BookⅡ Chapter4
For there is an attractiveness in beautiful bodies, in gold and silver, and all things; and in bodily touch, sympathy hath much influence, and each other sense hath his proper object answerably tempered. Wordly honour hath also its grace, and the power of overcoming, and of mastery; whence springs also the thirst of revenge. But yet, to obtain all these, we may not depart from Thee, O Lord, nor decline from Thy law. The life also which here we live hath its own enchantment, through a certain proportion of its own, and a correspondence with all things beautiful here below. Human friendship also is endeared with a sweet tie, by reason of the unity formed of many souls. 
Upon occasion of all these, and the like, is sin committed, while through an immoderate inclination towards these goods of the lowest order, the better and higher are forsaken, Thou, our Lord God, Thy truth, and Thy law. For these lower things have their delights, but not like my God, who made all things; for in Him doth the righteous delight, and He is the joy of the upright in heart.
When, then, we ask why a crime was done, we believe it not, unless it appear that there might have been some desire of obtaining some of those which we called lower goods, or a fear of losing them. For they are beautiful and comely; although compared with those higher and beatific goods, they be abject and low. A man hath murdered another; why he loved his wife or his estate; or would rob for his own livelihood; or feared to lose some such things by him; or, wronged, was on fire to be revenged. Would any commit murder upon no cause, delighted simply in murdering,who would believe it? For as for that furious and savage man, of whom it is said that he was gratuitously evil and cruel, yet is the cause assigned; "lest" (saith he) "through idleness hand or heart should grow inactive." And to what end that through that practice of guilt, he might, having taken the city, attain to honours, empire, riches, and be freed from fear of the laws, and his embarrassments from domestic needs, and consciousness of villainies. So then, not even Catiline himself loved his own villainies, but something else, for whose sake he did them.
[10] 指下文的卡提里那(公元前108?—62)。
[11] 见罗马史家撒路斯提乌斯(公元前86—35)所著《卡提里那的阴谋》,16章。
Book Ⅰ
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 洁子心灵 BookⅠChapter (5) 
忏悔录 Confessions | 

忏悔录 Confessions | 
 BookⅠ Chapter(7)

【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 牙牙学语 BookⅠ Chapter(8)
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忏悔录 Confessions | 

忏悔录 Confessions | 

【有声】忏悔录 Confessions |
BookⅠ Chapter(16)
Book Ⅱ
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 闲游浪荡 Book Ⅱ Chapter 2
【有声】忏悔录 Confessions | 偷窃的故事 Book Ⅱ Chapter 3
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