在领奖现场王力宏发表了全英文感言,其中提到有年轻人向他“取经”, 并呼吁大家除了不断打磨技艺外,拥有良好的品德也很重要,善待家人,做人要正直,对朋友要真诚。网友看后表示:这就是优质偶像~ 
峰会主席珍妮特杨说:“今年,我特别高兴能够扩大本届峰会的范围,以庆祝跨多个领域的泛亚艺术家们。能够向以王力宏为首的中国流行音乐之王颁奖是我们的荣幸,因为他代表了亚洲人才在世界舞台上的惊人崛起。” 本届亚洲文娱产业峰会延续了以往9年来打造的高品质内容,策划出了高水准的主题论坛和聚焦讨论。并且邀请了行业中深谙时下趋势的重要嘉宾,共同促进跨文化领域的交流与发展。
Good evening everyone! such a humbling experience to be here, I feel like I just got off the plane and I'm like is this a dream kind of feels like one.
I can't pat myself on the back really because I feel like we have so much work to do,thank you to the u.s. Asia Entertainment summit for inviting me here, thank you the Asia Society thank you to janet yang, Yang Yanzi for believing in the dream and not giving up on it.
And you know a lot of people talk about the dream ,but I kind of want to be a little bit clearer about the dream for me and what it means, it's always been here in Hollywood that an Asian actor could get cast in this town for a role that wasn't necessarily written Asian.
I think that's like the Holy Grail, were something that I I want to believe in it could happen, but I think as I get older, and learn more about how films get made, instead of just believing in the dream, I'm like also East West Bank is here, right let's get a little bit more practical about this instead of just talking about dreams we got all these storytellers and talents in the audience, we got the filmmakers, directors, Renny Harlin is here ,we got producers, we got actors, screenplay writers ,east-west bank we got the money.
we can do this, guys, doesn't have to be just a dream anymore, come on, so when do we start rolling?
thank you to everybody here, you guys are all game changers, Shannon Lee,your father is an inspiration to me every day, we don't have a lot of heroes in society anymore, Bruce Lee is one of them and thank you to Shannon for being the keeper of his vision and his and his dream and his spirit for all these years.
Tzi ma, Ma Tai, seeing you meeting you today you know being another Asian actor when the other Asian actor goes up on the screen and you like and and if he's not good, then you're like it's like it's like watching your favorite player you know get the Hail Mary and fumble it but every time you're on the screen you're always good so thank you thank you so much.
right, from and he's everywhere he's like in every film that was when I was growing up or on TV he was like MacGyver Robocop and your new film which is incredible and you're coming up in Mulan thank you thank you for being so good.
The Honorable Kevin Rudd when when he was Prime Minister and he was speaking in fluent Mandarin I'm like“这个世界有希望了”, I was like this world has hope.
it's so inspiring, thank you for building all those bridges, it's very meaningful and my family and a personal note, my parents are here my brothers are here ,their wives, their kids I would be dead in the gutter, if it weren't for you guys.
I think trying to survive the entertainment industry you can't do it without a support network so I was asked by some younger kids today like, what was the advice? I would say you know other than practice yeah practice but also be nice to your family, and if you don't have that it's a dangerous place to be in this industry.
if you're not lucky like me,be nice to strangers and make a lot of friends, and you know have integrity to yourself and towards them, and the world would be a better place for you, and so will this industry.
so I wanted to thank everybody, thank you so much for this honor and again we're all game changers so let's make a big change.