关于“卡地亚女性创业家奖”| 由卡地亚(Cartier)及欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)于2006年联合创立,旨在通过赋能女性创业家以推动社会和商业变革。设立该奖项的目的是为了鼓励和支持女性创业家们,为她们提供创业所需的资金、社会及人脉资源支持,推动企业成长,提升她们的领导力。
The Cartier Women's Initiative (CWI) is an annual international entrepreneurship programme that aims to drive change by empowering women impact entrepreneurs. Founded in 2006, the programme is open to women-run and women-owned businesses from any country and sector that aim to have a strong and sustainable social and/or environmental impact.
“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的愿景| 期待在这个世界上,每一个推动社会变革的女性影响力企业家都能充分发挥自己的潜力。一年一度的“卡地亚女性创业家奖”向所有国家和行业开放,面向由女性运营或持有,能为社会及环境带来强大与可持续影响力的初创公司。自创立以来,该奖项已助力了来自56个国家的240名杰出女性创业者,累积为她们的公司提供超过300万美元的奖金支持。
CWI's mission is to shine a light on women impact entrepreneurs and provide them with the necessary financial, social and human capital support to grow their business and build their leadership skills. Since 2006, CWI has accompanied 240 promising female entrepreneurs hailing from 56 different countries and has awarded over 3 million USD to support these businesses.
2021年度,增设新奖项,拓展新领域| 为了进一步提升“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的影响力,确保奖项与时俱进,自2021年度开始,在原有七个地区获奖者的基础之上,将新增三个女性创业家获奖入围名额——科学和技术先锋奖,以拓展项目奖项类别,旨在为引领科学和技术创新前沿的女性创业家提供支持。
In addition to the 7 existing Regional Awards, the initiative has launched the Science & Technology Pioneer Award, a new thematic category for the 2021 edition that aims to support women impact entrepreneurs at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation.
“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的奖励| 8位优胜者(各地区冠军)中的每一位都将获得10万美元奖金,同时,其他16位入围者(各地区亚军与季军)将分别获得3万美元奖金。最终,8位优胜者和16入围创业者将获得金融顾问服务、一对一定制商业策略指导、媒体推广、参加国际社交活动及欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD) “社会创业高管培训课程”的机会。
Each of the 8 laureates is awarded US$ 100,000 in grant whereas each of the 16 remaining finalists receives US$ 30,000 in grant. Besides financial capital support, they will also be empowered with human capital support and social capital support.
“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的申请条件| 该奖项不限制申请人的国籍、地域、民族或所在行业,但需满足以下申请条件:
The Cartier Women’s Initiative is looking for women-run and women-owned impact-driven businesses. Entrepreneurs across all sectors and from around the world are encouraged to apply.

To be considered for the Regional Awards, the applicant’s business must meet the following eligibility criteria:
• 盈利性:申报企业应被设计成能够产生足够的收入来支持其运营,并向所有者返还一定比例利润的盈利性企业。非营利机构不接受申请。
For-profit: the business should be designed to generate sufficient revenues to support its operations and return some level of profit to its owners. Non-profit enterprises are not accepted.
• 初创企业:企业应具备证明可行的商业模式,并处于初创阶段(获批后运营1-5年),对于2021年度的申请人来说,我们寻找的是在2015年8月-2019年8月之间注册的企业。除此以外,我们寻找的是由创始人和公司员工主要控股的公司。
Early-stage: the business should have a proven business model and be in the initial phase of its development and growth (between 1 and 5 years of licensed/registered operations). For the 2021 edition, we are looking for businesses that have been incorporated between August 2015 and August 2019. Moreover, we are focused on companies that are majority-owned by founders and employees at the time of application.
• 产生收入:自申请之日起,该企业应持续至少一年以上从其服务或产品的销售中产生收入,但要求产生收入并不等同于要求盈利。
Revenue generation: the business should currently be generating revenue from the sales of its products and/or services for at least 1 year as of the date of application. It is understood that a business that is generating revenue is not necessarily profitable in its first years of operations.
