编译 | 牧羊犬
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密西根州州务卿乔斯林•本森(Jocelyn Benson)表示,周六(12月5日)出现在她家门外的二十来名想推翻该州2020年总统选举结果的抗议者"越界了",并补充说,他们想"破坏和压制每个选民的意愿和声音"。
密西根州警察局的Mike Shaw中尉说,他相信一些抗议者公开携带枪支。警方于当天深夜接近10时接到有人报警求助,声称受到滋扰,派人前往调查。过了不久,示威群众陆续散去。警方发言人表示,事件中无人受伤,无人被捕。虽然有部分人持有武器,但在密西根州现行法例下,只要是合法拥有枪械以及不刻意隐藏枪械,在公众地方持枪便不算违法。
"他们高喊关于选举的毫无根据的阴谋论,在上传到社交媒体的视频中,至少可以听到一个人在她孩子卧室外高喊'你们是杀人犯'。”密西根州总检察长达娜•内塞尔(Dana Nessel)和韦恩郡检察官Kym Worthy在周日的一份联合声明中谴责了本森家门外的抗议活动,指出"这种类似暴徒的行为是对基本道德和体面的侮辱,"并补充说,"去别人家恐吓儿童和家人不是积极行动主义"。
然而,他们的努力不会成功。因为我们的民主是强大的。人民的意愿是明确的。我每天都在我的工作岗位上,为所有选民服务,甚至维护那些在我家门外联合起来的抗议者的选票。我的职业生涯始于调查全国各地的暴力新纳粹和白人至上主义组织。底特律人Viola Liuzzo的照片,以及她遇害时所驾驶车辆的密西根州车牌复制品,挂在我的办公室里。我深知历史上那些致力于守护和保护我们民主进程的人们所承担的风险。不管是我家门外争吵不断和冲击视觉的威胁,还是充斥在我的社交媒体上的威胁,都无法阻止我、我的团队,或密西根州的1600多名选举管理人员完成我们的工作。
"As my four-year-old son and I were finishing up decorating the house for Christmas on Saturday night, and he was about to sit down to watch 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas,' dozens of armed individuals stood outside my home shouting obscenities and chanting into bullhorns in the dark of night.
I have always been an energetic advocate for the right and importance of peaceful protest as enshrined in the United States Constitution, however, there is a line crossed when gatherings are done with the primary purpose of intimidation of public officials who are carrying out the oath of office they solemnly took as elected officials. The actions of these latest protestors are an extension of the noise and clouded efforts to spread false information about the security and accuracy of our elections that we’ve all endured in the month since the polls closed on November 3. Through blatantly false press releases, purely political legislative hearings, bogus legal claims and so-called 'affidavits' that fail to allege any clear or cogent evidence of wrongdoing, those unhappy with the results of this election have perpetuated an unprecedented, dangerous, egregious campaign to erode the public’s confidence in the results of one of the most secure, accessible and transparent elections in our state’s history.
The demands made outside my home were unambiguous, loud and threatening. They targeted me in my role as Michigan’s Chief Election Officer. But the threats of those gathered weren’t actually aimed at me – or any other elected officials in this state. They were aimed at the voters. Through threats of violence, intimidation, and bullying, the armed people outside my home and their political allies seek to undermine and silence the will and voices of every voter in this state, no matter who they voted for. Their goal is to overturn and upend the results of an election that are clear and unequivocal, and that 5.5 million Michigan citizens participated in.
But their efforts won’t carry the day. Because our democracy is strong. The will of the people is clear. And I will stand up every day in my job for all voters, even the votes of the protestors who banded together outside my home. I began my career investigating violent neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations throughout the country. A photo of Detroiter Viola Liuzzo, along with a replica of her Michigan license plate from the vehicle she was driving when she was murdered, hangs in my office. I am acutely aware of the risks borne throughout the history of those working to stand guard over and protect our democratic process. Nothing about the incessant and graphic threats made outside my home, or those that flood my social media accounts, will deter me, my team, or the more than 1,600 election administrators across the state of Michigan from doing our jobs.
And that job is simple: to defend and protect every Michigan voter, their choice, and their votes. I will continue to guard every citizen’s vote because no matter how one voted or who they voted for, where they live, or what they look like, their vote is the lifeblood of our democracy. Ensuring it counts is central to our work as election officials. It’s in our oath of office when we pledge to support the United States Constitution and that of the State of Michigan, both of which unequivocally and preeminently establish every citizen's fundamental right to vote.
I have spent my career defending and protecting the right to vote of every eligible citizen. That commitment has never wavered, and it will not waver now. I will continue as Michigan’s Secretary of State, proudly protecting and defending every voter and every vote."

上周,佐治亚州的投票系统负责人加布里埃尔·斯特林(Gabriel Sterling)就在12月1日举行的新闻发布会上,呼吁总统唐纳德·川普和其他民选官员谴责针对选举工作人员暴力言辞。“今天,格温内特县有20多岁的技术人员收到死亡威胁,今天还收到了一个绞索,称他应该因为叛国罪被绞死。……必须停止。”斯特林说。
今年4月,持枪抗议者涌入密西根州国会大厦,要求密西根州州长和议员们结束该州为限制新冠病毒传播的居家令。对州长惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)实施的居家令不满的人们也在4月份聚集在她的兰辛家门口,而FBI在10月份侦破图谋绑架她的武装组织行动。今年夏天,反对警察对黑人男子施暴的抗议者也曾将洛杉矶、俄勒冈州波特兰、芝加哥、西雅图和圣路易斯的市长们的家作为目标。
