
  1. 了解B站的使命和发展情况;
  2. 学会用英语介绍B站;
  3. 掌握相关表达。
  1. 听力练习;
  2. 文本阅读;
  3. 文本精读。


先点击下方的无字幕版新闻链接,听 1-2 遍,看看能听懂多少:


The mission statement of Bilibili, often dubbed “China’s YouTube”, stands out for its modesty. Instead of promising to change the world, the firm aspires merely to “enrich the everyday life of young generations in China”. If user figures are a guide, the Chinese young feel enriched. In the last quarter of 2020 the number of people who used the service at least once a month shot up by half from a year earlier, to 202m. Nearly nine in ten were under the age of 35. Videos on the platform, which range from sports highlightstoself-help lectures and everything in between, attract an average of 1.2bn daily views.
①The mission statement of Bilibili, often dubbed “China’s YouTube”, stands out for its modesty.
这句话的主干是:The mission statement of Bilibili stands out for its modesty.
stand out 是个固定搭配,表示 to be much better than other similar people or things「出色、突出」,比如《经济学人》在2020年12月的一篇文章中,曾这么评价拜登的团队:
The team stands out for its diversity, and its emphasis on climate change and labour rights.
The last point stands out as being more important than the rest. 
比我们常用的“The last point is...”更能体现出写作水平。
modesty 名词,指 the fact of not talking much about your abilities or possessions「谦逊」,其形容词为 modest.
文中 stands out for its modesty 指 B站使命因低调而著称。
stand out for its modesty 是一种「矛盾修辞」,stand out 本是「突出、优秀」,modesty 是「谦逊、低调」,两者构成语义上的对立,造成一种出人意外的、引人入胜的效果。再看几个例子:
conspicuous for his absence 他的缺席引起了注意
beauty when unadorned is most adorned 朴实的美才是最华丽的
再如,英国桂冠诗人 Alfred Tennyson 一句诗:
His honour rooted in dishonour stood
And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.
在诗中,诗人巧妙运用 dishonour 修饰 honour,unfaithful 修饰 faith,falsely 修饰 true,从而形成一系列的语义对立,产生出了鲜明的讽刺效果。
回到文中来,Bilibili 后面跟了一个 V-ed 形式的后置定语,进行补充修饰:often dubbed “China’s YouTube”
dub是「把...称为」的意思,用法为 be dubbed sth「被称为sth」,文中 often dubbed “China’s YouTube”指,(B站)通常被称为“中国的油管网”。
dub 这个词我们在公众号文章《社区团购被<人民日报>点名批评,这背后有什么深层逻辑?》中讲过,可点击蓝色链接前往复习。
②Instead of promising to change the world, the firm aspiresmerely to “enrich the everyday life of young generations in China”.
②句介绍了B站的使命,体现出它的 modesty.
这句话的结构是 Instead of doing, the firm do...「公司没有...,反而...」
Instead of promising to change the world:没有承诺改变世界
aspire 就是 strongly desire「强烈渴望」的意思,可以说 aspire to do 或 aspire to sth,比如自我介绍中我们就可以说:
I aspire to an interpreting career.
用 aspire 来体现出自己的强烈愿望。
With diversity, inclusion and more opportunities, many people aspire to a big city life.
enrich 就是「丰富」的意思,比如写作中常用的 enrich our lives「丰富我们的生活」。前缀“en-”是动词前缀,比如 large → enlarge,danger → endanger...
文中 merely「仅仅」呼应了前面的 modesty.

③If user figures are a guide, the Chinese young feel enriched.
guide 在这里指 something that gives you enough information to be able to make a decision about sth or form an opinion「具有指导意义的事物」,文中 If user figures are a guide 的意思就是:如果用户数据是一个具有指导意义的事物的话,可灵活翻译为「从用户数据来看」。
If past recessions are any guide, the severe shock will have long-lasting effects.

