ward off a vampire he’d met in Romania and was afraid would be coming back to get him one of these days.
4)XX has a word/term for it 可以当成一个语块积累下来,表示「XX 语中有一个词来描述某种现象」。
①A survey in 2019 found that 85% of doctors had encountered violence at work. ②Officials have hailed medical staff as heroes during the covid-19 pandemic, but at the height of the outbreak last year there were several reports of patients with the disease assaulting doctors.
1)「遭遇暴力」动词可以用 encounter,举一反三,「被家暴」就可以说 encounter domestic violence. 此外,也可以用 suffer, experience 表示。
2)the pandemic, the outbreak 都是指「新冠疫情」。
3)hail...as...表示「把...誉为...」,hail 在这里是「赞扬、称颂」的意思,此外也可以表示 call「叫、喊」,比如我们出门时会先在网上 hail a ride/taxi「叫车」。
文中 hailed medical staff as heroes 和 at the height of the outbreak there were several reports of...这两部分形成强烈对比,体现出伤医事件的恶劣性质。
4)「XX 疾病患者」可以说 patients with XXXX patients.

Much of the anger originates in the 1980s, when reform began on the free, state-funded health-care system. Hospitals, starved of government funds, began charging patients for treatment, and often resorted to overprescribing. Many ordinary people were unable to pay. This has created a “generalised sense of distrust” towards the medical profession.

在 1985 年前,中国的医疗制度还处于计划体制下,看病免费,但效率低下、设备落后、治疗效果差。1985 年进行医疗行业改革,扩大医院自主权,提高了医院的效率和效益,但也带来了一些问题,比如改革的基本做法是“只给政策不给钱”,所以很多医院缺乏资金(starved of government funds),就多开药、开贵药(overprescribing)以维持运营。当然这次改革要全面、客观看待,不能像文中一样一刀切(Much of the anger originates in the 1980s)。西方看待中国的问题,总喜欢上升到体制、制度层面,做也是错、不做也是错。
1)the anger 指的是患者对医生的愤怒;
2)when reform began on the free, state-funded health-care system 中,on...这部分是跟在 reform 后面的,reform on 指「针对...的改革」。此处之所以把 on...放在最后,是为了避免头重脚轻,试对比:
when reform began on the free, state-funded health-care system
when reform on the free, state-funded health-care system began
3)be starved of 是固定搭配,starve 是「饥饿」的意思,所以 be starved of 就是「缺乏...」,比如:
The schools are starved of funding.
文中 (be) starved of government funds 就是「缺乏政府资金」的意思,也可以说 fund-starved, cash-starved.
前三个都可以和文中 (be) starved of government funds 替换。
4)charge sb for sth 表示「因sth向sb收费、向sb收取sth的费用」,看两个例句:
What did they charge for the repairs?  他们收了多少修理费? 
We won't charge you for delivery.  我们送货不收费。 
5)resort to 是固定搭配,to 是介词,后面加 doing 或 n.,表示 make use of sth, especially sth bad, as a means of achieving sth, often because there is no other possible solution「诉诸于某种方法/手段、采取某种方法/手段」,比如 resort to violence 诉诸于暴力。
6)overprescribe = over + prescribe,意思是「过度开药」。
①Even though the government initiated further reforms in 2009, under which nearly everyone is now covered by some form of basic health insurance, the quality of care in rural areas is still poor. ②So people go straight to large city hospitals, many of which sell tickets for consultations that toutsbuy up and resell for profit.
这段话主要讲了大城市医院「医疗资源紧张、挂号难」的问题,①句是:尽管深化改革,但农村医疗水平仍然落后;②句是:农村人跑到城市看病,造成医疗资源紧张(用文中的词表示就是 overstretched hospitals),而且城市医院的票贩子会把挂号费炒高。
第一句话:①Even though the government initiated further reforms in 2009,(让步状语从句) under which nearly everyone is now covered by some form of basic health insurance,(让步状语从句中嵌套定语从句) / the quality of care in rural areas is still poor.(主句)
1)initiate 是 make sth begin 的意思,比如 initiate a programme of economic reform「实施经济改革方案」,文中 initiated further reforms 就是「启动进一步改革」,用政府的口吻说就是「深化改革」。
表达「开启改革、启动改革」,如果 reform 作主语,可以说 reforms begin on...;如果政府作主语,可以说 the government initiates reforms on...,此外也可以说 carry out/through, implement, put into practice, undertake reforms on...
2)under which 中,which 指 further reforms,所以从句部分可以看成:under the reforms / nearly everyone is now covered by some form of basic health insurance 根据这项改革,几乎每个人都能被基本医疗保险覆盖。
3)cover 在这里表示「给...上保险」,比如:
Does this policy cover my husband to drive? 
