"A Deal Is A Deal"
Sandel introduces the modern philosopher John Rawls and his theory of a "hypothetical contract." Rawls argues that the only way to achieve the most just and fair principles of governance is if all legislators came to the bargaining table in a position of equality. Imagine if they were all behind a "veil of ignorance"——if their individual identities were temporarily unknown to them (their race, class, personal interests) and they had to agree on a set of laws together. Then and only then, Rawls argues, could a governing body agree upon truly fair principles of justice.
Sandel介绍了现代哲学家John Rawls和他的“假定契约”理论。Rawls认为,实现最公正和公平的治理的唯一途径是,如果所有立法者都平等的站到谈判桌前。试想,如果他们都在“无知之幕”之后 –在他们的个人身份信息暂时不公开(他们的种族,阶级,个人兴趣)的时候,他们必须就一系列法律达成共识。Rawls认为,只有这样,治理机构才能商定真正公平公正的原则。

"What's a Fair Start?"
John Rawls applied his "veil of ignorance" theory to social and economic equality issues, as well as fair governance. He asks, if every citizen had to weigh in on the issue of redistributive taxation -- without knowing whether they would end up as one of the poor or one of the wealthy members of society -- wouldn't most of us prefer to eliminate our financial risks and agree to an equal distribution of wealth?
John Rawls把他的“无知之幕”理论运用到社会和经济平等的争论焦点中,以及公平治理的问题。他问,如果每个市民都必须参与税收的再分配问题—在他们不知道最终会成为社会成员中的穷人还是富人的时候-我们大多数人不是更喜欢消除金融风险并同意财富的公平分配么?