
作者:州参议员Mike Morrell 翻译:韩爱杰
近年来,我听到州内成千上万的父母对2015年通过的AB 329法案- 加州新的性教育标准表示担忧。
有些学区做到了真诚地与父母合作,完全公开了课堂上将使用的材料,而另一些学区则制造一些不必要的困难。比如Contra Costa县的母亲Denise Pursche,她花了30天向她的学区询问课堂材料,学区才给她半个小时的时间来查看这些材料–这是远远不够的。
为了回应丹妮丝(Denise)和其他类似的事件,我撰写了参议院第673号法案。这个法案试图为小学生的家庭做两件主要的事情:1)学区要做到开放和诚实,要求学区在网上发布已采纳的性教育课程,使其易于家长阅读, 2)恢复父母权力,类似于学生们参加实地考察或其他课外活动需要父母签署许可单,如果父母认为其子女适合接受学校的性教育,也需要签署允许其子女接受性教育的许可单。
有数千人写信支持SB 673,并且有超过47,000人签署了Change.org上的请愿书,要求参议院教育委员会批准这两个合理的要求,以使父母了解子女的教育情况。
SB 673背后的多元化联盟至少代表1,080万人,包括加利福尼亚天主教会议,国家法律与政策中心,南加州伊斯兰修罗理事会,路德教会密苏里州议会的分支,NAACP的一个分支,数十个韩国基督教教堂,非宗派教堂,以及基于信仰的组织等。
要了解有关此问题的更多信息,您可以访问我的网站www.senate.ca.gov/Morrell  (请扫描下面二维码进入网站),然后单击左侧菜单上的“GettingEducated on the Sex Ed Debate

州参议员迈克·莫雷尔(MikeMorrell)代表加利福尼亚州立法机构的第23个参议院地区,其中包括河滨县(Riverside),圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino)和洛杉矶(LosAngeles)各县。


Supporting Parents and Their Decisions on Sex Education
By Senator Mike Morrell
Word count: 423
In recent years, I have heard from thousands of parentsacross our state concerned about California’s new sex education standards afterthe passage of AB 329 in 2015.
Since this change, many families have expressed that much ofthe curricula has gone from being informative to too explicit, especially foryoung TK-6 learners. Unfortunately, parents have only arrived at thatconclusion after fighting with local school districts to even see the lessons.
While some school districts get it right and partner withparents in good faith, fully disclosing what material will be presented, othersmake it unnecessarily difficult. For Denise Pursche, a mother in Contra CostaCounty, it took 30 days inquiring of her school district before she was giveneven half an hour to review the material – not nearly enough.
That is wrong and it gives the impression that there issomething to hide.
It was in response to Denise’s story and others like it thatI authored Senate Bill 673. It sought to do two primary things for families ofelementary-age students: 1) be open and honest by requiring school districts topost adopted sex education curriculum online, making it available and easy forparents to review and 2) restore the right of parents to sign a permissionslip opting their children into sex education if they deem it appropriatefor these young impressionable minds, similar to what they might fill out for afield trip or other extracurricular activity.
Thousands wrote in supporting SB 673 and more than 47,000people signed a Change.org petition asking the Senate Education Committeeto approve these two reasonable requests to keep parents in the loop abouttheir children’s education.
The diverse coalition behind SB 673 collectively representsat least 10.8 million people, including: the California Catholic Conference,the National Center for Law & Policy, the Islamic Shura Council of SouthernCalifornia, branches of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, a chapter of theNAACP, dozens of Korean Christian churches, nondenominational churches,faith-based organizations and others.
Despite all of this, Senate Democrats said no to parents andno to transparency.
Parents should be the primary decision makers in when andhow their children are introduced to this sensitive material, not governmentbureaucrats. Our work is not done - we will continue in this effort, andsupporting parents’ decision-making when it comes to sex education andCalifornia students.
To learn more about this issue, you can visit my website at www.senate.ca.gov/Morrell and clickon the “Getting Educated on the Sex Ed Debate” button on the left-side menu.
State Senator Mike Morrell represents the 23rdSenate District in the California State Legislature, which includes portions ofRiverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles counties.

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