
# 加载R包library(ComplexHeatmap)library(circlize)# 构建一个跟上次推文一样的矩阵set.seed(123)nr1 = 4; nr2 = 8; nr3 = 6; nr = nr1 + nr2 + nr3nc1 = 6; nc2 = 8; nc3 = 10; nc = nc1 + nc2 + nc3mat <- cbind(rbind(matrix(rnorm(nr1*nc1, mean = 1, sd = 0.5), nr = nr1), matrix(rnorm(nr2*nc1, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), nr = nr2), matrix(rnorm(nr3*nc1, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), nr = nr3)), rbind(matrix(rnorm(nr1*nc2, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), nr = nr1), matrix(rnorm(nr2*nc2, mean = 1, sd = 0.5), nr = nr2), matrix(rnorm(nr3*nc2, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), nr = nr3)), rbind(matrix(rnorm(nr1*nc3, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.5), nr = nr1), matrix(rnorm(nr2*nc3, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.5), nr = nr2),         matrix(rnorm(nr3*nc3, mean = 1,   sd = 0.5), nr = nr3)))mat <- mat[sample(nr, nr), sample(nc, nc)] rownames(mat) = paste0("gene", seq_len(nr))colnames(mat) = paste0("Sample", seq_len(nc))head(mat)## Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5 Sample6## gene1 0.90474160 -0.35229823 0.5016096 1.26769942 0.8251229 0.16215217## gene2 0.90882972 0.79157121 1.0726316 0.01299521 0.1391978 0.46833693## gene3 0.28074668 0.02987497 0.7052595 1.21514235 0.1747267 0.20949120## gene4 0.02729558 0.75810969 0.5333504 -0.49637424 -0.5261114 0.56724357## gene5 -0.32552445 1.03264652 1.1249573 0.66695147 0.4490584 1.04236865## gene6 0.58403269 -0.47373731 0.5452483 0.86824798 -0.1976372 -0.03565404## Sample7 Sample8 Sample9 Sample10 Sample11 Sample12## gene1 -0.2869867 0.68032622 -0.1629658 0.8254537 0.7821773 -0.49625358## gene2 1.2814948 0.38998256 -0.3473535 1.3508922 1.1183375 2.05005447## gene3 -0.6423579 -0.31395304 0.2175907 -0.2973086 0.4322058 -0.25803192## gene4 0.8127096 -0.01427338 1.0844780 0.2426662 0.8783874 1.38452112## gene5 2.6205200 0.75823530 -0.2333277 1.3439584 0.8517620 0.85980233## gene6 -0.3203530 1.05534136 0.7771690 0.4594983 0.2550648 -0.02778098## Sample13 Sample14 Sample15 Sample16 Sample17 Sample18## gene1 -0.0895258 -0.35520328 0.1072694 0.96322199 -0.39245223 -0.1878014## gene2 1.3770269 -0.77437640 0.9829664 0.23854381 -0.53589561 1.3003544## gene3 -0.5686518 -0.51321045 -0.0451598 0.82272880 -0.02251386 0.2427300## gene4 0.8376570 0.10797078 0.4520019 0.81648036 0.02650211 0.4072600## gene5 1.9986067 -0.50928769 0.7708173 -0.09421702 -1.15458444 1.2715970## gene6 -0.2112484 0.01669142 -0.3259750 0.54460361 0.89101254 0.3699738## Sample19 Sample20 Sample21 Sample22 Sample23 Sample24## gene1 1.08736320 0.7132199 -0.1853300 -0.14238650 0.6407669 1.3266288## gene2 0.14237891 0.4471643 0.4475628 -0.31251963 0.7057150 0.8120937## gene3 1.09511516 0.5852612 0.1926402 0.51278568 1.6361334 1.1339175## gene4 -0.02625664 0.9556956 0.3443201 0.07668656 1.7857291 0.5280084## gene5 0.60599022 0.8304101 -0.1902355 -0.14753574 1.0123366 0.2140750## gene6 0.81537706 1.2737905 1.8575325 0.88491126 0.5670193 0.5372756
ComplexHeatmap cluster
# 使用参数控制是否进行聚类Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_columns = FALSE) # 列不聚类,行聚类
# 使用参数控制是否展示聚类树(本质还是进行了聚类,只是不展示聚类树)Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", show_row_dend = TRUE, show_column_dend = FALSE)
# 使用参数调整聚类树方向,并调整聚类树的大小Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", row_dend_side = "right", column_dend_side = "bottom",column_dend_height = unit(2, "cm"),row_dend_width = unit(4, "cm"))
(1)将距离指定为预定义选项。即使用dist()函数以及定义“ pearson”,“ spearman”或“ kendall”,相关距离定义为1-cor(x,y,method),cor函数用来计算相关性,所以相关距离应该是1和相关系数的差值。这种方法允许数据中存在NA值。
