子非鱼按:加州共和党在哪里?加州共和党在哪里?加州共和党在哪里?有这样疑问的想必不是子非鱼一人。加州是民主党一党独大好多年,在参议院和众议院都超过绝对多数,其执政行为开始不顾民意。然而,共和党的声音又在哪里?为此,硅谷子非鱼公众号特开设【加州共和党】栏目,特邀平权会的朋友Frank Xu陆续把共和党参议员团的一些声明翻译成中文,让华人读者实时了解加州政府的现状以及民主党一党独大的实际危害,让大家知道,加州的共和党并没有放弃!另注:在公众号发布专栏文章并不代表个人背书,请大家多多关注共和党动态。
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, August 14, 2019CONTACT:Jacqui Nguyen  @ 858.999.7706, [email protected]
SACRAMENTO – 今天加州参议院共和党议员团和全美盟(National Asian American Coalition)以及全美多元化盟(National Diversity Coalition)一起进行了一次庆功集会。这两个非盈利组织就加州政府挪用3.31亿美元其提起了诉讼3.31亿美元是2012年关于全美房贷诉讼的和解用,本来是专门用于帮助困的房屋所有者的,但是任州布朗和民主党会却并没有金去帮助些房屋所有者,而是挪用了金用于填加州的赤字。
州共和党参议员团(https://cssrc.us)期待着与全美亚裔联盟及Faith Bautista(全美盟主席)一起,加州的每一个房屋有者定一个偿还这笔资金的目标。自2015年以来,加州共和党参议员团就一直在呼吁加州政府归还这笔款项,真正用这笔钱来帮助在上次次贷危机中被银行非法贷款操作伤害的那些房屋所有者。
"3.31亿美元本来就是用来帮助那些在上次款和法拍危机中,被款公司蒙蔽的房屋所有者的,而不是用来帮助加州政府还债的。州共和党参议员团致力于保证这和解资金用于原来承诺的用途,并将致力于确保加州政府将执行州最高法院的裁决。”州参议院共和党领袖Shannon Grove这样说
全美盟主席兼Faith Bautista我深深感州共和党参议员团领导力以及他去几年里面(为这笔资金的正确使用)所作的呼吁。共和党参议员一直在前任州布朗和任州长纽森以力,确保他做正确的事情,就是归还这笔(被他们非法挪用)的资金,这是全体加州人民的胜利。我感谢共和党议员们的领导力。
共和党参议院领袖Shannon Grove代表加州第16参议院选区,包括Kern县的大部分地区、Tulare县以及San Bernardino县,选区内的主要城市包括Bakersfield, Barstow, California City, Exeter, Frazier Mountain, Joshua Tree, Mojave, Needles, Ridgecrest, Rosamond, Taft, Tehachapi, Twentynine Palms, Tulare, Visalia, Yucca Valley以及Kern River Valley的部分地区。Follow her on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ShannonGroveCA) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/shannongroveca).
对这个声明如需查询,请联络加州共和党参议员团新闻发言人Jacqui Nguyen ([email protected]),电话858.999.7706
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, August 14, 2019CONTACT:Jacqui Nguyen @ 858.999.7706
Senate Republicans Celebrate with National Asian American Coalition on Recent Victory
SACRAMENTO - Today, members of the Senate Republican Caucusparticipated in a victory rally with the National Asian American Coalition and the National Diversity Coalition. The two non-profit organizations sued the State of California for raiding $331 million that was part of the 2012 national housing settlement intended to help struggling homeowners. Instead of helping distressed homeowners, then-Governor Jerry Brown and legislative Democrats diverted the funds to backfill the state budget.
Recently, the California Supreme Court upheld two lower court rulings which directed the State of California to return the funds to their original intent. In July, legislative Republicans delivered a letter (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hXHIcge2ju2KaUy7hIh64wDPUkL0lbfJ/view) to the current governor requesting him to outline a plan to repay the funds.
"Senate Republicans look forward to working with the National Asian American Coalition and Faith Bautista to achieve the goals they have set out to obtain on behalf of every California homeowner. Since 2015, Senate Republicans have been advocating for the funds to be repaid and help homeowners who were victimized by the banks' illegal lending practices during the mortgage crisis.
"The $331 million was only intended to help homeowners abused by lenders during the mortgage and foreclosure crisis, not to pay down the state debt. Senate Republicans are committed to ensuring the original terms of the mortgage settlement are met and the State of California is in compliance with the court ruling," said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.
Faith Bautista, President and CEO of the National Asian American Coalition said, "I am deeply grateful for the leadership of the Senate Republican Caucus and their advocacy for the past several years. Senate Republicans continue to press both former Governor Brown and Governor Newsom to do the right thing and repay the funds. This is a victory for all Californians. I'm thankful for the leadership of legislative Republicans." 
Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove represents California's 16th Senate District which encompasses large portions of Kern, Tulare and San Bernardino counties and including the cities of Bakersfield, Barstow, California City, Exeter, Frazier Mountain, Joshua Tree, Mojave, Needles, Ridgecrest, Rosamond, Taft, Tehachapi, Twentynine Palms, Tulare, Visalia, Yucca Valley and portions of the Kern River Valley. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
For press inquiries or questions, please contact Jacqui Nguyen, press secretary for the Senate Republican Caucus, at 858.999.7706.
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