根据美国法律对营利机构(包括营利学校)和非营利机构(包括非营利学校)的划分:在任何情况下扣除成本之后净收入都不会分配给任何机构成员的是非营利机构,反之则全部归属营利机构。把这条分界叫做“禁止分配限制”(nondistribution constraint)。这一限制一般被认为是“非营利机构”定义的内容。根据这一定义,公立学校均为非营利机构,而营利性学校均为私人机构或者可称为公司。根据美国教育部,目前美国有近11%的学生所受的高等教育来源于营利性机构,但学生的贷款坏账率高达44%。全美有约1400个专业的84万学生不能达到教育部的标准。而这些学生里,99%都在营利性大学就读。

Education Management Corp., an operator offor-profit colleges partly owned by Goldman Sachs Group Inc., agreed to settlewhistle-blower lawsuits in which it’s accused of illegal recruiting practicesfor $95.5 million, the largest such accord in American history, U.S. AttorneyGeneral Loretta Lynch said.
高盛集团拥有部分股权的教育管理公司是一家专业从事营利性大学运营的企业。该公司同意通过支付九千五百五十万美元来了结指控其非法招生的举报案,这是全美有史以来最大的同类结案案例,首席检察官Loretta Lynch指出。
The Pittsburgh-based company operated a“high pressure recruitment mill,” paying recruiters based on the number ofstudents they persuaded to enroll, Lynch said Monday at a Washington pressconference.
The for-profit college sector has beenimploding, as federal and state regulators have been reining in schools,accusing them of preying on low-income students and saddling them with studentloans they can’t repay. Corinthian Colleges collapsed earlier this year in thelargest shutdown in U.S. higher education, and the government is in the processof forgiving loans to some former students.
100,000 Students十万学生
Education Management, the second-largestU.S. for-profit college operator, with more than 100,000 students, receivedmore than 90 percent of its revenue from U.S. taxpayers in the form ofeducational funding, she said. It is 38 percent owned by Goldman Sachs,according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
The agreement, announced jointly with U.S.Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney David Hickton, resolved four lawsuits filed under thefederal False Claims Act. Thirty-nine states simultaneously announced the accord. The company in addition will forgive more than $100 million in studentloan debt originated by the company and not federally backed, said Kate Hansonat Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine’s office.
由美国教育部长Arne Duncan、爱荷华州总检察官Tom Miller和匹兹堡联邦检察官David Hickton联合宣布的这项和解协议终结了四宗依据联邦政府《虚假申报条例》提出的诉讼。三十九个州同时宣布了该项协议。另外该公司还将免除超过一亿美元由此产生的无联邦担保学生贷款,来自俄亥俄州总检察官Mike DeWine办公室的Kate Hanson披露道。
Lynch said the Education Management agreement was part of a more wide-ranging crackdown on practices she called fraudulent.
While the company acknowledged the accordsin its own statement, it maintains it committed no wrongdoing.
When we started our work together, the attorneys general had manyconcerns about the ways that some higher education providers recruitedstudents. EDMC wanted to take the lead in developing the best ways to address each one of these concerns, and we have done so,” EDMC president and chief executive officer Mark A. McEachen said in the statement. “EDMC is proud tohave worked closely with the state attorneys general to produce a new,one-page, easy-to-read disclosure that provides important information forstudents as they consider their higher education options at one of ourschools.”
当我们开始一起合作时,检察官们对于一些高等教育从业者采用的招生方式有所顾虑。本公司希望带头寻求针对每一项顾虑的最好解决方案,而且我们已经做到了,教育管理公司总裁和首席执行官Mark A. McEachen在此声明中解释道。本公司对于通过与检察官紧密合作从而制定出一项全新的、简短易懂的风险揭示说明而深感自豪,该说明向考虑在本公司旗下学校接受高等教育的学生们提供了重要信息。
EDMC operates schools under the brands of the Art Institutes, Argosy University, Brown Mackie College and South University in 110 locations in 32 states and Canada. Students can earn collegeand graduate degrees in fields including food preparation, business, fashionand information technology.

作者Andrew M HarrisJanet Lorin,原文发表于1117日在彭博资讯网站,中文翻译视角。本文版权归属原作者/原发布媒体所有。查看原文请点击http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-16/for-profit-college-company-to-pay-95-5-million-over-recruitment。

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