2019年12月22日,近200名福音派领袖联合致《今日基督教》总裁提摩太•达林普博士(Dr. Timothy Dalrymple),语气強烈地批评该刊要川普下台的社论(参见此文:葛福临与福音派领袖们痛批《今日基督教》关于呼吁免职川普的社论)。以下为公开信全文。
令我们惊讶的是,您的主编马克•加利(Mark Galli)进一步冒犯了我们对CNN的观点。他说:“右派基督教徒、右派福音派信徒不看《今日基督教》,他们会像川普总统那样对本杂志不屑一顾。“同时,我们注意到,加利先生评论了其他美国人。他们在2016年选择了唐纳德•特朗普而不是克林顿国务卿。他声称:“这些其他福音派人士通常还没有完成大学学业,如果有工作 - 显然大多数人没有工作,他们是蓝领工作或入门级工作”,他自豪地称自己是一个“精英福音派”。
Dr. Dalrymple,
We write collectively to express our dissatisfaction with the editorial Christianity Today published on Thursday, December 19, 2019 calling for the removal of our duly elected President, who was put into office at the behest of over sixty million voters.  
It was astonishing to us that your editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, further offensively dismissed our point of view on CNN by saying, “Christianity Today is not read by the people - Christians on the far right, by evangelicals on the far right - so they’re going to be as dismissive of the magazine as President Trump has shown to be.” It also came to our attention, that Mr. Galli has written other statements about Americans who chose Donald Trump over Secretary Clinton in 2016, referring to them as “These other evangelicals [who] often haven’t finished college, and if they have jobs, and apparently most of them don’t, they are blue-collar jobs or entry level work” as he describes himself with pride as an “elite evangelical.”
Of course, it’s up to your publication to decide whether or not your magazine intends to be a voice of evangelicals like those represented by the signatories below, and it is up to us and those Evangelicals like us to decide if we should subscribe to, advertise in and read your publication online and in print, but historically, we have been your readers. 
We are, in fact, not “far-right” evangelicals as characterized by the author. 
Rather, we are Bible-believing Christians and patriotic Americans who are simply grateful that our President has sought our advice as his administration has advanced policies that protect the unborn, promote religious freedom, reform our criminal justice system, contribute to strong working families through paid family leave, protect the freedom of conscience, prioritize parental rights, and ensure that our foreign policy aligns with our values while making our world safer, including through our support of the State of Israel. We are not theocrats, and we recognize that our imperfect political system is a reflection of the fallen world within which we live, reliant upon the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is freely given to sinner and saint, alike. 
We are proud to be numbered among those in history who, like Jesus, have been pretentiously accused of having too much grace for tax collectors and sinners, and we take deeply our personal responsibility to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's --- our public service. 
The editorial you published, without any meaningful and immediate regard for dissenting points of view, not only supported the entirely-partisan, legally-dubious, and politically-motivated impeachment but went even further, calling for Donald Trump not to be elected again in 2020 when he certainly survives impeachment. 
As one of our signatories said to the press, “I hope Christianity Today will now tell us who they will support for president among the 2020 Democrat field?” 
Your editorial offensively questioned the spiritual integrity and Christian witness of tens-of-millions of believers who take seriously their civic and moral obligations. 
It not only targeted our President; it also targeted those of us who support him, and have supported you. 
Lourdes Aguirre President 
United Marketing Solutions
Stephen Alessi Pastor
Metro Life Church
Chuck Allen Pastor
Sugar Hill Church
Rev. Rick Amato
Dream Believe Institute, Wellington , FL ......
“当时,法利赛人出去商议,怎样就着耶稣的话陷害他,就打发他们的门徒同 希律 党的人去见耶稣,说:「夫子,我们知道你是诚实人,并且诚诚实实传上帝的道,什么人你都不徇情面,因为你不看人的外貌。请告诉我们,你的意见如何?纳税给凯撒可以不可以?」 耶稣看出他们的恶意,就说:「假冒为善的人哪,为什么试探我?拿一个上税的钱给我看!」他们就拿一个银钱来给他。耶稣说:「这像和这号是谁的?」 他们说:「是凯撒的。」耶稣说:「这样,凯撒的物当归给凯撒;上帝的物当归给上帝。」 他们听见就希奇,离开他走了。” 马太福音‬ 22:15-22

