Expat parents in Shanghai often complain about the exorbitant price of international school tuition, but another significant cost often goes ignored. Although I am half-American and half-Chinese, growing up here, I often thought of myself as fully Chinese. Every day, I sat in front of the television with my nainai (grandmother) engrossed in the adventures of the Monkey King while wolfing down homemade congyoubing (scallion pancake) and speaking Putonghua before leaving for my all-Chinese kindergarten.
Claire Yang,照片由作者提供
When my parents finally enrolled me in a local international school at the age of 3, I could barely speak English. Suddenly I was spending my entire days with foreign teachers who had only been in Shanghai for a year or two. Going to international school every day was more like visiting a bizarre, isolated suburbia utterly devoid of Chinese culture or its people. We were literally banned from speaking Putonghua, even in the playground. A huge rift opened up between school and my world at home. It made me feel that being Chinese was something to be ashamed of.
Many other Chinese students attending Shanghai international schools share my feelings and experiences. These institutions make little to no effort to incorporate their societal surroundings into our education, which alienates its student body from their host culture. They advertise internationalism and diversity in their brochures and websites and glossy ads in the back of local expat magazines, but the reality is that any Chinese children who are enrolled in these schools are placed under enormous pressure from their teachers and their Caucasian peers to "Westernize" ourselves.
Some insiders might argue that measures are already being taken to resolve this rising concern. Putonghua classes are now offered, and we take trips to different locations in China. Of course these are just superficial, token efforts to placate local parents. Most foreign and second-language learners feel that Putonghua is pointless, as their expat families constantly relocate to different countries according to their jobs; foreign students usually give up on Putonghua when it ceases to be mandatory. For native language students, the classes serve only as a way to maintain our current language level, as opposed to improving it.
Annual "China Week" trips are also met with a distinct distaste by foreign students. While they may enjoy hiking, there are constant complaints about the food, accommodations and other less-glamorous local features that they are unaccustomed to. It would be hugely beneficial if, instead of field trips to other locations in China, students were taken around to lesser-known parts of Shanghai, which would lead to a different perception of Shanghai than just our gated compounds, the Bund and shopping malls.
This issue is not unique to Shanghai. In virtually every elite international school across Asia, students are pressured to conform to Western ideals or else be ostracized. In Beijing, Bangkok and Manila, I have encountered others struggling with the same stigma, as these international schools consistently fail to uphold their promises of inclusive, international communities.
From the perspective of many expatriate parents, this is not a problem. Because their jobs in Shanghai are often temporary, many agree with their children that becoming immersed in the local culture and language is pointless, because after a few years they will leave it all behind, to be forgotten. Due to this dismissive attitude, expatriate children grow up even more sheltered and closed-minded than the locals they accuse of being xenophobic. It's sad that so many Western parents see no merit in increasing their child's exposure to different cultures and societies.
Ten years after first arriving at my international school, I unfortunately have largely lost touch with my own people. Upon meeting me, most locals assume that I am completely American. But with more exposure to the real Shanghai and the real China, international school teachers and students alike do not have to suffer the same stigma that I have. With more effort to bring Chinese culture into international schools, instead of the other way around, Chinese children attending these schools no longer have to be ashamed of our heritage. Instead, we can finally celebrate it!

作者:Claire Yang,原文发表在Global Times,标题:“Shanghai’s international schools are not ‘international’”。本号经授权编译。
