Carol (extreme right)and other entrepreneurs | Carol (右一)与其他女性创业者( SHOKAY: photo credit | 图源于SHOKAY )
It began with an idea
与此同时,远在哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院读书的台湾人乔婉珊(Carol Chyau)也心系着中国西部。为了更好的了解那里的实际情况,乔婉珊和创业伙伴苏芷君(Marie So)一同前往云南实地调研,在一次走访会中她们发现了牦牛纤维在使用时会比羊毛更柔软。她们想,如果牦牛纤维如此柔软,为什么在市场上看不到这样的产品?
带着这样的想法, 从制造牦牛绒产品的源头入手,她们直接从牧民手中收购牦牛纤维,按照设计师设计的款式,由织娘手工编织成纺织品进行售卖。采取了这不同的方式,她们创立了社会企业SHOKAY(藏语里的意思是“牦牛绒“),直帮助提高牧民的生活水平。
Inspired to improve lives in Western China, Carol Chyau and her business partner Marie So founded SHOKAY in 2006. “SHOKAY” means “yak wool” in Tibetan language. The raw materials come directly from the hands of herdsmen, and designers carefully transform them into ready-to-wear clothes, accessories and home-deco. Part of SHOKAY’s products are hand-weaved by local women from rural areas. Working with more than 2600 herdsmen and building up co-ops, Carol’s team helps provide local herdsmen and weavers with long-term employment and higher stable income while retaining their traditional way of life. 
SHOKAY and two generations of herdsmen
“真正产生社会影响力不是一朝一夕可以看到的,是一个长久的过程。” 乔婉珊在回忆SHOKAY寻找合作商的经历时感慨道。         
“Authentic social impact is not immediate, it is a lasting process.” Improving living conditions in the West and promoting regional development seem to be lofty goals, but Carol started to have these ideas while she was studying Public Administration at Harvard’s Kennedy School. While field researching with Marie So in Western China, the two ladies surprisingly discovered that yak wool is even softer than normal wool. Why are yak sweaters not in the market? they wondered. This question led to the birth of SHOKAY. 
Recalling her arduous task starting up the business, Carol says, “At first, it was very hard to find yak suppliers. We found one of our best partners in a local woman in Qinghai, Xining — we call her Auntie. ” Auntie connected SHOKAY with herdsmen and that led to forming yak wool co-ops. Ten years ago when WeChat did not exist, communication with Auntie was very difficult. Despite communication barriers, SHOKAY managed to keep in touch with Auntie. Three years later, Auntie’s nephew Dejijia came back to Qinghai from studies in Beijing. He carried on his aunt’s job of connecting the yak co-ops. Working his way up, Dejijia is now village head of Wenba Village in Heimahe Town, and he continues to work closely with SHOKAY.  
Carol (extreme left), Auntie (2nd from left), Uncle (4th from left) with their family | Carol(左1)与德季加阿姨(左2)舅舅(左4)一家 ( SHOKAY: photo credit | 图源于SHOKAY )
乔婉珊谈到,“当时在台下听他分享,看到他能够代表自己的文化,代表供应链,回想十几年前,我们从无到有, 从大家不相信,到现在在国际会议上与来自全球各地的牧民分享藏族的经验,这是一个很感慨的历程。”
Spanning two generations, SHOKAY’s connection to this family is built on trust, lasting for more than a decade. Last year, Dejijia also represented Tibetan herdsmen at The Sixth International Yak Conference. As Carol sat in the audience listen to Dejijia represent his culture and share insights about the yak supply chain, she says, “I started to get flashbacks to ten years ago, when he was a herds-boy and we had nothing.” “It was hard for us to believe, that the young boy will be sharing Tibetan values on an international conference with people from all over the world. This is incredible both for himself and for SHOKAY.” 
 Dejijia at The Sixth International Yak Conference, 2018 | 德季加于2018年第六届牦牛大会 ( SHOKAY: photo credit | 图源于SHOKAY )
“ 你的logo也太像一块牛排了吧!”
“Your logo looks like a piece of steak.”
Besides supply chain and technical difficulties, SHOKAY also experienced branding  challenges. In 2009, Carol participated in the Cartier Women’s Initiative (CWI), hoping to bring yak wool to a larger audience. At a panel presentation, one of her fellow presenters commented, “Carol, you’ve got a great business model. But your logo looks like a piece of steak.” Taking this feedback to heart, SHOKAY recreated its logo, which is still in use today. 
Recounting her experience at the 2009 CWI, Carol believes that the French brand has successfully built a closely-knit community, and she still has very good connections with Cartier and other participants. 
“Participating in this competition made me think about the distinctions of female entrepreneurs. Women who choose to start their own business often pay more attention to the ‘significance’ behind their business,” Carol says. Encouraging other female entrepreneurs to participate in this competition, she adds, “What Cartier tries to capture, are the reasons why people choose to start a business, and what their specialized fields are —— this is quite interesting.” 
Carol regards CWI a great opportunity, as not many competitions focus on female entrepreneurs. “In fact, it does not require your organization to be strictly a social enterprise. As long as your business is contributing to society, you are eligible to participate.” 
In her interview with Impact Hub Shanghai, Carol also mentioned other benefits CWI brought to participants and their projects: SHOKAY came under the spotlight after the competition and started to get more media attention, hence helping it to spread its business philosophy.
Apart from receiving branding, logo advice and more public exposure, Carol feels that each round of the competition has prompted her to re-think the business. For example, participants learned how to polish their business plans and to present their ideas in roadshows. This is a wonderful opportunity for female entrepreneurs who aim to successfully run their own businesses.   
CWI 2020 will provide participants with resources, global perspectives, and trainings. If your team has been inspired by Carol’s story and moved to participate, please scan the QR code in this poster for more details in English. Applications close Aug 14th 2019. 
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作为Cartier Women’s Initiative的合作伙伴,Impact Hub上海将陆续推出和分享更多关于她们的创业故事。
As official partner of Cartier Women’s Initiative 2020, Impact Hub Shanghai will be  sharing more inspiring stories of these female participants in the coming days. Please follow us or stay tuned to our updates.
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编辑:Daphne Seah 
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