# 第一种方法Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", clustering_distance_rows = "pearson",column_title = "第一种方法中的pearson")
# 第二种方法Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", clustering_distance_rows = function(m) dist(m), # 这里的m指代数据mat column_title = "自定义距离矩阵的函数")
# 第三种方法Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", clustering_distance_rows = function(x, y) 1 - cor(x, y),column_title = "自定义函数计算两个向量之间的距离")
# 定义矩阵和距离计算函数mat_with_outliers = matfor(i in 1:10) mat_with_outliers[i, i] = 1000# 设置离群值为1000robust_dist = function(x, y) {qx = quantile(x, c(0.1, 0.9)) # 用quantile取百分位比,此处为10%和90% qy = quantile(y, c(0.1, 0.9)) l = x > qx[1] & x < qx[2] & y > qy[1] & y < qy[2]x = x[l]y = y[l]sqrt(sum((x - y)^2)) # sqrt函数取平方根}
# 设置颜色映射,使离群值不影响整体颜色Heatmap(mat_with_outliers, name = "mat", col = colorRamp2(c(-2, 0, 2), c("navy", "white", "red")), column_title = "不使用鲁棒距离法")
Heatmap(mat_with_outliers, name = "mat", col = colorRamp2(c(-2, 0, 2), c("navy", "white", "red")), clustering_distance_rows = robust_dist, clustering_distance_columns = robust_dist, column_title = "使用鲁棒距离法")
mat_letters = matrix(sample(LETTERS[1:5], 400, replace = TRUE), 20)# 设置聚类函数dist_letters = function(x, y) { x = strtoi(charToRaw(paste(x, collapse = "")), base = 16) y = strtoi(charToRaw(paste(y, collapse = "")), base = 16)sqrt(sum((x - y)^2))}# 绘制热图Heatmap(mat_letters, name = "letters", col = structure(2:6, names = LETTERS[1:5]), clustering_distance_rows = dist_letters, clustering_distance_columns = dist_letters, cell_fun = function(j, i, x, y, w, h, col) { # 添加文本 grid.text(mat_letters[i, j], x, y) })
那么计算完距离之后,下一步就是应用聚类方法了,我们可以使用clustering_method_rows 和 clustering_method_columns 参数进行设置:
Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", clustering_method_rows = "single")
如果已经有一个直接返回集群对象的集群对象或函数,则可以忽略距离设置,并将集群对象或集群函数设置为cluster_rows或cluster_columns。如果它是一个聚类函数,那么唯一的参数应该是矩阵,并且它应该返回一个hclust或dendrogram对象,或者一个可以强制转换为dendrogram类的对象。这种方式可以让我们展示特定聚类方法下的结果,比如,使用来自cluster package的方法进行聚类:
library(cluster)Heatmap(mat,name = "mat", cluster_rows = diana(mat),cluster_columns = agnes(t(mat)), column_title = "cluster package 1")
# 如果cluster_columns被设置为一个函数,则不需要转置矩阵(这种方式类似于自定义函数计算距离)Heatmap(mat,name = "mat", cluster_rows = diana,cluster_columns = agnes, column_title = "cluster package 2_1")
# 上面的代码也可以写成这样Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_rows = function(m) as.dendrogram(diana(m)), cluster_columns = function(m) as.dendrogram(agnes(m)),column_title = "clusterpackage 2_2")
# 对比上面两个代码,可以发现在cluster_rows的function(m)中的m为数据mat本身,而cluster_columnsfunction(m)中的m为转置的数据mat,即t(mat),也可以使用hclustfh <- function(x) fastcluster::hclust(dist(x))Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_rows = fh, cluster_columns = fh, column_title = "hclust method")
kmeans_cluster <- kmeans(t(mat), centers = 3, iter.max = 100)kmeans_cluster # 查看kemans结果## K-means clustering with 3 clusters of sizes 10, 8, 6## ## Cluster means:## gene1 gene2 gene3 gene4 gene5 gene6## 1 0.90125516 0.5597888 0.80812370 0.4476205 0.5335800 0.57930227## 2 -0.03974881 1.2003372 -0.16617673 0.6827711 1.3675396 -0.07065958## 3 -0.09300193 -0.1887666 0.01222321 0.2709474 -0.2461226 0.91377635## gene7 gene8 gene9 gene10 gene11 gene12## 1 0.60940007 1.05831848 0.544611273 0.7482195 0.8477304 0.5605398## 2 1.00110216 -0.01285905 -0.009637146 