• 融资上限:该企业在截止申请时的股权融资金额不超过200万美元,设置此上限是希望申请企业处于所要求的发展阶段。
Fundraising: the business should not have raised more than US$2 million in dilutive funding. The Regional Awards cap the funds raised in order to ensure that the businesses selected fall within a similar range of development.
• 影响力:必须至少满足一项联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)。可持续发展目标是联合国大会在2015年为2030年制定的17项全球目标框架,是对各国在促进繁荣的同时保护环境的呼吁。它们涵盖了一系列社会、经济和环境发展问题。
Impact: the business should meet at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. The SDGs are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the environment. They cover a series of social, economic, and environmental development issues.
• 领导力:必须由女性担任主要领导职位,如 CEO、总经理或董事。
Leadership: A woman must fill the main leadership position, for example as CEO, General Manager or Director of the company.
• 所有权:创始人需为女性,且她持有最大的创始人权益或与共同创始人持有至少相同的股份。
Ownership: The founder needs to be a woman and she must be the largest shareholder of founder equity in the company or own a share at least equal to that of her cofounder(s).
• 合法申请年龄:申请人必须在申请截止日期(2020年7月31日)当天年满18岁。
Legal entry age: The lead entrant must be 18 on the day of the application deadline (July 31, 2020).
• 英语水平:具有良好的英语水平(口语和书面表达能力)。需要达到CEFR B2或以上水平。要求理解复杂文本的主要思想,在商业和所在专业领域进行技术讨论,并能流利、自然地与母语为英语的人交流。
English proficiency: A good command of the English language is required (both verbal and written). We require the Common European Framework of Reference Level B2 or above. This level requires an understanding of the main ideas of complex text, technical discussion in business and your field of specialisation, and an ability to interact with fluency and spontaneity with native speakers.
• 时间承诺:申请者必须确保每周能投入约4小时参与卡地亚线上项目交流,并能够参加为期一周的筹备培训(具体时间待定)。
Time commitment:  The applicant must commit to dedicating up to 4 hours/week virtually for the duration of the fellowship programme and to attending one week of in-person preparatory training (date TBC).
评选流程及评选标准| 年度评选分为两轮,并参照以下标准:
The selection process is divided into two rounds and the criteria is as follows:
Round 1: The jury selects 21 finalists, the top three applicants of each region (Latin America & the Caribbean, North America, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, East Asia, South Asia & Oceania), on the basis of their application form.
Round 2: The finalists are invited to the final round, which includes submitting further business information and presenting their business in front of their regional jury panel during the preparatory training week. Based on the selection criteria, one laureate for each of the seven regions is selected. The announcement of the 7 laureates for the Regional Awards, along with the laureate for the Science & Technology Pioneer Award, will take place during the Awards Ceremony.
评审团将根据以下标准评估参选企业 :
The Jury evaluates the applications based on the following criteria:
• 市场分析 & 适应性 
Market analysis & fit
• 企业可持续发展性及财务模型 
Financial & business model sustainability
• 领导团队 & 创始人
Leadership team & character of founder
• 战略计划 & 执行效果 
Strategy & execution
• 潜在正面社会影响力
Embedded positive social impact
• 对比赛的投入
Commitment to Cartier Women's Initiative
• 递交材料的质量
Quality of submission
2021年度申请起止日期| 北京时间2020年6月4日20时至2020年7月31日20时。
The call for applicants for the 2021 edition of the Cartier Women's Initiative in now open! We are currently accepting applications up until the deadline: 2 PM CEST ON JULY 31, 2020.
