1. 《哪吒》打破票房记录
我们先看一下 CartoonBrew 网站是如何报道的:
$91.5 Million Debut of "Nezha" Crushes Animation Records in China
debut 在电影中表示“上映首映”(first public appearance),注意它的读音:['deɪbjuː]。此外也可以用 opening (n.) 表示,用法和 debut 一样。
crush the records 指“打破记录”,后文用了 topple 一词进行替换:
Nezha toppled the previous record for an animated film opening weekend – $66 million for Despicable Me 3 — and looks poised to challenge Disney’s Zootopia for the all-time Chinese animation record ($236 million).
topple 本义是“推翻”,文中后面加 record,可以理解成“打破记录”。
look / be poised to do sth be ready to do sth,可以理解成“准备好做某事,即将做某事,有望做某事”,这里的 look 类似系动词。
除了 crush,我们也可以用 smash 表示,比如 ChinaDaily:
Animated film 'Ne Zha' smashes box office records.
或者简单点,直接用 break 表示,比如 Variety 杂志的报道:
Chinese animation "Nezha" broke local records with its $91.5 million opening, the highest ever for an animated film in the Middle Kingdom.
the highest ever 指“有史以来最高的”;注意 the Middle Kingdom 一词我们平时不要轻易使用,带有一定的偏见。

2. “票房高达...”怎么说
说人话,“票房高达...”就是“这部电影给你赚了多少钱”的意思,所以我们最先想到用 earn 表示,比如 CartoonBrew 网站的报道:
On Saturday, when Nezha earned $33 million, it claimed the single-day animation record in the country, which had previously been held by Zootopia ($25 million).
再看 ChinaDaily 是怎么说的:
Ne Zha, the first Chinese 3D animated film in the IMAX format released Friday, having raked in more than 900 million yuan ($130.5 million), sweeps the Chinese box office, as well as sets social media abuzz with rave reviews and a frenzy of Ne Zha cosplay.
《哪吒》是中国首部IMAX 3D动画电影,票房收入超过9亿元人民币(合1.305亿美元),横扫中国票房,燃爆社交媒体,引发疯狂好评和模仿跟风潮。
Ne Zha sweeps the Chinese box office, as well as sets social media abuzz.
主语为 Ne Zha,谓语部分有两个,通过 as well as 连接(这里的 as well as 就相当于 and)。这两个谓语分别是:
1. sweeps the Chinese box office
sweep 本义是“打扫清扫”,在此基础上又引申出“横扫”的意思,即 to be the number one; to win,不觉联想到“横扫千军如卷席”的威力。用法有 sweep to victory 大获全胜,sweep the board 囊括全部奖项,大获全胜,我们在《中国的电子商务》一文中讲过这个表达(可点击链接前往学习):
E-commerce in China is sweeping the board. 
文中 sweep the Chinese box office 就是“横扫中国票房”的意思,即“登顶票房榜首”。
2. sets social media abuzz
abuzz 的意思是 filled with excitement, activity, or noise 闹哄哄,虽然它是形容词的,但不能放在名词前修饰名词,只能放在be动词后作表语,用法为 be abuzz with...,在表示“人们热议某话题”“某话题引起人们热议”时,就可以用 abuzz 表示:
Social media are abuzz with talks and reviews of...


文中 Ne Zha sets social media abuzz (with...) 可以翻译成:燃爆社交媒体
后面通过 with 结构进行补充:with rave reviews and a frenzy of Ne Zha cosplay
rave 作名词,表示“吹捧极力的赞扬好评”,文中作形容词修饰 reviews,表示 strong praise 的意思,根据不同语境可灵活翻译成“高度评价”“吹爆”“口碑炸裂”等。
首先,Ne Zha 后面跟了一个同位语结构,对《哪吒》这部电影进行介绍:
the first Chinese 3D animated film in the IMAX format released Friday
同位语部分的核心是:the first Chinese 3D animated film
in the IMAX format 是这部电影的形式:IMAX形式,即 巨幕电影;
released Friday 是动词-ed形式的后置定语,修饰 animated film 动画电影。注意,新闻报道中为了节约版面和文字,常常会把“on Monday / Friday”中的介词 on 去掉。
其次,having raked in more than 900 million yuan ($130.5 million) 这部分作 sweeps the Chinese box office 的状语。
rake 本是名词,表示“耙子”,名词动用,可以想象拿着耙子把钱耙到家里来的情景,很有画面感。有人喜欢在打牌前吃鸡爪就是这个道理,寓意鸡爪能捞钱。
所以,rake in 可以理解成“赚了多少钱”(耙了多少钱进来)。
我们积累到第二个关于“票房高达...”的表达:电影+ rake in +钱
不过整体来看,这个句子的结构不够优化:主语“Ne Zha”和谓语部分“sweep the Chinese box office”“set social media abuzz”之间挤入了太多成分,导致结构有些割裂,我们把它调整一下:
Having raked in more than 900 million yuan ($130.5 million)Ne Zha, the first Chinese 3D animated film in the IMAX format released Fridaysweeps the Chinese box office, as well as sets social media abuzz with rave reviews and a frenzy of Ne Zha cosplay.
而 Variety 杂志用了一个很简单的词:bring in,我们看一下:
An animated version of a classic Chinese tale, "Nezha" took in $8.8 million from previews over the previous weekend.
take in 字面意思是“带进来”,即“营收多少赚了多少钱”。「电影 + take in + 钱」是我们积累的第三个“票房高达...”的表达。

