Journalism Professors Create a Portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in New Documentary

今年3月,美国联邦最高法院大法官、哥伦比亚大学法学院校友鲁斯·巴德·金斯伯格(LAW '59)将度过她的85岁生日,但是她的精力却仍像40多岁的人一样充沛。在教练的陪伴下,她每周都会去最高法院的健身房锻炼两次,坚持做俯卧撑、平板支撑、还有举重。她经常去往各地进行演讲,参加歌剧节,甚至还在2016年华盛顿国家歌剧院出品的《军中女郎》中扮演了一个配角。
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (LAW ’59) turns 85 in March but has the energy of someone half her age. She works out twice a week with a trainer in the Supreme Court gym, doing pushups and planks, and lifting weights; travels extensively for speaking engagements and opera festivals, and had a small speaking role in a 2016 Washington National Opera production of The Daughter of the Regiment.
今年1月,金斯伯格在圣丹斯国际电影节上备受瞩目。在电影节上,她观看了纪录片《RBG》的首映。这部讲述了她人生故事的纪录片由贝特西·韦斯特和朱莉·科恩导演。贝特西·韦斯特是哥伦比亚大学新闻学院新闻与社会专业实践Fred W. Friendly讲席教授,朱莉·科恩(JRN '89)是哥伦比亚大学新闻学院纪录片项目的兼职教授。
This January, she was a star at the Sundance Film Festival, where she watched the premiere of RBG, a documentary about her life that was co-directed by Betsy West, Fred W. Friendly Professor of Professional Practice in Media and Society at Columbia’s Journalism School, and Julie Cohen (JRN’89), an adjunct in the school’s documentary program.
She was the second woman named to the Supreme Court, after Sandra Day O’Connor, and today is the longest-serving Justice. She was a lawyer fought gender discrimination for years before she was named to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 1980 and the Supreme Court in 1993. She founded the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union in 1972 and was the first woman to be a tenured professor at Columbia Law School, where she taught from 1972 until 1980. In her nearly 25 years on the Supreme Court, Ginsburg has become known for her impassioned dissents in cases involving equal pay, voting rights, access to contraception, and abortion rights, among other things. She came to be widely embraced as the Notorious RBG, the title of a 2015 biography inspired by a fan blog on Tumblr.
Professor West: Had she not been a Supreme Court Justice, she would still have a big place in history for what she did for women’s rights and for gender equality. Her Supreme Court chapter makes it all the more relevant today.
The documentary begins with Ginsburg looking straight into the camera as she quotes 19th century abolitionist and feminist Sarah Moore Grimké, “I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks,” words she also quoted in her 1993 Senate confirmation hearing, after she was asked about her views on women’s rights.
In producing the film, West and Cohen interviewed more than two dozen of Ginsburg’s friends, associates and family members, as well as former President Bill Clinton, who nominated her to the Supreme Court in 1993, and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who was the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time.
金斯伯格的孩子们也接受了采访。她的女儿简·金斯伯格是哥大法学院文学艺术产权法Morton L. Janklow讲席教授,她的儿子詹姆斯是芝加哥的一位古典音乐制作人。他们回忆了金斯伯格作为母亲的许多故事。
Ginsburg’s children, Jane Ginsburg, the Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law at Columbia Law School, and James, a classical music producer in Chicago, are also interviewed, recalling what she was like as a mother. 
“She’s this huge icon, people really love her, yet there’s this amazing back story that people just don’t know, even her big fans don’t understand the history,” said Cohen. “The other part of the story that people don’t know is a love story,” added West. “She had a surprisingly supportive husband whom she married as a very young woman, who was successful in his own right but ultimately stepped back from his career when it became clear that she was on a trajectory to become a federal judge and possibly a Justice.”
West and Cohen sat across the aisle while Ginsburg watched their film for the first time at Sundance; she hadn’t asked to see it before. When it started, with the overture to Rossini’s Barber of Seville in the background, they heard her whisper to the friend sitting next to her, “Well, I like the music.” They watched as she laughed, and occasionally dabbed her eyes with a tissue. In a question and answer session afterward, Ginsburg said she was moved by the film.
The film ends with a clip from Ginsburg’s 1993 confirmation hearing. “The spirit of liberty that imbues our constitution must reside first and foremost in the hearts of the men and women who compose this great nation, a community where the least shall be heard and considered side-by-side with the greatest,” she said, quoting Learned Hand, a renowned federal judge of the early 20th century. “I will keep that wisdom in the front of my mind as long as I am capable of judicial service,” Ginsburg added.
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