根据官方的speaking rubrics, 托福口语的评分可以分成三个维度:Delivery (表达),Languageuse(语言使用),Topic development(主题展开)。今天我们来细讲一下语言使用的评分标准。
Speaking rubrics上是这么写的:
“The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systematic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.”
Q: Some parents educate their own children at home. Others insist that their children should be sent to school. Which way of learning do you think is preferable and why?
A: In my opinion, sending your children to school is way better than teaching them at home. I feel this way for two main reasons. First of all, students go to school for the purpose of socialization. They don’t just go to learn facts and subjects, but actually how to communicate with each other and interact effectively in society. Secondly, there is the issue of diversity. Sadly, most of us move in social circles that resemble our families. We tend to interact with people who are the same race, the same ethnicity and have the same religion with us. However, going to school requires us to interact with people from different types of backgrounds. Thus, tuning us into better and more well-rounded human beings. [123 words]
“In this response, the speaker provides a clear and coherent response. He is able to maintain a steady, fluid pace with little to no hesitation. His pronunciation is very good. His stress and intonation patterns sound natural. He demonstrates a range of vocabulary and grammar that is appropriate to the task. In general, the response is well developed. The speaker clearly states his opinion and provide several reasons for her point of view. He then explains each reason in varying degrees of detail. There is a clear progression of ideas and an ease of presentation typical of a level 4 response.”
我们重点关注一下考官针对语言使用方面的评价——He demonstrates a range of vocabulary and grammar that is appropriate to the task. 考官认为,这名考生选择了准确且富有变化的词汇来表达想法。不难看出,托福口语对于词汇的要求重点在于准确,而并不是复杂。即使大量使用简单的,我们熟悉的词汇,只要能做到准确表达,就是高分! 即使满分的回答,也是允许犯错误的。当然,前提是错误并不影响考官的理解。
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