President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization for getting “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong and threatened to withhold funding for the international organization.
特朗普宣称,世卫组织低估了病毒(downplaying the virus),应对疫情建议很糟糕(giving bad advice)
《卫报》相关报道中指出,大多数健康专家认为,鉴于疫情初期信息有限,世卫组织的表现已经很不错了(most health experts say it has performed well with limited resources),并在标题中点明,特朗普这是在让世卫组织做“替罪羊”。
此外,发布会前特朗普还发推特批评世卫组织“以中国为中心”(being “China-centric”)
“It was absolutely critical in the early part of this outbreak to have full access to everything possible, to get on the ground and work with the Chinese to understand this,” Dr. Bruce Aylward, a senior advisor to the WHO director-general, said at the virtual briefing Wednesday, Reuters reported.
“This is what we did with every other hard hit country like Spain and had nothing to do with China specifically.”
"Please don't politicize this virus. It exploits the differences you have at the national level. If you want to be exploited and if you want to have many more body bags, then you do it," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a news conference in Geneva, Switzerland. 
"If you don't want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it. My short message is: Please quarantine politicizing COVID. The unity of your country will be very important to defeat this dangerous virus."
"The United States and China should come together and fight this dangerous enemy," he said.  “We will have many body bags in front of us if we don’t behave.”

On January 5, WHO notified all member states about the new outbreak and posted news of the outbreak on its website. It followed up on January 10 by publishing a "comprehensive package of guidance" for countries on how to detect and test potential cases.
In late January, after the first cases of community spread were reported outside of China, the WHO "declared a public health emergency of international concern, our highest level of alarm," Tedros said Wednesday.
The WHO’s global emergency declaration on Jan. 30 was nearly a month before Trump tweeted that “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA” and six weeks before he declared a national emergency on March 13.
The same day the WHO declared a global pandemic, Trump was saying: “I think we’re going to get through it very well.” 
US President Donald Trump escalated tension with the World Health Organization on Wednesday, once again criticizing the agency’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and threatening to withhold funding.

“So we’re going to do a study, an investigation, and we’re going to make a determination as to what we’re doing. In the meantime, we’re holding back,” Trump said at a White House press conference Wednesday. 
Trump complained Wednesday that China contributes “a small fraction” of the amount of funding the US sends to the WHO every year. 
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the administration is reevaluating the WHO’s funding, adding that the United Nation’s health organization hasn’t “achieved what it intended to do,” particularly in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 
"It is my belief that the World Health Organization must be supported, as it is absolutely critical to the world's efforts to win the war against COVID-19," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement Wednesday.
The fresh figure reached 1,500,830 as of 5:15 pm (2115 GMT) with 87,706 deaths, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.
The United States led the world with 423,135 cases. 

来源:CNBC CNN 卫报 观察者网 环球时报等
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