Are the drugs covered by the medical insurance?
第二句话:②So people go straight to large city hospitals (主句), many of which sell tickets for consultations (定语从句) that touts buy up and resell for profit. (定语从句中嵌套定语从句)
4)go straight to:径直去、直接去,《哈利波特与魔法石》第17章中也出现过这个表达:
Unfortunately, while everyone else was running around looking for it, Snape, who already suspected me, went straight to the third floor to head me off.
5)which 指 large city hospitals,所以从句部分可以看成:many of the large city hospitals sell tickets for consultations that touts buy up and resell for profit
6)tickets for consultations:会诊票,也就是我们到医院挂的「号」。
7)that touts buy up and resell for profit 是定语从句,修饰 tickets for consultations.
tout 指「黄牛、票贩子」;
buy up 是「买光、全部买下」;
resell for profit 是「转卖以获取利润」。
①Medical scandals further undermine confidence. ②A well-known case in 2018 involved hundreds of thousands of children receiving faulty vaccines after the manufacturer fabricated inspection records. ③In February this year 70 people were arrested for making fake covid-19 vaccines.
这段话是总分的结构,①句为总,交代了第三个原因:Medical scandals 医疗丑闻,②③两句为分,分别举了2018年「假疫苗」和今年「假新冠疫苗」的例子进行说明。
1)further undermine confidence 承接了上文 created a “generalised sense of distrust”;
2)②句的主干是:A well-known case in 2018 involved hundreds of thousands of children;
receiving faulty vaccines 是分词形式的后置定语,修饰 children,意思是:接种假疫苗的孩子。
表示「接种疫苗」,可以说 receive vaccines/jabs,或 be given a jab,「打新冠疫苗」知道该怎么说了吧?
3)fabricate 是「伪造、篡改」的意思,比如伪造GDP数据,英文就是 fabricate GDP data.
①The problem of yinao has become so acute that, on March 1st, Shanghai became the first city to start a blacklist of people deemed to have engaged in banned behaviour in medical facilities. ②As well as facing criminal penalties, they can be barred from holding public-sector jobs and denied access to outpatient services under the social-credit system, in which bad behaviour can mean loss of rights and privileges.
①句交代了上海市的措施,②句具体介绍了对医闹者的惩罚。这段话难度比较高,我们先看①句:The problem of yinao has become so acute that, on March 1st, Shanghai became the first city to start a blacklist of people / deemed to have engaged in banned behaviour in medical facilities.
became the first city to start a blacklist of people:成为第一个启用 XX 人员黑名单的城市。
deemed to have engaged in banned behaviour 是分词形式的后置定语,修饰 people,意思是:被认为从事禁止行为的人。
in medical facilities:在医疗场所
我们再来看②句:As well as facing criminal penalties, they can be barred from holding public-sector jobs and denied access to outpatient services under the social-credit system, in which bad behaviour can mean loss of rights and privileges.
1)As well as这里表示「除了...(也...)」,类似 besides, apart from, in addition to,我们再看几个相关例句,《经济学人》中曾有篇文章讲到了小米公司的发展,文中有这么一句话:
As well as smartphones, Xiaomi has hundreds of other products, from vacuum cleaners to electric bicycles, and even owns 30% of a small bank.
2)face criminal penalties 指「面临刑事处罚」,补充相关表达: face civil penalties「面临民事处罚」。
3)bar sb from doing 禁止某人做某事,同 be banned/prevented from doing.
4)holding public-sector jobs 的意思是「担任公共部门的工作」,注意动词搭配。public-sector jobs 指公务员和事业单位(比如学校)的工作。
5)deny sb's access to...:阻止某人接触/使用/进入...
access 这个词我们在很多文章中都讲过,复习一下:
deny access to 也在《生活大爆炸》中出现过:
6)outpatient 指「门诊」,比如 an outpatient clinic 门诊部。
7)under the social-credit system 指「按照社会信用体系、根据社会信用体系的规定」。
under 后面加 system/law,表示 according to 的意思「按照、根据」,前面 under the reforms 也是这个用法。
8)in which bad behaviour can mean loss of rights and privileges
which 代指前面提到的几项惩罚措施,in which 可以理解成:在这种情况下。
bad behaviour 在文中指「医闹行为」。
In July Beijing’s city government adopted its own guidelines for hospital security, recommending checks at entrances and surveillance cameras inside. On April 15th Beijing’s health commission said that 86 hospitals had installed facial-recognition systems.
1)表示「实施(措施/政策)」,可以用 adopt, implement, put... in place, put... into practice 等词。
2)check 此处指「安检」,每次乘地铁前都要「过安检」,英文是 go through security check.