
根据数据显示,2020年7月,一些主要*电子做市商机构新发布的工作岗位数量比2月份增加了28% ,仅略低于1月份。
Virtu、Jump Trading、Hudson River、Citadel Securities、G-Research、Two Sigma、Tower Research、DRW Trading、Hudson River、Quantlab、IMC Trading、CTC Trading、Jane Street、Susquehanna International Group
Virtu Financial
我们就拿Virtu Financial来说。像Virtu这样的高频交易机构来说,2020年他们取得了创纪录的收入,业绩非常出色,其奖金预计能涨50% 。
Virtu Financial在第三季度表现仍高于历史平均水平,第三季度仍比前两年高出30-45%:
Jane Street
2016年,纽约时报将Jane Street描述为:
Jane Street平均每天在全球范围内交易超过210亿美元的股票、债券和ETF,并在纽约、伦敦、阿姆斯特丹和香港设有办事处。
Jane Street的员工薪酬是一个迷。根据网媒未经证实的消息称,Jane Street在美国为实习生每月工资为$14.5K,外加每周$500在家工作的津贴,每月总计为$16.5k。
对于Jane Street相对junior的工作,你不一定需要懂金融或经济,但你需要知道如何编程。Jane Street的代码几乎全部使用OCAML,因为他们是函数式编程的拥护者,Jane Street从系统自动化到交易系统,从监控工具到代码研究,Jane Street使用OCaml编写所有其能写的东西。
全称Objective Caml,是Caml编程语言的主要实现,由Xavier Leroy,Jérôme Vouillon,Damien Doligez,Didier Rémy及其他人于1996年创立。OCaml是开放原始码项目。此项目的管理和大部分维护工作交由INRIA。
OCaml将Caml语言在面向对象方面做了延展。Caml 是函数式编程语言,它的扩展语言还有基于微软.net平台的 f# (fsharp)语言。Caml 的代码大多可以在f#中使用。F#的开发工具有VS .net,Caml的代码也可使用。OCaml的开发工具包含交互式顶层解释器,字节码编译器,以及最优本地代码编译器。
如果你想在Jane Street找到一份收入最高的工作,你需要有解决一些极难的脑筋急转弯。Jane Street因在面试时向其候选人提出具有挑战性的脑筋急转弯而闻名。公众号列出几个给各位Quant瞧瞧,看看你们能做出来否,祝你好运!
Each of the grids below is incomplete. Place numbers in some of the empty cells so that in total each grid’s interior contains one 1, two 2’s, etc., up to seven 7’s. Furthermore, each row and column within each grid must contain exactly 4 numbers which sum to 20. Finally, the numbered cells must form a connected region, but every 2-by-2 subsquare in the completed grid must contain at least one empty cell.
Some numbers have been placed inside each grid. Additionally, some blue numbers have been placed outside of the grids. These blue numbers indicate the first value seen in the corresponding row or column when looking into the grid from that location.
Once each of the grids is complete, create a 7-by-7 grid by “adding” the four grids’ interiors together (as if they were 7-by-7 matrices). The answer to this month’s puzzle is the sum of the squares of the values in this final grid.
A random line segment of length D is chosen on a plane marked with an infinite checkerboard grid (i.e., a unit side length square grid).  What length D maximizes the probability that the segment crosses exactly one line on the checkerboard grid, and what is this maximal probability?
The answer to this puzzle is that D = 1 and the resulting probability is 2/pi (or about .6366). 
Call a “ring” of circles a collection of six circles of equal radius, say r, whose centers lie on the six vertices of a regular hexagon with side length 2r. This makes each circle tangent to its two neighbors, and we can call the center of the regular hexagon the “center” of the ring of circles. If we are given a circle C, what is the maximum proportion of the area of that circle we can cover with rings of circles entirely contained within C that all are mutually disjoint and share the same center?

When submitting an answer, you can either send in a closed-form solution, or your answer out to 6 decimal places.
The answer when rounded to 6 decimal places is 0.783464.
Two friends, Alter and Nate, have a conversation:
Alter: Nate, let’s play a game. I’ll pick an integer between 1 and 10 (inclusive), then you’ll pick an integer between 1 and 10 (inclusive), and then I’ll go again, then you’ll go again, and so on and so forth. We’ll keep adding our numbers together to make a running total. And whoever makes the running total be greater than or equal to 100 loses. You go first.

Nate: That’s not fair! Whenever I pick a number X, you’ll just pick 11-X, and then I’ll always get stuck with 99 and I’ll make the total go greater than 100.

Alter: Ok fine. New rule then, no one can pick a number that would make the sum of that number and the previous number equal to 11. You still go first. Now can we play?

Nate: Um… sure.
Who wins, and what is their strategy?
Nate (the first player) can always win in this game, by starting with the number 3.After this first turn, Nate can force the running total to increment by units of 12.This could happen 2 different ways:
1、If Alter picks some number X between 2 and 10, Nate chooses 12-X
2、If Alter picks 1, Nate responds by picking 1 as well.  Now Alter cannot pick 10 (since this would force the sum of the previous two numbers to be 11), and must pick some other number Y.  Nate then picks 10-Y.
In this way, Nate can force Alter to choose numbers when the running total is equal to 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, and 99.  At this point, Alter is forced to take the total to 100 or greater.
G-Research成立于2012年,由Ben Leadsom运营。Leadsom曾是巴克莱银行的银行家,但自2009年以来一直是Island Research的董事(G-Research是该有限责任合伙企业的一个组成部分)。根据Island Research最近提交的账目:
G-Research和Island Research的非合伙人级别员工受雇于一家名为Trenchant Employment Services的实体。2019年,该公司雇佣了753人,高于前一年的599人。2019年,热门岗位的人均薪酬为15.8万英镑。
G-Research的伦敦办公室有自己的演讲厅和活动场所,在那里,Hannah Fry、bo-shen Lo、Dermot Turing和《Surveillance Capitalism》一书的作者Shoshana Zuboff都给员工们做过讲座。
Hackerank在金融服务领域欢迎程度很高,高盛、摩根士丹利、美国银行、彭博、BNY Mellon和德意志银行都是他的客户,像Two Sigma这样的对冲基金也有使用。
好了,今天的推文就到这里,希望大家对Market Making有一个多元的了解。后续公众号会报道更多这样的内容!