The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful 
Once upon a time, there lived a Persian king, whosename was too difficult to pronounce, but this is how it reads: Ahasuerus. Oneday, the king’s wife, Queen Vashti, disobeyedhim, so he divorced her and had a beauty pageant to choose another queen.
A good and humble Jew named Mordechai was theguardian of his beautiful niece, Esther. Mordechai sent Esther to the contest,and she defeated all the other beauties and became the new queen. However,following her uncle’s order, Esther did not tell theking that she was Jewish.
At around that time there was a very bad man whosename was very easy to pronounce—Haman.He was the king’s prime minister, and could talk theking into almost anything! Hamas had a special quirk: he could not stand Jews.One day, he went to the king and told him: “There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the peoples.” Haman explained to the king that he’d bebetter off without them because they don’t keep hislaws. The king readily agreed (because who wants outlaws in his kingdom?) andgave Haman the go-ahead to kill them.

图片:Adam Ofek
When Mordechai heard about it, he was abbergasted.The first thing he did was tear his clothes, cover himself with a sack, andpour ashes all over himself. When that didn’t change the verdict, he started yelling about it all over townuntil he reached the king’s gate. Esther heard about her uncle’s “ fit” and was startled. She sent servants to dress him up but he refused.He told them to tell Esther about the plan to kill all the Jews, and that she mustgo and beg the king to undo it.
Esther was terrified because she didn’t think the king would agree to her request. When shenally agreed, after some crafty persuasion on the part of Mordechai, she saidthat her one condition was that the Jews would gather and unite in thought ofher success. “Then,” she said, “although it’s against the protocol toapproach the king unless he calls for you, I will do it, and hope for amiracle.”

图片:Orly Dakar
The Miracle of Purim
Purim 的奇迹
The rest is history: The miracle happened and theking greeted Esther warmly and accepted her request. She told him she wasJewish and that Haman was planning to kill them all. The king got so upset thathe not only undid the decree, but hung Haman and his entire family on the verytree Haman had prepared for Mordechai. Since then we’ve been commanded to be merry on that day, eat lots ofpastries called hamantashes (Haman’s Ears), and get sosloshed that we can’t tell good (Mordechai) from bad(Haman).
其余的就都是历史了:奇迹真的发生了,国王热情地接待了Esther并且接受了她的请求。她告诉他她是犹太人而且哈曼正在计划杀死所有的犹太人。国王听到这一情况时变得如此震怒,以至于他不但废黜了杀死犹太人的法令,并下令将Haman以及全家人都吊死在哈曼本来为Mordechai准备的那颗树上。从那以后,我们就被命令在这一天欢乐庆祝,吃很多叫做hamantashes (Haman’s Ears哈曼的耳朵)的油蔬面团制作的甜食,并发出这样的叮当作响的声音以至于我们无法从邪恶(Haman)中分辨出良善(Mordechai)。

图片:Orly Dakar
Helping the World Find Peace
Besides being a lot of fun, Purim has a veryimportant (and serious) message for us, especially these days when anti- Jewishfeelings are surging all over: The only “weapon” that we have against our enemies isunity. We can and should protect ourselves and our loved ones. But if we want afinal defeat of our enemies, fighting them will not do it, but uniting amongourselves will move mountains!
The custom of bringing gifts to the poor (usuallypastries such as hamantashes and wine) is a sign of closeness, an expression ofdesire to bring all factions of the nation together. Our great sages throughoutthe generations have told us over and over that through unity we will be savedfrom any enemy or hardship. The Book of Zohar even tells us, in the portion, AhareiMot, that thanks to our unity there will be peace on Earth.
将礼物(通常是诸如哈曼的耳朵的甜品和红酒)送给穷人是一种亲近的标志,一种将这个民族的分裂状态统一起来的表达。我们的伟大的先哲们在各个时代都在一而再再而三地告诫我们通过团结我们可以从任何敌人和艰难困苦中得到拯救。《光辉之书》在其Aharei Mot中甚至告诉我们,正是我们的团结,整个地球都会来到和平。
These days there are plenty of Hamans around us.They are reminders that we need to unite just as the Jews did back in Persia,and that if we do, no harm will come to us.  Moreover, as The Book of Zohar writes, through ourunity we can help the world find peace. The world is already blaming us forcausing all the wars, although we clearly have no such intentions. So if weshow them our unity, and that we actually want to share this unity with them(!),it will serve as an example of brotherly love that no other nation can display.

图片:Akiva Levin
Rekindling the Love between Us 
All other nations can unite only against a commonenemy. We are the only nation in history that has ever united for the sake ofunity itself! Today, this is what the world needs—unity for the sake of unity. We can rekindle it among us and offerit to a love-thirsty world.
Our sages explain that Haman is a symbol of ourevil inclination, our own hatred of others. The Hamans within us stop us fromcaring for others, but also make the world blame us for their wars. We, Jews, anation that in previous generations practiced “love your neighbor as yourself,” can nowrevive these feelings within us and overcome our inner Hamans. When we do so,the world will see the real value of Judaism—that it isnot about having a sense of superiority, but about truly caring for all people;a perception of humanity as one soul, one entity that, when united, achievesunimaginable bliss.
If there is one thing the nations should do, ispush us toward that—toward unity—so we may pass it on and become “a lightunto nations,” as is indeed our task. The nations’ anti-Semitism forces us to unite, but only in order to escape thetrouble. We need to learn to unite because unitybrings joy, strength, and prosperity to all. When we come to that, there willbe no hatred whatsoever, no anti-Semitism, wars, or any ill-will among people. HappyPurim everyone.
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