BookⅣ Chapter11
These things I then knew not, and I loved these lower beauties, and I was sinking to the very depths, and to my friends I said, "Do we love any thing but the beautiful? What then is the beautiful? And what is beauty? What is it that attracts and wins us to the things we love, for unless there were in them a grace and beauty, they could by no means draw us unto them." And I marked and perceived that in bodies themselves, there was a beauty, from their forming a sort of whole, and again, another from apt and mutual correspondence, as of a part of the body with its whole, or a shoe with a foot, and the like. And this consideration sprang up in my mind, out of my inmost heart, and I wrote "on the fair and fit," I think, two or three books. Thou knowest, O Lord, for it is gone from me; for I have them not, but they are strayed from me, I know not how.
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【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 洁净心灵 BookⅠChapter 5 
忏悔录 Confessions | 孩童获宠 BookⅠChapter 6 

忏悔录 Confessions | 孩子的天真 BookⅠ Chapter 7

【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 牙牙学语 BookⅠ Chapter 8 
忏悔录 Confessions | 威胁挨打 BookⅠChapter 9 

忏悔录 Confessions | 学生的苦楚 
Chapter 10 

忏悔录 Confessions | 潜移默化 
Chapter 11 

【有声】忏悔录 Confessions |不爱希腊文BookⅠ Chapter 14
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 申斥神怪的非非之想 BookⅠ Chapter 16
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions |渴望成名 BookⅠ Chapter 18 
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions |闲游浪荡BookⅡChapter 2 
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 觉性的烦恼 BookⅢChapter 1
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions |一群吵客BookⅢ Chapter 3
Book Ⅳ 
排版:文静  校对:Snow