这也……太Shock了吧!但这个小孩确有其人,他叫丹尼尔·刘(Daniel Liu)。
10岁上高中(渥太华山Ottawa Hills),他就赢得2015届化学教育基金会举办的“你是化学家”(You Be the Chemist)挑战赛,击败四万名对手并获得1万美元奖金。丹尼尔是比赛中年纪最小的选手,同时也是该比赛有史以来年纪最小的获胜者。
11岁他被美国托莱多大学(University of Toledo)录取。但由于缺少高中学分,他同时也在高中上课。“我正在UT参加我的所有课程,但我也在高中就读,所以我在那里获得了这些课程的学分。”实验室、大学课程、高中课程,丹尼尔同时兼顾三方。
13 Year-Old Boy Genius
Most students fail the first midterm in Michael Young’s organic chemistry lecture at the University of Toledo. In spring 2017, the average was a 50. But one student, Daniel Liu, scored a 99.
“He smoked the competition,” Mr. Young said.
Daniel is now a researcher in Mr. Young’s lab. He co-authored a paper, published on May 22, that promises a faster, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly way to make pharmaceutical drugs and pesticides.
He is 12 years old.
Every year, Mr. Young has students join his lab. Daniel was interested right away. “I did a bit of background research,” he explained.
UT’s Environmental Health and Radiation Safety department does not allow children under 12 to be in labs. But with his parents’ permission, Daniel was able to start work in Mr. Young’s lab more than a year ago, when he was still 11.
“Having Daniel has definitely been interesting,” Mr. Young said. “On the one hand, his intellect is very much like an adult, but socially he’s still a kid.”
Early on, Daniel had to be told to clean up and peppered fellow researchers with questions, which sometimes rubbed others the wrong way, Mr. Young said.
But now, “he’s like a lab mascot,” the professor said.
Daniel blends in at the lab, handling chemicals, chatting with colleagues, and operating the Rotovap, his favorite piece of lab equipment.
He wears bright blue goggles over his glasses and an extra-small lab coat he brought for himself with a Buzz Lightyear T-shirt underneath.
Sometimes he has to stand on his tiptoes to grab what he needs.
In his time in the lab, he has learned to take initiative and to clean up after himself. “He’s grown emotionally to the point where I consider that he’s almost a regular undergraduate,” Mr. Young said.
Mohit Kapoor, a postdoctoral associate in the lab, said he enjoys working with Daniel.
The two were co-authors on a recent paper. Daniel double-checked Mr. Kapoor’s writing, verified results, and did some writing of his own.
Daniel explained that he and Mr. Kapoor converted bonds into molecules during their research. “Currently the methods to make these are going to use four or five steps for the one step that we are able to use,” he said.
While they work, Mr. Kapoor said, “we talk a lot.” Daniel said that most of his friends are from high school or UT, particularly the lab.
“Daniel is always here Monday through Friday,” Mr. Young added. “He often asks, ‘Oh, can I come in on Saturday?’ and sometimes we let him.”
Daniel’s intelligence was evident as early as kindergarten, Ottawa Hills School District Superintendent Kevin Miller said. He skipped through several grades in elementary school.
After he finished fifth grade, Daniel headed straight to high school in fall 2015. This past school year, technically his junior year, he took all of his classes at UT.
“At one point Daniel pretty much tapped us out of our extensive offerings in math and science,” Mr. Miler said. “Ultimately, we work closely with UT regarding Daniel’s academic needs because they are obviously very special.”
Daniel has a 4.0 GPA at UT. He said he likes school because he gets to learn new things.
Though he no longer takes classes at Ottawa Hills High School, Daniel is still considered a high school student. He participates in Science Olympiad and Quiz Bowl. The latter team won a national championship in April.
Daniel is no stranger to national recognition. In 2015, he was the youngest-ever winner of the national You Be A Chemist challenge, a Quiz Bowl-style competition. He made it through 11 rounds of chemistry-related questions to win a $10,000 check.
The following year, a classmate in Daniel’s organic chemistry course at UT posted a photo of him online. The tweet quickly went viral, garnering Daniel articles in the Huffington Post and Teen Vogue.
Daniel and Mr. Young both attest that this did not affect their research.
Right now, Daniel is working on two of his own projects. “I gave him a goal and he is doing some of the work to actually try to obtain that goal,” Mr. Young said.
Daniel does not remember how he became interested in chemistry, but said he would like to be a researcher or professor when he grows up.
In a year, he will graduate from Ottawa Hills High School. He said he would like to go somewhere else for college but “it depends on if I get in.”
For now, he is taking a second-year Spanish class at UT over the summer. When class lets out at 11:30 a.m., he heads up to the lab.
On Sunday, Daniel celebrates his 13th birthday. He does not know what he will do to celebrate, but on Saturday he plans to bring cake to the lab.
Daniel Liu is a child genius who won hearts online when he was 11 years old after he went viral for offering to help his much older college classmates. Back in 2016, the science whiz was taking classes at the University of Toledo while also enrolled at his high school.
Mohit Kapoor, a postdoctoral associate in the lab who worked with Liu on the paper published back in May, said the boy was a pleasure to work with. According to Liu, their research involved him and Kapoor converting bonds into molecules. “Currently the methods to make these are going to use four or five steps for the one step that we are able to use,” he noted.

The tweet went viral, turning the chemist prodigy into an instant online sensation. 
这个11岁就上大学有机化学课的孩子,叫Daniel Liu,是一位华裔少年。(他今年13岁,过了6月份就14岁了)。
Daniel在10岁就上了高中。11岁时,他参加了美国有名的青少年化学大赛“你是一个化学家”(You Be The Chemist),从3万多竞争对手中脱颖而出拿到冠军,并且成为了这项比赛有史以来年纪最小的获奖者。Daniel还因此在白宫受到了即将卸任的奥巴马的接见。
Liu’s remarkable achievements actually go way back to 2015, when he beat over 30,000 other students to become the youngest to win the Chemical Educational Foundation’s “You Be the Chemist” challenge at age 10, in his freshman year of high school.
除了奥巴马,他还“接见”了全美家喻户晓的科学节目主持人Bill Nye▼
Two years later, at age 13, Liu would go on to co-author a research paper that promises a faster, cheaper and more environmentally friendly way to make pharmaceutical drugs and pesticides.
Mohit Kapoor, a postdoctoral associate in the lab who worked with Liu on the paper published back in May, said the boy was a pleasure to work with. According to Liu, their research involved him and Kapoor converting bonds into molecules. 
“Having Daniel has definitely been interesting,” Young said. “On the one hand, his intellect is very much like an adult, but socially he’s still a kid.”
“He’s grown emotionally to the point where I consider that he’s almost a regular undergraduate,” Young noted.
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