

2020年10月26日,川普总统接受了宗教新闻社的采访。你可能会发现这些问题和答案非常有趣和鼓舞人心! 以下是采访记录(翻译果子): 
1:  上周你提到感谢上帝让你染上了新冠病毒. 在你的抗疫经历中,你在属灵方面学到了什么? 
川普总统:看到这么多伟大的美国人伸出援手,说他们在为我和我的家人祷告,真是令人惊讶。这个国家充满了对神有强烈信仰的优秀人士。梅拉尼娅和我感受到了来自全国各地–甚至世界各地的美国人的祷告。当我在沃尔特∙里德时,我说:“有奇迹从天而降!” 我是认真的–梅拉尼娅和我非常感谢上帝照顾我们的家人,让我们恢复健康。 
去年,我自豪地成为第一位在联合国主持关于保护世界各地宗教自由的会议的美国总统。我在演讲中提醒世界各国领导人,我们的权利不是来自政府,而是来自上帝–我明确呼吁世界各国结束宗教迫害。 在那次事件之后,我发布了《关于促进国际宗教自由的行政命令》,巩固了美国自己对这一关键问题的承诺,将其列为美国外交政策的优先事项,并承诺我们将尊重和大力促进这一自由。我的政府通过增加对援助受迫害的宗教团体的方案的资助,保护了全世界的宗教自由。 正如我在联合国所说的那样,美国与每个国家的信徒站在一起,他们只要求按照自己心中的信仰自由生活。 只要我是总统,我们就会继续这样做。 
5:延续了过去几届政府的努力,设立了“信仰办公室”。自2018年你设立 “信仰与机会计划” 以来,该计划产生了哪些具体成果,你期望它在未来几年内取得哪些成就? 
The following Q&A was part of a written interview with President Trump for Religion News Service. His answers appear in full below.
1. Last week you gave reference to thanking God that you had COVID. What did you learn spiritually during your COVID experience?
It was amazing to see so many great Americans who reached out and said they were praying for me and my family. This country is full of wonderful people with strong faith in God. Melania and I felt the prayers of Americans from all across the country – and even around the world.  When I was at Walter Reed, I said, “There were miracles coming down from heaven.” I meant it – Melania and I are very thankful to God for looking out for our family and returning us to good health.
2. You are regularly associated with influential Evangelical leaders (i.e. Paula White, Jack Graham, Franklin Graham) what have you learned from them spiritually?
I am honored to work with many Americans of faith, including our great Vice President Mike Pence, Faith Advisor Paula White, and so many others. These people truly love our country and love God. I hear and listen to them. Earlier this month, Franklin Graham and some other great faith leaders came to the Oval Office to pray for me and our country as they often do. These amazing people love the U.S.A. and have a genuine desire to work together for the betterment of all Americans. These leaders are passionate about America’s traditional values and want our churches to be open. I appreciate their prayers and am encouraged by their great faith.
3. Given the support you have received from evangelical Christians in particular, do you consider yourself to be an evangelical Christian and, why or why not?
I grew up going to church with my family in New York City. My parents taught me the importance of faith and prayer from a young age. Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian. Melania and I have gotten to visit some amazing churches and meet with great faith leaders from around the world. During the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, I tuned into several virtual church services and know that millions of Americans did the same. Thankfully, many great churches are now back open and meeting in person. In fact, just this past weekend I visited the International Church of Las Vegas and enjoyed a beautiful service.
4. What have you done to help persecuted Christians around the world?
Under my leadership, the United States of America will always stand for freedom of religion. I brought Pastor Andrew Brunson home from a prison in Turkey. I sanctioned the communists and socialists in Cuba and Venezuela because they don’t respect religious freedom. My State Department held the largest human rights event in history several years in a row during which I hosted multiple survivors of religious persecution in the Oval Office. Last month, we highlighted the importance of religious freedom in the very first paragraph of the historic Abraham Accords.
Last year, I was proud to become the first United States President to host a meeting at the United Nations on protecting religious freedom around the world. In my speech, I reminded the world’s leaders that our rights do not come from government, they come from God—and I explicitly called upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution.  I followed that event with an Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom that solidified America’s own commitment to this critical issue, by naming it as a foreign policy priority of the United States and promising that we will respect and vigorously promote this freedom. My Administration has protected religious freedom worldwide by increasing funding for programs that aid persecuted religious communities.  As I said at the United Nations, America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts.  And we will continue to do so for as long as I am President.
5. You have continued the efforts of past administrations to have a “faith-based office.” What specific results have been produced by the Faith and Opportunity Initiative since you established it in 2018 and, if you are re-elected, what do you expect it to accomplish in the coming years?
I signed an Executive Order in May 2018 that established a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative to ensure Americans of faith have a voice in their government.
The White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative serves as the front door for the faith community. Under my Administration, we have established an office or liaison in every Cabinet agency for the first time. This office has hosted thousands of faith leaders for briefings at the White House to hear their ideas and partner with them on preserving religious freedom, protecting our values, alleviating poverty, strengthening marriages and families, increasing mental health care, curbing substance abuse and addiction, ending homelessness, reducing crime, and reforming our prisons. Led by Pastor Paula White, this Initiative is working to remove barriers which have unfairly prevented faith based organizations from working with or receiving funding from the federal government. I am very proud of the work we have done to safeguard American values and to protect our great First Amendment.
川普总统有苏格兰血统,他的母亲玛丽∙安妮∙麦克劳德来自刘易斯的赫布里底岛(the Hebridean Island of Lewis),移民到美国,和来自德国的弗雷德里克·川普(Frederick Trump)相识并结婚。上个世纪四十年代末在赫布里底岛曾有过一场属灵的复兴。愿这个曾“以耶和华为神的那国,是有福的”的国家,在他的带领下,再次伟大起来。(参见:川普近四年在生命权、家庭、宗教信仰方面的成绩单) 

我们感谢上帝的施恩怜悯,给美国与人民 - 我们有机会悔改、回归、更新、复兴。
  • 求上帝让川普在领导我们的国家时,能被上帝的智慧、知识、理解、洞察力和谨慎所充满;
  • 求上帝继续让祂的善意展现在川普身上,赐予他在人民中的恩惠……甚至是那些一直批评他的人;
  • 求上帝举起川普的手臂,因为他要与黑暗的权势、邪恶的统治者打仗;
  • 求上帝丢弃那些捆绑人、蒙蔽人,使人远离真理的权柄和堡垒;
  • 求上帝开启那些未能辨别时势的人的眼睛,求将欺骗从他们的脑海中捆绑出来;
  • 求上帝的真理能向许多人的心显明,人心会转向、回归神;
  • 求上帝自己在这次选举中取得明显的胜利,上帝的保护之手能覆盖总统、他的家人、政府和美国人民;
  • 求正直的人在我们国家机构中领导,年轻的人将听到福音并得到拯救! 
  • 愿主耶稣的名被高举,被荣耀,传遍万国,因为光明的灯塔照耀着我们的川普总统和属上帝的国家。
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