Please scan the QR code below 
for the application brochures
For more information about the awards, 
please click "Read More" or go to the website below,
and you can also e-mail us
2020年度各赛区入围选手,一排从左至右 The 2020 Regional Awards fellows. From left to right (top row): Lisseth Cordero (Mexico), Adriana Luna (Mexico), Adriana Mata (Chile), Stephanie Benedetto (USA), Kelly Nguyen (USA), Sarah Tuneberg (USA), Sofie Blakstad (Denmark), Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen (Denmark), Dora Palfi (Sweden), Véna Arielle Ahouansou (Benin), Temie Giwa-Tubosun (Nigeria). 二排从左至右 From left to right (bottom row): Funkola Odeleye (Nigeria), Nadia Gamal El Din (Egypt), Rihab Hasanain (Saudi Arabia), Rasha Rady (Egypt), Nini Mao (China), Weini Qiu (China), Charlotte Wang (China), Joanne Howarth (Australia), Jenna Leo (Australia), Lisa King (New Zealand).
敬请持续关注| 接下来,Impact Hub Shanghai 将向大家介绍和分享更多“卡地亚女性创业家奖”中涌现出的杰出“她”力量。同样是由女性创业家创立的 Impact Hub Shanghai 此前已合作支持了2019及2020年度“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的推广、招募与社群发展。作为2021年度“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的影响力赋能伙伴,Impact Hub Shanghai 期待见证更多创业女性的光芒,欢迎有意向申请2021年度“卡地亚女性创业家奖”的申请人、关注该奖项或女性创业话题的伙伴扫描下方二维码、加入女性影响力微信群,任何与申请相关的疑问也将在群内得到解答。
Following the cancellation of the awards ceremony in Boston, the laureates for the 2020 edition will be announced virtually on TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020. Impact Hub Shanghai will then share the outstanding laureates' stories through the Wechat official account. Impact Hub Shanghai, also founded by women entrepreneurs, has previously collaborated to support the promotion of 2018 and 2019 CWI. As the Impact Empowerment Partner of 2021 CWI, Impact the Hub Shanghai is looking forward to greater women impact, potential applicants and people interested in CWI and women entrepreneurship can scan the QR code below to join the women impact community.
扫码添加 Host 微信并备注“CWI”
Please scan the QR code below 
to join the wechat group.
We will share more info and answer your questions in this group.
关于欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)作为全球领先且规模最大的研究生商学院之一,欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)汇聚人才、文化和思想在一起,致力于培养富有责任感的领导者,引领商业与社会的变革。该校的科研、教学与合作活动,都折射出其国际化视野与文化多样性。通过设立在欧洲(法国)、亚洲(新加坡)和中东(阿联酋)的校区, INSEAD的商学教育和研究跨越三个大洲。来自41个国家的165位知名教务专家每年为1,300多名学员授课。此外,每年还有超过11,000名企业高层管理人士攻读INSEAD高管培训项目。
ABOUT INSEAD: As one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD brings together people, cultures and ideas to develop responsible leaders who transform business and society. The school's research, teaching and partnerships reflect this global perspective and cultural diversity. 
详情请登录 For more info:www.insead.edu
关于霍夫曼全球商业社会研究中心(Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society)中心成立的初衷是将联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)融入到欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)的教学及管理当中。为实现这一目标,该中心积极探索并创办一系列项目进行商业模式创新、可持续运营能力的发掘和研究,发动全球校友会,为未来培养多样化的商业领袖。该中心致力将欧洲工商管理学院打造成可持续发展的学术机构,同时身体力行,助力他人实现相同梦想。
ABOUT THE HOFFMANN GLOBAL INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIETY: The Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society is leading the effort to align INSEAD with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. To achieve this, the Institute researches and develops innovative business models, explores sustainable operations, engages our global alumni community and inspires a diverse group of future leaders. The Institute strives to make INSEAD a sustainable school that leads by example and empowers others to do the same.
详情请登录 For more info:www.insead.edu/centres/the-hoffmann-global-institute-for-business-and-society
All copyrights by Cartier Women's Initiative
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Cartier Women’s Initiative and the SHOKAY Story

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