3. 新·哪吒的形象
这次哪吒的形象也一反传统,不再是反抗压迫统治的正义形象,而是努力打破成见的魔头。看 ChinaDaily 的报道:
Although Ne Zha's image in this film first strikes audiences as bizarre and kind of ugly for the heavy dark circles under his eyes, and his scary, crooked teeth, the new Ne Zha is being praised for hitting the soft spot in many hearts as cool, smart and entertaining.
这段话中有个特别地道的表达:strike sb as...,意思是“给人留下...的印象”“让人觉得...”。
这句话有个小 bug:英文忌讳重复,如果短距离内出现相同的意思,一定要用不同的方式表达出来。主句已经出现“Ne Zha”了,所以从句不宜再出现,可以把从句的“Ne Zha's”改为“his”:
Although his image in this film first strikes audiences as bizarre and kind of ugly...
Unlike the Ne Zha who fights authority and patriarchy that Chinese people are familiar with, Ne Zha in Yang's film fights bias. Born as a reincarnation of the devil, Ne Zha is hated, feared and cursed, but he believes his fate is not predestined and he can choose to be a demon or a god.
Unlike the Ne Zha who fights authority and patriarchy that Chinese people are familiar with, Ne Zha in Yang's film fights bias.
这句话出现了两个“Ne Zha”,我们宜把第一个“the Ne Zha”改为“the one”进行指代:
Unlike the one who fights authority and patriarchy that Chinese people are familiar with, Ne Zha in Yang's film fights bias.
这句话同样出现了两个 fight,不过这是出于语言结构方面的考虑,让句子读起来更有力度、回肠荡气,不属于「重复」问题。
我们也可以用 run counter to...(与...背道而驰) 和 contrary to...(与...相反) 改写一下:
Running counter to the traditional image of fighting authority and patriarchy that Chinese people are familiar with, Ne Zha in Yang's film fights bias.
Contrary to the traditional image of fighting authority and patriarchy that Chinese people are familiar with, Ne Zha in Yang's film fights bias.

4. 如何评价《哪吒》?
CartoonBrew 把《哪吒》和半个月前上映的迪士尼动画《狮子王》进行对比:

The Lion King was no match for the animated feature Nezha.
feature 在这里是熟词僻义,指“正片影片”,和前面的 animationfilm 是同义替换。
no match for...是一个很好用的表达,意思是“无法与...匹敌”“不是...的对手”,2018年的《经济学人》中有篇文章讲到了美国的科技企业Sonos,里面有句话就用到了这个表达:
They are often no match for Sonos on sound quality but they do compete on service and price.
在音质方面,它们(指谷歌和亚马逊)比不上 Sonos,但在服务和价格方面可以与之竞争。
同时我们 get 到了 no match for...的反义词:compete with...
ChinaDaily 是这么评价《哪吒》的:

Optimism about this film also runs high among critics and industry insiders, with many predicting it will be this summer's biggest money spinner and soon shatter the box office record held by Hero is Back, the highest-grossing Chinese animated film of all time.
感情词+ run high」表示“情绪高涨”,表示“人们非常激动兴奋 / 愤怒”的时候,我们第一反应是 people get very excited / angry,现在用 run high 表示就是:Excitement / Anger runs high.
critics 有“批评者”的意思,但搭配书籍、艺术作品、影片时,则表示“评论家”,同 reviewer
money spinner 是“摇钱树”的意思,文中说《哪吒》这部电影将成为暑期的摇钱树,意思就是它的票房大获成功
2019年6月的《经济学人》中有篇文章讲到了 Facebook 发行虚拟货币 Libra,文中说到:
If it works, Libra could be a money-spinner for Facebook.
如果成功的话,Libra 将成为 Facebook 的摇钱树。
相反,如果我们表示某东西很“烧钱”,就可以说 sth is a money burner
除了 money spinner,我们也可以用 cash cow (现金牛) 表示“摇钱树”的意思,2019年7月27日的《经济学人》在讲微软时就用到了这个表达:
Look beyond the cash cow (Windows).
我们还可以用 a big earner 形容某物很赚钱,比如外媒在评价《流浪地球》时就说这么说的:
China's first blockbuster science-fiction film,The Wandering Earth, was the top earner.
回到 ChinaDaily 中来,后面出现了一个“打破记录”的同义替换:shatter the box office record.
shatter 本义是“粉碎使破灭”的意思。
record 后面加了一个动词-ed形式的后置定语进行修饰:held by Hero is Back,意思是:这一记录是《大圣归来》所持有的。
gross 作动词表示“获得…的总利润”(to gain an amount as a total profit),比如:
The movie has already grossed over $10 million.
文中 highest-grossing 就可以理解成:最赚钱的票房最高的
很简单:It's a must-see film.

1. “打破记录”的几个表达:
crush / topple / smash / break / shatter the record
2. 如何形容某电影票房大卖
动词词组:sweep the box office
名词:money spinner, cash cow, a big / top earner
3. “票房高达...”“(企业)盈利...”用英语怎么说:
企业/电影+ rake in +钱
企业/电影 + take in + 钱
4. “好评如潮”“口碑炸裂”“吹爆”怎么说:
X set social media abuzz with rave reviews.
5. “动画/电影”用英语怎么说:
animation, animated film, film, movie, feature
6. 最后再补充一个“爆款”“黑马”的表达:
the black horse.
