今天的精读推送选自11月10日的《经济学人》Leaders版块,题目叫the price of free,免费的代价,讲的是中国政府采取措施限制电子游戏产业的发展。这篇文章不是很难,但有很多表达值得我们学习、借鉴。我从中选了第一段,和大家分享:

①Moral panics over new media are old hat. ②The social effects of novels, films, comic books and pop music were condemned by the grumpy reactionaries of the time. ③In recent years video games have been a popular villain. / ④Exasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent. ⑤Those concerns turned out to be largely misplaced. / ⑥But new worries about the addictiveness of games, and the danger that poses to children in particular, have more substance to them and are already prompting a regulatory crackdown. ⑦The industry would be wise to get ahead of the problem.

①Moral panics over new media are old hat
这句话重点在于理解old hat,它是一个形容词表达,意思是not new or interesting. 比如我们形容某个观点、现象或技术过时时,就可以说...is old hat.(注意不加冠词)
For suspected miscreants, and people chasing them, face-recognition technology is old hat.
我们也可以用be nothing new, be no stranger to来替换be old hat,比如2017年2月11日《经济学人》中有篇文章讲到了智能手机的危害(dark side),里面就有这么一句话:
Worries about the warping effect of technology are nothing new.
但如果用be no stranger to替换的话,主语和宾语需要颠倒过来,我们把文中句子改写一下:
The world is no stranger to moral panics over new media.(其用法与be familiar with相同)
那什么叫“新媒体”呢?什么又是“道德担忧”?所谓新媒体(New media),它指可供人们交流通讯或娱乐的新媒介平台。文中的“新”是相对时代而言的新,而非绝对的新,比如②句提到的小说(novels)、电影(films)、漫画书(comic books)、流行音乐(pop music),虽然现在有些过时,但在各自的时代里,都是"new media".
在过去一个多世纪里,人们一直试图将社会和道德崩塌的责任转嫁于各种流行娱乐形式,比如过去的黑帮电影、恐怖漫画、电视暴力,还有现在的流行音乐、网络游戏、智能手机等,认为是它们给孩子们带来不良影响。这就是文中说道的Moral panics道德恐慌”,它的本质是对新生事物的一种fear(恐惧) / concern(担忧)。
2018年《经济学人》中有段话就描述了人们对大型网游的moral panics:
Parents blame it for unfinished homework and for corrupting their children’s oh-so-pure minds. Some schools have tried, mostly in vain, to prevent students from playing.
还有今年8月18日《经济学人》封面文章《网恋》,文中谈到了人们对约会app的moral panic:
The whiff of moral panic surrounding dating apps is vastly overblown. Precious little evidence exists to show that opportunities online are encouraging infidelity. In America, divorce rates climbed until just before the advent of the internet, and have fallen since.
Every tremor of progress in history has been accompanied by a moral panic.

②The social effects (of novels, films, comic books and pop music) were condemned by the grumpy reactionaries of the time.
②③两句都围绕着"Moral panics are old hat"展开,其中,②句历数了历史上的道德恐慌。
这句话不难,其结构为:The social effects were condemned by the grumpy reactionaries of the time.
讲两个词:grumpy和reactionary。grumpy的意思是bad-tempered脾气坏的,让人联想到网络上的喷子、键盘侠;reactionary指a person who is opposed to political or social change保守者,两个词合起来就是“性情乖戾的保守者”。
of the time点明时间:当时、那时,表示过去的时间点。
of novels, films, comic books and pop music修饰social effects,指“小说、电影、漫画书和流行音乐所带来的社会效应”。
为什么comic也会受到谴责?这需要结合时代背景。美国漫画不乏杀戮、暴力的情节(比如漫威的《神奇四侠》),而恰巧那时美国青少年犯罪率飙升,因此人们便将原因归咎于漫画,甚至很多地方组织了漫画焚烧活动,把漫画列为违禁品,漫威被起诉,漫威之父Stan Lee也被人当众吐口水。

③In recent years video games have been a popular villain.
③句讲了现在的道德恐慌,引出了本文写作对象:video games.
recent years表明时间点:现在,与②句的of the time相对。
a popular villain是一个很地道的搭配,villain是“恶棍、反派”的意思,这里比喻new media。一个流行的恶棍,就是“受到普遍批评、指责”的意思,即“众矢之的、千夫所指、过街老鼠”。举个例子:
Online pornography has become a popular villain.
此外,我们也可以用put one's hand in a hornets' nesta target for alla target of public criticism替换a popular villain。Put one's hand in a hornets' nest的字面意思是“捅马蜂窝”,常引申为“成为众矢之的、触犯众怒”,我们把文中句子改一下:
In recent years video games have put their hands in a hornets' nest.
In recent years video games have become a target for all.

Exasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
这句话可以分成两部分,第一部分是主句:Exasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted...
Exasperated是annoyed, angry的意思,“恼怒的”,后面可以加介词with/at/by. 比如最近,马克龙建议欧洲应建立自己的军队,保护自己不受美国、中国、俄罗斯的侵犯,特朗普一听就发飙了,我们可以说:
Mr. Trump was exasperated at Macron's suggestion that Europe should build its own military in order to protect inself from the U.S., China and Russia.
文中Exasperated parents指的是“愤怒的父母”。
opportunistic的中文解释是“投机取巧的、机会主义的”,但中文释义无法让我们真正理解一个词,我们看一下《柯林斯词典》给出的英文解释:If you describe someone's behaviour as opportunistic, you are critical of them because they take advantage of situations in order to gain money or power, without thinking about whether their actions are right or wrong.
从英文解释中我们可以获取三点信息:首先这个词是带有批评色彩的,我们在使用时要注意语境;其次,它的核心意思是take advantage of situation,利用某一形势、情况;最后,是它的目的:为了私利。
fret over/about是be worried about的意思,表示“担心某事”,下次我们写作时遇到worried,试着用fret替换。
第二部分是从句:they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent.
listless这个词可能我们不认识,但可以根据lazy和and推断出来,它表示一个消极的含义。Listless的英文解释是having no energy or enthusiasm,“无精打采的,没有活力的”,看张图片:

⑤Those concerns turned out to be largely misplaced.
misplace是一个非常实用的表达,可以用来搭配具体事物,比如眼镜、钱包等,但更常见的是用来搭配concern / hope / trust / optimism / belief / fears等抽象名词,表示“不该担心/希望/相信/乐观/认为/担忧”。
比如,我们要对某一现象或问题进行利弊分析,如果是弊大于利,就可以先分析“利”,然后通过"Yet their optimism is larged misplaced"进行转折,引出“弊”;如果是利大于弊,就可以先分析“弊”,然后通过"Yet their concerns / fears are largely misplaced"来引出“利”。
再比如,针对某一问题提方法建议,也可以用到这一表达,以共享单车乱停乱放为例,我们可以这么说:Some believe the introduction of measures to regulate shared bicycles will work. Their hope will not be misplaced. For one reason,...
我们回到文中,concerns是对上文they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent的概括;turn out常用来引出结果,可以翻译成“结果是、原来是”。
Those concerns turned out to be largely misplaced.

⑥But new worries (about the addictiveness of games, and the danger / that poses to children in particular,) have more substance to them and are already prompting a regulatory crackdown.
这句话有点长,我们先分析一下它的结构。其主干为:But new worries have more substance to them / and are already prompting a regulatory crackdown.
主干部分是由and连接的两个句子,我们先看前半句:But new worries have more substance to them.
理解前半句,关键在于理解have more substance to them.
substance在这里表示“事实、根据”,have substance to/in it/them就是“...有根据、有依据”的意思。所以,文中new worries have more substance to them的意思就是:新担忧更有根据。和上文的misplaced相对。
them指的是new worries;more是针对④句make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent(也可以说⑤句的those concerns)对比而言的。
主干的后半句中,prompt是动词,表示to cause sth to happen引发,比如:
Macron's words prompted Trump's angry outburst.
crackdown的英文解释是severe action taken to restrict the activities of criminals or of people opposed to the government or sb in authority“打压,打击”,后面加介词on,比如:government's crackdown on video games政府对电子游戏的打击,a military crackdown on student protesters 对抗议的学生实行的军事镇压。
所以,文中prompt a regulatory crackdown的意思是:引发监管部门的打击。
我们再来看非主干部分:about the addictiveness of games, and the danger that poses to children in particular
这部分的大结构为about A and B,修饰worries,指“有关A和B的担心”。
A指的是the addictiveness of games游戏成瘾;
B指the danger 危险。Danger后面又跟了一个定语从句:that poses to children in particular.
pose a danger / risk / threat / challenge / problem to sb/sth是一个固定搭配,表示“对...造成危险、风险、威胁、挑战、问题”,下次我们表示“对...造成不好影响”时,除了have an bad effect on...,也可以尝试用pose a danger/risk/threat/problem to...
in particular修饰children,指“尤其是孩子”,有突出、强调的作用。
⑥But new worries about the addictiveness of games, and the danger that poses to children in particular, have more substance to them and are already prompting a regulatory crackdown.

⑦The industry would be wise to get ahead of the problem.
it would be wise to do的字面意思是“做...是明智的”,有时也可以翻译成“最好做...”,比较顺口。
get ahead of the problem 赶在问题前面,也就是“解决问题”,此外,也可以用address / come to grips with / grapple with / cope with等替换。
①Moral panics over new media are old hat. ②The social effects of novels, films, comic books and pop music were condemned by the grumpy reactionaries of the time. ③In recent years video games have been a popular villain. / ④Exasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent. ⑤Those concerns turned out to be largely misplaced. / ⑥But new worries about the addictiveness of games, and the danger that poses to children in particular, have more substance to them and are already prompting a regulatory crackdown. ⑦The industry would be wise to get ahead of the problem.
