编辑 / FS-Lily,封面 / Sixth Tone
The Hotchkiss School 10年级学生采访
Hey, whoever is reading this, I don’t know much about you but I’m sure you’re stressing over decision day right this second. Rest assured, so are millions of students all over the world, surrounding a computer with their family, anxiously awaiting the results. Believe it or not, so was I exactly a year ago. 
What I wish someone would’ve told me is: acceptance letters don’t equate to success in life or any form of validation, it is merely a response to the compatibility of you and that school. The last thing I want to do is to sugarcoat the unbearable disappointment of opening a letter and reading that you haven’t been accepted to your dream school. It IS tough, and it IS sad, for a while. I've been through the exact same process, the heartache, it hurts when you aren't accepted, and it feels terrible. 
But then you open another letter, and another, or maybe a few more, and you will open the next one and it’s going to start with big bold letters that spell “Congratulations _(insert your name here_!” and it will all be worth it. All those classes preparing for the SSATs, all the restless nights drafting your applicant essays, it will all be worth it. Promise me to take a deep breath, and be proud of all you have accomplished, and I promise you, it will be a relief. Trust me, it will be so invigorating to find out which schools you did get into, imagine the journey you will embark on, the people you will encounter from different diverse backgrounds. Please be reminded that this is the end of that chapter in your life, but it marks the start of a new one, and a more thrilling adventure awaits I believe that you are someone with amazing character and thus you will certainly excel wherever you go. 
但是,当你打开另一封信,再另一封,甚至更多,也许下一封你打开的信里,以大写的字母开头,这些字母拼写为“恭喜_(在此插入您的名字_ !!”),一切都变得值得!那些准备SSAT课程的日子,那些起草申请文书的不安夜晚,一切都是值得的。答应我,深吸一口气,并对你所取得的成就感到骄傲,我保证,这会使你放松,你会为发现自己将进入哪所学校,将要踏上的旅程,以及将会遇到来自不同背景的人而兴奋不已。请注意,这是你人生中一个篇章的结束,它标志着新人生的开始,更令人激动的冒险等待着你,我相信你的性格如此出众,无论你走到哪里,你都会出类拔萃。
Lastly, know that my heart is with you as you reach the deadline, and I wish you the best of luck! 
——Mina X, G9, The Taft School
首先,成长比申请更重要,请专注于过程,而不是最后仅仅与结果较真。当时的我,可能因为周围的人都被牛校录取,我攀比的心理也从而萌生。“他们都能被录,我也没差到哪儿去啊?这不公平。” 在说这句话的时候,我并没有反思自己。回去想想,其实我有很多做的不足的地方。材料的前期准备,我也是比较仓促地做的。不能说没有用心,但是不能说是一件我拿出去会特别特别自豪的事。其实,我们应该更加注重项目的完成,而不是想着如何呈现给招生官面前。至于标化,我认为我做到比较满意的水平就停了,但其实我还能做到更好。后期,我的表白信没能打动招生官,互动也不频繁,提交完材料也没有密切关心学校的情况。这些零零碎碎的因素,最后加在一块,在我的材料里面形成了一个又一个的漏洞。但是作为一个新手,在顾问没有很多帮助下,我认为这没有什么值得后悔的。重要的是,我有没有吸取教训,在将来的路上不犯同样的错误?
其次,决定你是否录取有太多不可控制的外界因素。做到你自己的最好,我相信你们都会有回报的。你所在的申请池子,机构不靠谱,推荐信出问题,面试当天面试官心情不好,都不能怪你!如果你觉得 this is the best I can be(注:这是最好的我), 学校自然会看出来的。很多时候,不是拥有最好的背景、高标化成绩的申请者拿到了心仪的offer,而是那些与众不同,想对社会做贡献的人被真正匹配的学校青睐。选校一定不要以排名为唯一参考标准。每个学校都有自己独特的氛围和气质,而这种氛围和气质是你想要的吗?
——Cynthia Z, G9, Northfield Mount Hermon School
The Taft School 9年级学生采访
I’m a big believer in fate. Destiny, God, or whatever omnipotent supernatural beings you believe in. I believe that whatever happens now was meant to happen, in the present, and forever. I believe that sometimes the universe deals you a bad hand, but every bad hand dealt is an opportunity to become better, and every good one is a chance to rejoice. I believe that last year I took a chance on boarding school, and the universe as my dealer dealt me an exceptional hand. However, until then March 10th was all that mattered to me. The most important day of my life so far, and a day that would shape me. 
Now, a year later, and that day has creeped up on me as I blissfully dismissed any recollections of that harrowing fall and winter. As you all know too well, the hard part isn’t applying, it’s the sense of being unable to do anything as you wait. It eats away at you, filling every nook and cranny in your head, draining your energy and soul, and feeding off your stress and thoughts. I felt the same feelings too, the helplessness. Yet, none of that mattered in the end. I’ve all but forgotten what it was like. 
Understand that none of this will matter in a year’s time. Because like I said, every bad hand you’re dealt is an opportunity to become better. Maybe your top choice school waitlists you, or perhaps every school waitlists you. It might be that every school accepts you. You just don’t know yet. So don’t. Realize that it’s out of your hands, and it has been this whole time. Wait until tomorrow to worry about pursuing a waitlisted school. Relax. Fate and destiny will guide your path. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. All we can do is try our best.
With a day left before the most important decision in your lives so far, give yourself credit for your hard work. Stress no more about the result, because the result isn’t, and was never up to you. All you could do was try your best, so be happy that you did. Tonight when you sleep, I implore you, have faith in yourself. Trust, and believe that you did, and are going to do all you can to get accepted, because there are no bad hands dealt in this game of life, only new, and greater opportunities.
——Lex, G9, Choate Rosemary Hall
310的今天是对于很多学生很重要的一天,想祝福所有的同学们可以申请到自己的梦想学校, 想告诉你,你值得,努力你的努力,荣耀你的荣耀。想告诉那些结果似乎不理想的同学们,你们之前以及现在所有的努力都是以后幸运的伏笔。你们都是那以后即将展翅高飞的海鸥,现在的跌倒或尝试都是一次一次的在练习飞翔,就是为了以后更好的自己。
——Amanda, St. Paul's School
If I have a chance to speak to myself from the past: to myself at March the tenth, 2019, I would tell my past self not to worry and that everything is going to be alright. 
I know the intense feeling of anxiety and expectations combined together, mixed with nervousness and excitement: I’ve been there before. It’s natural to feel this way at this particular day when so much is on the line and I am not saying that such emotions are wrong in any way. But if we just slow down and review carefully the process, we need to believe in ourselves, to have faith in ourselves. If you sincerely gave it your all, if you spent day and night memorizing the SSAT vocals, going through the TOEFL reading mock tests, then everything is going to be alright. Trust the process. If you grinded through all the hardships and numerous endeavors, then hard work will yield satisfying results. 
I was just like you on this particular day, feeling that I could have done a bit more: maybe to score a few more points in the exams, to perform better in the interviews, but when the offers finally came out, I found that all my anxiety were mere whims conjured by my imagination; in fact, when in reflection, I find such feelings and behaviors of myself on that day rather laughable and childish. All I want to say is, this is the final day. There is not that much which you can do, honestly. So just put down your phone, sit back, relax, and wait for your venture to blossom like the most delicate flowers.
——Kevin, G9, The Taft School 
——Iris W, G10, Hun school of Princeton
一切过往 皆为序章 
所有将来 皆是可盼
前程似锦无忧虑 一路顺风无难事 
愿今日得你所喜 愿将来得你所
——Rick G, G9, The Hill School