0.9588394 -0.2776678 -0.1445118## 3 -0.01764198 0.32505837 0.979207624 0.1016129 0.1014296 0.8927298## gene13 gene14 gene15 gene16 gene17 gene18## 1 0.764856253 0.98886581 1.17271779 0.3978471 0.5042117 0.5047975## 2 0.008724514 0.08392861 0.09047515 0.8944287 1.1496964 0.8071096## 3 1.196934720 -0.11990428 -0.04449938 0.2487632 0.1568983 -0.1110327## ## Clustering vector:## Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5 Sample6 Sample7 Sample8 ## 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 ## Sample9 Sample10 Sample11 Sample12 Sample13 Sample14 Sample15 Sample16 ## 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 ## Sample17 Sample18 Sample19 Sample20 Sample21 Sample22 Sample23 Sample24 ## 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 ## ## Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:## [1] 43.29525 29.30922 19.22125## (between_SS / total_SS = 47.2 %)## ## Available components:## ## [1] "cluster" "centers" "totss" "withinss" "tot.withinss"## [6] "betweenss" "size" "iter" "ifault"# 对上面kmeans的聚类结果进行解释:第一行表示各个cluster下样本的数量分别是8、10和6个。接着是聚类的均值,即每个基因在各个聚类的中心点。然后是聚类向量,表明每个样本所属的cluster。Within cluster sum of squares by cluster表示每个cluster内部的距离平方和,表示该簇的紧密程度,其中between_SS /total_SS这一项表示组间距离的平方和占整体距离平方和的结果,这个值越接近1越好。最后的Available components表示运行结果返回的对象包含的组成部分group <- kmeans_cluster$clusterHeatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_columns = cluster_within_group(mat, group), column_title = "kmeans cluster method")
# 当然也可以像pheatmap一样再打上颜色标签ha <- HeatmapAnnotation(bar = group, col = list(bar = c("1" = "red", "2" = "blue", "3" = "purple")))Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_columns = cluster_within_group(mat, group), top_annotation = ha, column_title = "kmeans cluster method")

library(dendextend)# 根据聚类结果设置颜色row_dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(mat)))row_dend # 查看聚类结果## 'dendrogram' with 2 branches and 18 members total, at height 6.556313row_dend <- color_branches(row_dend, k = 2) # 根据聚类结果设置k值(颜色)Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_rows = row_dend)
# 使用row_dend_gp和column_dend_gp设置全局颜色Heatmap(mat, name = "mat",cluster_rows = row_dend, column_dend_gp = gpar(col = c("blue","red")))
使用热图进行可视化,最大的意义应该在于聚类,把相同特性的因素聚类在一起,把不同特性的因素进行区分,展示出因素与因素之间的相似性和差异性,这种因素可以是某种临床特征,也可以是某种表型。在Heatmap()函数中, 如果将row_dend_reorder和column_dend_reorder的值设置为逻辑值的TRUE或者FALSE,则控制热图是否应用树状图重排序;如果将这两个参数设置为数值向量,则它们还控制重新排序的权重(将被映射到reorder.dendrogram()的wts参数)。
# 使用参数进行重聚类Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", row_dend_reorder = FALSE, column_dend_reorder = FALSE, column_title = "no reordering")
Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", row_dend_reorder = TRUE, column_dend_reorder = TRUE, column_title = "apply reordering")
# 使用dendsort包进行聚类# install.packages("dendsort")library(dendsort)dend <- dendsort(hclust(dist(mat)))Heatmap(mat, name = "mat", cluster_rows = dend, column_title = "reorder by dendsort", column_dend_gp = gpar(col = c("blue","red")), row_dend_gp = gpar(col = c("blue","red")))
在R的学习中,我为什么更喜欢可视化呢?首先肯定是因为可视化可以画出很多赏心悦目的图片啦,当然除此之外,可视化最重要的是提供数据所隐藏的潜在规律,《R数据科学》一书中引用了John Tukey的一句话:
The simple graph has brought more information to the data analyst’s mind than any other device.
                                                                                               ———John Tukey

 好了,今天我们先到这里。ComplexHeatmap的故事还将继续,下一期,我们将继续对热图进行修饰,并且结合更多的聚类方法花样玩热图。我们下期再见吧!o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