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Sinojobs Canada Inc. is a Montreal-based recruitment agency with the connection of reputable candidates. Our team has a wide network of contacts and the work methodology required to place the high-quality candidates to fill your open positions.We are looking to work as an authorized partner or outsourcer for recruitment service. By using our service, your company is getting the most suitable candidates in the most effective way at the minimum cost.


Morgan Stanley Java Developer 全职岗位。

全球顶级投行Morgan Stanley应多元化和内部结构调整的需要,在蒙特利尔有多个Java职位空缺,语言需要达到基本需求沟通,英语或者法语至少一样可以完成工作需求沟通。本职位属于内推,会先有技术预面试,通过后也会有专人帮助修改简历和技术辅导,并提交简历到部门直接部门面试,只要Java经验对口并且基本工作语言沟通流畅,拿到职位几率很高。
Morgan Stanley 薪资丰厚,福利待遇好。本次内推职位,无需海投简历,无需HR首轮面试,机会难得。欢迎各路Java程序员联系我们并且取得面试,同时针对多元化的职位需求,更加鼓励广大女程序员努力抓住这个机会
发送简历到邮箱:[email protected]
标题:内推Morgan Java Developer + 您的全名
Job Description:
We are seeking a software developer to join Morgan Stanley to assist with building solutions and providing services to our Institutional Securities, Electronic Trading System Technology team. The ideal candidate has strong Java, experience in large scale real-time systems, deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms, problem-solving skills, and good communication skills. The candidate will be responsible for taking part in various stages of the delivery and software development process including activities like analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment of strategic and tactical solutions for execution strategies, improving scalability, performance, and efficiency of the strategies.

The role involves Java programming, as well as the use of scripting languages (Shell, Perl) and relational database interaction using SQL. The candidate will be expected to take an active role in the design, development, testing, and delivery of back-end server processes.

Required skills
• Strong Java skills with 3+ years of experience writing production code
• Core Java knowledge-Spring Framework, Patterns, Collections, Garbage Collection
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Proficiency with Unix/Linux
• Proficiency with at least one Enterprise level database (ex. Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2) and SQL
• Experience working with an IDE (ex.IntelliJ or Eclipse IDE)

Desired skills
• Experience with Java 8 and XML
• Experience developing client-server, distributed, real-time, performance-critical, highly available, or large-scale systems
• Experience working with Source Code Management solutions (ex. Git, Perforce, CVS)
• Version control, preferably with Perforce or Git

加华招聘 Sinojobs.ca 关注加拿大本土高薪职位,优质雇主等职场资讯。为加拿大企业和求职者,提供专业猎聘服务以及求职咨询服务。加华招聘是国际化企业的加拿大人力资源合作伙伴。欢迎猎头,行业精英以及企业参与合作,提供专业实用而且有情怀的职场服务。
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