
Emerging Mobility Systems and Services (EM4S)[1]  是一个向所有人开放的线上研讨会议,会议将从 6 月 25 日开始,于每周四定期举办。研讨会邀请了全球诸多知名学者进行主题演讲,旨在讨论城市交通出行方面的新兴服务和前沿技术。首次研讨会将于北京时间 6 月 25 日晚上 10 点在 Zoom 进行,由瑞士 EPFL 的 Nikolas Geroliminis 教授带来精彩报告。『运筹OR帷幄』作为此次会议合作媒体,将在其官方 B 站持续为大家带来直播和回放。
交通技术的持续创新催化了诸如共享单车、网约车、拼车等新兴出行服务,不断影响和塑造着人们的出行乃至生活方式。本次 Emerging Mobility Systems and Services (EM4S)  系列研讨会将为大家介绍智能出行领域的最新研究进展。
EM4S 系列研讨会以线上方式开展,有关通知和 Zoom 链接可点击文末“阅读原文”订阅邮件列表获得。同时,『运筹OR帷幄』公众号平台会在 Bilibili 为大家带来同步直播和回放,也会对每期研讨会进行预告提醒,欢迎感兴趣的朋友们关注和收看。
时间:2020.06.25开始,北京时间每周四晚 10 点;当地时间上午10点(美东时区);下午4点(欧洲柏林时区)
主题:On the new era of traffic management for large urban networks – Recent advances in MFD research   
嘉宾:Nikolas Geroliminis
时间:北京时间 6 月 25 日晚 22:00
          10 a.m. EST., Thursday June 25th, 2020
Human mobility in congested city centers is a complex dynamical system with a high density of population, many transport modes to compete for limited available space, and many operators that try to efficiently manage different parts of this system. New emerging modes of transportation, such as ride-hailing and on-demand services, and new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, create additional opportunities, but also more complexity. The new era of sharing information and ‘big data world’ has raised our expectation to make mobility more predictable and controllable through better utilization of existing resources and capacity. The primary motivation of this talk is to study the spatiotemporal relation of congested links in large networks, develop new advancements in the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), observe congestion propagation from a macroscopic perspective, identify the effect of multimodal interactions in network capacity and finally design network-level control strategies to improve multimodal mobility. Investigating the clustering problem over time helps us reveal the hidden information during the process of congestion formation and dissolution. In this framework, we will be able to chase where congestion originates and how traffic management systems affect its formation and the time it finishes. Different control strategies are developed based on principles of optimization and control theory.
Prof. Nikolas Geroliminis is an associate professor at EPFL and the head of the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS). Before joining EPFL he was an assistant professor on the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He has a diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a MSc and Ph.D. in civil engineering from University of California, Berkeley. He is an Associate Editor for Transportation Research Part C, IEEE Transactions on ITS, and Transportation Science. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Traffic Flow Theory Committee. His research interests focus primarily on urban transportation systems, traffic flow theory and control, public transportation and on-demand transport, car sharing, optimization and large-scale networks. He is a recipient of the ERC Starting Grant METAFERW: Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale urban multimodal networks. Among his recent initiatives is the creation of an open-source large-scale dataset of naturalistic urban trajectories of half a million vehicles that have been collected by one-of-a-kind experiment by a swarm of drones (https://open-traffic.epfl.ch).
Qi Luo,Wei Ma,Neda Masoud,Xiaotong Sun,Zhengtian Xu
收看方式:扫描上方 👆 二维码,在公众号内回复 "EM4S",可直接获取会议订阅链接,Zoom 房间号和 B 站同步直播、录播链接。推荐需要和主讲教授问答交流的同学在 Zoom 上观看。
应主办方要求,录播只包含主题演讲部分,不含会后讨论,推荐大家每周四晚 10 点蹲点直播间!
最后,『运筹OR帷幄』作为合作媒体,将在其 B 站持续为大家带来 EM4S 系列的直播和回放,敬请关注!
[1] https://em4s.org/
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—— 完 ——
文案:田嘉晨 Cam 留德华叫兽
美工/技术:Cam 小王