④In the last quarter of 2020 / the number of people who used the service at least once a month / shot up by half from a year earlier, to 202m. ⑤Nearly nine in ten were under the age of 35.
④⑤两句列举了月活跃用户的数据,以体现“the Chinese young feel enriched”。
我们先看④句,主干为:the number of people shot up by half from a year earlier, to 202m.
shoot 本义是「射击」,shoot up 能让人想到举枪向上射击的画面,子弹嗖嗖往上窜,所以引申出「激增暴涨」的意思,写作中可用来描述数据的变化。
1)skyrocket 飙升、激增
Why did virus infections skyrocket in South Korea?(BBC)
2)spike 飙升、激增
South Korea's coronavirus cases have spiked in the past week.(BBC)
3)jump 飙升、激增
Within a week, confirmed cases jumped from a few dozen to more than 900.(BBC)
4)leap 飙升、激增
By February 23rd, the number of people infected with the coronavirus that first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan had leapt to 152.(The Economist)
到2月23日,新冠(首次出现在中国城市武汉)感染人数激增至 152 例。
5)mount 逐步增加(increase gradually)
Coronavirus infections keep mounting after cruise ship fiasco in Japan.(Science)
回到文中来,the number of people shot up by half from a year earlier, to 202m 的意思是:人数较一年之前相比,猛涨了一半,达到 2.2 亿。
Despite the pandemic, revenues dipped only slightly in 2020 compared with the year before, to $5.6bn.
compared with the year before 可以和文中的 from a year earlier 替换,用于和之前的数据进行比较。
文中,people 后面跟了一个定语从句进行补充:who used the service at least once a month
the service 指的就是 B站。这部分的意思是:至少一个月看一次B站(的人),简单说就是「月活跃用户」,也可以说 monthly active users,简称 MAU
同理,「日活跃用户」就是 daily active users 或 people who use the service at least once a day.
接下来⑤句讲了年轻人的比重,以体现B站“younger generation”的使命:Nearly nine in ten were under the age of 35.
nine in ten 是一种分数表达法,意思是「十个人中有九个」,即「90%」,也可以说 nine-tenths 或 90%
⑥Videos on the platform, which range from sports highlights to self-help lectures and everything in between, attract an average of 1.2bn daily views.
⑥句举了视频浏览量的数据,以体现“the Chinese young feel enriched”。
这句话的主干是:Videos on the platform attract an average of 1.2bn daily views.
the platform 指的就是 B站,本段多次提到「B站」,用的都是不同的词,如 Bilibili、the firm, the service, the platform,这体现了英文「灵活多变」的特性——英文在多次提到同一对象时,短距离内要避免使用同一个词,避免单调重复。
比如 CNN 对「苏伊士运河堵船」事件的报道:
The rescue boats are working to float and release the Ever Given, a 59-meter-wide (193.5-feet) vessel that ran aground after 40-knot winds and a sandstorm caused low visibility and poor navigation...
The 224,000-ton vessel, sailing under a Panama flag, was en route to the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands when it was knocked off course.
The ship -- which at 400 meters is almost as long as the Empire State Building is tall -- is wedged across the vital trade passage at the canal's 151-kilometer (94-mile) mark, the vessel's operating company said in a statement.
文中多次提到了事故船只,分别用了 the Ever Given(船的名字), the vessel, the ship 等不同的词指代。
回到文中来,view 在这里是名词,表示「阅读量、点击量、观看量」,也可以用 hit 替换,《经济学人》曾报道过「人人影视被封」一事,里面也用到了 view:
Renren Yingshi’s popularity is evident in the debate that still surrounds it on Weibo, a Twitter-like platform. Posts with hashtags relating to the clampdown have garnered more than a billion views.
人们仍然在微博(类似 Twitter 的平台)上讨论着人人影视的话题,我们从中能感受到它的受欢迎度。带有相关话题的微博已有 10 亿多点击量。
garner 同 gather, obtain,表示「获得、得到」,garner XX views 就是「得到了 XX 点击量」,可以和本文的 attract XX views 替换。
Videos on the platform 后面跟了一个定语从句,补充 videos 的类别:which(videos) range from sports highlights to self-help lectures and everything in between
range from... to...的意思是「包括从...到...之间的各类事物」,也可以用 include 替换,但比 include 更能体现出种类之多、范围之广,看个例句:
She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor. 
highlight 作名词指 the best, most interesting or most exciting part of sth「最精彩的部分」,比如读书时遇到的精彩片段,就可以用 highlight 表示,旅行中遇到精彩的风景,也可以用 highlight 表示,如:
One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal. 
文中 sports hightlights 指体育方面的精彩视频,也可翻译成「体育热点」。
self-help 是「自我帮助的」,lecture 指 a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject「演讲、课堂」,在美国大学讲师就叫 lecturer.
self-help lectures 可以翻译成「自我提升的课堂、讲座」。
everything in between 指的就是 在体育热点和自我提升的讲座之间的类别。