10月29日美国总统特朗普表示计划签署一项行政命令,旨在取消非移民在美国境内所生婴儿的公民权(出生公民权,又称出生地主义国籍)。所谓“出生公民权”,是指在美国境内出生的婴儿将自动获得美国公民身份,无论其父母的身份如何(外交人员的子女除外)。特朗普此言一出,媒体一片哗然,因为出生地主义原则源于美国宪法第14条修正案,是美国移民法的基石。对此,本所移民部主管、前美国联邦移民法官Sandy Hom律师撰文点评如下。
华裔黄金德(Wong Kim Ark)于1873年在旧金山出生。随后他回中国探亲,返程回美国时却被拒绝入境,理由是他不是美国公民。
在United States诉Wong Kim Ark.169 US, 674,667, 702一案中,美国最高法院确认宪法第十四修正案公民条款遵循“既定的”和“在领土内出生即获公民身份的古老规则”以及效忠国家原则 - “每位出生在美国并受其管辖的人,可以立即成为美国公民,而不需要归化入籍。”
最高法院在Wong Kim Ark中进一步指出:“有两件事情通常可以创造公民身份:第一,在主权统治的领土上出生;第二,并受其管辖。169 U.S. at 659
Birthright US Citizenship
Born in San Francisco in 1873 to Chinese nationals, Wong Kim Ark had been denied reentry to the United States following a trip to China on the ground that he was not a U.S. citizen.
The Supreme Court in United States v. Wong Kim Ark. 169 U.S. at 674, 667, 702 confirmed that the Fourteenth Amendment Citizenship Clause follows the “established” and “ancient rule of citizenship by birth within the dominion” and allegiance of the nation—that “[e]very person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, becomes at once a citizen of the United States, and needs no naturalization.”
The Supreme Court stated that “there is no authority, legislative, executive, or judicial” which “superseded or restricted, in any respect, the established rule of citizenship by birth within the dominion.”
The Supreme Court further stated in Wong Kim Ark: “Two things usually concur to create citizenship: First, birth locally within the dominions of the sovereign; and, secondly, birth within the protection and obedience, or, in other words, within the allegiance, of the sovereign.” 169 U.S. at 659.
The case made clear by reaffirming the common law jus soli in the United States.
“The fourteenth amendment . . . has conferred no authority upon congress to restrict the effect of birth, declared by the Constitution to constitute a sufficient and complete right to citizenship.”).
Therefore, the President’s threat to do by Executive Order what the Supreme Court said over 130 years ago could not be done, is my opinion simply political rhetoric that will fail eventually in the courts.
The President’s efforts are aimed at riling his supporters to vote for his candidates during the mid-terms this coming week.  This is shown by his caustic and belligerent tweets aimed at the humanitarian refugees he calls invaders coming to the US. They are more than a 1000 miles from the US Border and maybe months away, but the President is engaging in political tactics and statements that got him elected in 2016.  Immigrant and immigrant issues are a political football that the President is using, without any truth to his alleged claims, to scare people into supporting his political party and agenda. 
Sandy Hom律师