子非鱼按:加州共和党在哪里?加州共和党在哪里?加州共和党在哪里?有这样疑问的想必不是子非鱼一人。加州是民主党一党独大好多年,在参议院和众议院都超过绝对多数,其执政行为开始不顾民意。公众号即日起开设【加州共和党】栏目,特邀平权会的朋友Frank Xu陆续把共和党参议员团的一些声明翻译成中文,让华人读者实时了解加州政府的现状以及民主党一党独大的实际危害,让大家知道,加州的共和党并没有放弃!另注:在公众号发布专栏文章不代表个人背书,请大家多多关注共和党动态。
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                      CONTACT:
Wednesday, August 7, 2019                           Jacqui Nguyen  858-999-7706
萨克拉门托这周Gavin Newsom州长召开了一个新闻发布会,要求联邦(对持枪者)进行背景调查。对此,参议院共和党领袖Shannon GroveR-Bakersfield)呼吁州长应当让州司法厅长Xavier Becerra及其领导的司法厅履行其职责,严格执行枪支持有人黑名单系统的相关法律(Armed & Prohibited Persons System, 后称黑名单系统),确保缴掉暴力罪犯和严重精神病患者的枪支。
2013年以来,在前任州司法厅长Kamala Harris及现任司法厅长Xavier Becerra的领导下,州司法厅收到了超过六千三百万美元的拨款,用以严格执行黑名单系统,并收缴黑名单上人员的枪支。但是,即使有这么多拨款,这个黑名单上的人员却不减反增,现在在这个黑名单上但仍然拥有枪支的人数达到了两万三千人,因此参议院共和党领袖Shannon Grove发表声明如下:
“现在是州长和司法厅长抛开政治分歧、把公共安全放在首位的时候了。你们应该全力执行这个法案,缴掉这些危险分子的枪。“参议院共和党领袖Shannon Grove强调。
2018年四月,共和党参议员团为此事发了两封信。其中第一封信发给了参议院多数党领袖Toni Atkins,第二封信发给了司法厅长Becerra,两封信均要求对此事组织一次联合听证会,信中共和党参议员团指出了司法厅长及司法厅在缴危险分子的枪这件事情上的进展缓慢。然而这两封信都被忽略了,只是在一个正常的预算委员会的听证会中略微涉及了关于黑名单系统的讨论。
2018417日,司法厅长Becerra给共和党参议员团的回信中除了找借口之外,没有任何合理解释或者解决方案。随后司法厅长Becerra时任共和党参院领袖Patricia BatesR-Laguna Niguel)和州参议员Jim NielsenR-Tehama)开了一个会议,在会议上Becerra承诺会做一个计划来解决这个问题,但是到目前为止,他仍未兑现他的承诺,提供任何正式的计划。
共和党参议院领袖Shannon Grove代表加州第16参议院选区,包括Kern县的大部分地区、Tulare县以及San Bernardino县,选区内的主要城市包括Bakersfield, Barstow, California City, Exeter, Frazier Mountain, Joshua Tree, Mojave, Needles, Ridgecrest, Rosamond, Taft, Tehachapi, Twentynine Palms, Tulare, Visalia, Yucca Valley以及Kern River Valley的部分地区。Follow her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ShannonGroveCA) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/shannongroveca).
对这个声明如需查询,请联络加州共和党参议员团新闻发言人Jacqui Nguyen,电话858.999.7706
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                      CONTACT:
Wednesday, August 7, 2019                           Jacqui Nguyen  858-999-7706
California Should Not Chastise Federal Government When the State Fails to Disarm
Violent Felons & Mentally Ill
SACRAMENTO  Following Governor Gavin Newsom’s press conference this week in which he demanded national background checks, Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) called on him to direct Attorney General Xavier Becerra and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to do their job and fully implement the Armed & Prohibited Persons System (APPS) to disarm violent criminals and those with serious mental illness. 
Since 2013, under the leadership of then-Attorney General Kamala Harris and now Attorney General Xavier Becerra, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been provided more than $63 million to fully implement APPS and clear the list. Even with funding assistance, the list has not shrunk, but has grown. The backlog currently stands at 23,000 people. Senate Republican Leader Grove released the following statement:
“Rather than blaming Washington, D.C, the governor needs to exhibit some leadership and demand the attorney general do his job and fully implement California’s Armed & Prohibited Persons System. We must disarm violent criminals and those with serious mental illness who are not allowed to possess firearms.
“The public has called for real action, and this is an action the governor and attorney general can take right now. Let’s show the nation how Republicans and Democrats in California can work together to protect people from those that pose the greatest risk of using a firearm.
“It’s time for the governor and attorney general to put public safety above politics and fully enforce a program designed to remove guns from dangerous individuals,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.
In 2013, Attorney General Harris and her staff in the Department of Justice (DOJ) identified a growing backlog of some 20,000 APPS subjects. At a hearing on the issue, Attorney General Harris’ staff testified that if given $24 million the backlog could be cleared within a year. The money was given but the list failed to shrink.
Senate Republicans called for an investigation of then-Attorney General Harris’ slow progress on reducing the backlog. Of note was the fact that as of December 31, 2015, only 54 of the 75 agent positions for the program were filled.
In April 2018, Senate Republicans sent two letters. Senate Pro Tem Toni Atkins received the first in which Senate Republicans requested a joint oversight hearing, and Attorney General Becerra received the second. Senate Republicans highlighted the lack of progress in eliminating the backlog from the attorney general and the DOJ. Both letters were essentially ignored, with the only discussion of the APPS program coming in the context of a regularly-scheduled budget subcommittee hearing.
On April 17, 2018, Attorney General Becerra sent a response letter to Senate Republicans which offered no explanations or solutions, only excuses. Attorney General Becerra held a subsequent meeting with then-Senate Republican Leader Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) and Senator Jim Nielsen (R-Tehama). At this meeting, Attorney General Becerra committed to providing a plan to address the APPS backlog. Attorney General Becerra has not provided any formal plan to fulfill his commitment.
Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove represents California’s 16th Senate District which encompasses large portions of Kern, Tulare and San Bernardino counties and including the cities of Bakersfield, Barstow, California City, Exeter, Frazier Mountain, Joshua Tree, Mojave, Needles, Ridgecrest, Rosamond, Taft, Tehachapi, Twentynine Palms, Tulare, Visalia, Yucca Valley and portions of the Kern River Valley. Follow her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ShannonGroveCA) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/shannongroveca).
For press inquiries or questions, please contact Jacqui Nguyen, press secretary for the Senate Republican Caucus, at 858.999.7706.
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