加拿大的感恩节传统来源于欧洲。受希腊文化和基督教影响,欧洲人早在2000年前就有庆祝秋收的风俗。古希腊人的谷神叫Demeter ,每年秋天举行的Thesmosphoria节就是为了纪念这位女神的。基督教进入欧洲之后,人们便把这个仪式改成向上帝感谢收成。这个风俗,随着欧洲殖民者的脚步,被带到了北美洲
1578年,英国探险家法贝瑟(Martin Frobisher)试图探索一条从大西洋前往东方的航线,但是没有成功。最终,他在加拿大的纽芬兰省建立了一个定居点,并举行了一个庆祝生存和收获的宴餐。这一次被认为是加拿大的第一个感恩节,比清教徒“五月花号”首次抵达美国早了大约40年。
保守党也在节日这一天,给支持者们发了节日快乐的邮件The Conservative Party’s 2019 Turkey Talking Points
Turkey, wine, family, pumpkin pie -- it’s the best holiday of the year! Thanksgiving dinner is just around the corner -- but this year, it’s an election year. We know that not everyone is excited to go talk politics with their relatives.
Fortunately, we’ve prepared some quick and easy “turkey talking points” that will come in handy as that one uncle starts asking about politics and the election.
ndrew Scheer knows that it’s time for all Canadians to get ahead. A new Conservative government will put more money in your pockets, no matter which way you carve it.
Take the Universal Tax Cut for example. Every Canadian will save money. A two-income couple earning average salaries would save over $850 per year!
That’s helping you get ahead.
Under Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, middle-class families are paying an average of $800 more per year in taxes compared to when Trudeau was elected.
He’s using your money to stuff the pockets of rich corporations in the form of subsidies and free fridges — and if he’s re-elected, Trudeau will have to come back for seconds on tax hikes.
ndrew Scheer has A Real Plan to Protect Our Environment that balances the need for Canada to fight climate change by lowering emissions with our core promise of leaving more money in Canadians’ pockets and letting them get ahead.
Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau is jetting around with the two highest polluting campaign planes and forcing a carbon tax on hardworking Canadians – making gas, groceries, and home heating even more unaffordable. He’s even giving exemptions to some of Canada’s biggest polluters!
nder Justin Trudeau, wages have stagnated and the cost of living has skyrocketed.
Andrew Scheer’s plan to help all Canadians get ahead includes reversing Justin Trudeau’s tax hikes on small business, uniting Canada from coast-to-coast in the shared prosperity of a National Energy Corridor, boosting innovation and commercialization, supporting economic immigration, promoting interprovincial trade, building infrastructure projects that reduce commute times and lower emissions, and more.
Andrew Scheer is the only leader with a plan to create more good jobs and to run a government that lives within its means.
ustin Trudeau has failed to address the global complexities of climate change, human migration, cybersecurity, and national defence.
Worse yet, he’s embarrassed us on the world stage (remember that India trip?), alienated our allies, and capitulated to Donald Trump on NAFTA renegotiations.
Andrew Scheer has a real plan that accepts these global complexities as real problems in need of real solutions, and that the federal government has an obligation to actually adapt to today’s trying times. A new Conservative government will restore relations with key allies and build new ones with like-minded nations.
ndrew Scheer.
It’s simple because it’s true. He’s the only leader with a plan to put more money in your pockets so you can get ahead.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
