世界级潜能开发专家Tony Robbins认为,人们存在和奋斗的价值在于用自己被给予的运气、天分、资源和影响力,来使这个世界变的更美好。当人们做回自己,并承担起和他们对应的责任时,才能感到真正的快乐和人生的意义。
Tony Robbins TED演讲双语对照版
Thank you. I have to tell you I'm both challenged and excited. My excitement is: I get a chance to give something back. My challenge is: the shortest seminar I usually do is 50 hours. I'm not exaggerating. I do weekends, and what I do -- I do even more than that, obviously, coach people -- but I'm into immersion. Because how did you learn language? You didn't learn it by just learning principles, you got in it and you did it so often that it became real.
And the bottom line of why I'm here, besides being a crazy mofo, is that I'm really in a position -- I'm not here to motivate you, obviously; you don't need that. And a lot of times that's what people think I do, and it's the furthest thing from it. What happens, though, is people say to me, "I don't need any motivation." And I say, "Well, that's interesting. That's not what I do." I'm the "Why" guy. I want to know why you do what you do.
What is your motive for action? What is it that drives you in your life today? Not 10 years ago. Or are you running the same pattern? Because I believe that the invisible force of internal drive, activated, is the most important thing in the world. I'm here because I believe emotion is the force of life. All of us here have great minds. You know? Most of us here have great minds, right? I don't know about another category, but we all know how to think. And with our minds we can rationalize anything. We can make anything happen. We can -- I agree with what was described a few days ago, about this idea that people work in their self-interest.
你行为的动机是什么?今天,而不是10年前,是什么在生命中驱动着你?你是否运用着同样的行为模式?因为我相信,激发内在驱动的无形力量,是世界上最重要的事。我站在这里,因为我相信情绪是生命的力量。在座的各位,我们都有很棒的头脑。在这里,我们大部分的人都有很棒的头脑,对吧?我不清楚没有头脑的人,但我们有头脑的人都知道怎么思考。我们能够把任何事物合理化。 我们能完成任何事情。我们能——我同意几天前有人形容过的人们为自己的利益所驱使的想法。
But we all know that that's bullshit at times. You don't work in your self-interest all the time, because when emotion comes into it, the wiring changes in the way it functions. And so it's wonderful for us to think intellectually about how the life of the world is, and especially those who are very smart -- we can play this game in our head. But I really want to know what's driving you.
但我们也都知道有时候那是一派胡言。你的行为并不是一直都受利益的驱使,因为当我们加入情绪的因素,我们追求利益的行为模式也会改变。所以,用理智来思考这个世界的生活是怎样的,对我们而言是很奇妙的,特别是我们当中那些十分聪明的人——能在心中玩这个游戏。 但我真的想知道的是什么在驱动着你。
And what I would like to maybe invite you to do by the end of this talk is explore where you are today, for two reasons. One: so that you can contribute more. And two: so that hopefully we can not just understand other people more, but maybe appreciate them more, and create the kinds of connections that can stop some of the challenges that we face in our society today. They're only going to get magnified by the very technology that's connecting us, because it's making us intersect. And that intersection doesn't always create the view of "everybody now understands everybody, and everybody appreciates everybody."
我想要也许请你在这个演讲结束时,探索今天你在生命中所处的位置。这么做有两个原因。一,你能做出更多贡献;二,希望我们不但能更多地了解他人,也许还能更多的去领会他们,并建立起那种情感联系, 那种能阻止我们社会现今所面临的挑战(问题) 的情感联系。 将我们紧紧联系的科技,只会放大我们社会面对的那些挑战,因为科技让我们有了交集。但那种交集并不总是带来“现在所有人都互相了解,互相领会”的观点。
So, I've had an obsession basically for 30 years, and that obsession has been, "What makes the difference in the quality of peoples lives? What makes the difference in their performance?" Because that's what I got hired to do. I've got to produce the result now. That's what I've done for 30 years. I get the phone call when the athlete is burning down on national television, and they were ahead by five strokes and now they can't get back on the course. And I've got to do something right now to get the result or nothing matters. I get the phone call when the child is going commit suicide, and I've got to do something right now. And in 29 years -- I'm very grateful to tell you I've never lost one in 29 years. It doesn't mean I won't some day. But I haven't done it, and the reason is an understanding of these human needs that I want to talk to you about.
所以30年来,我一直深深专注于探讨“是什么决定了人们的生活品质?”“是什么决定了人们表现的差异?”因为那是我的工作。我必须马上帮人们产生他们要的结果。那就是我30年来的工作。比如说,我会接到一个电话,说有个运动员在全国电视转播的比赛中失去状态, 他的队伍现在领先五分,但他的队友们却已无心回到场上继续比赛。而我必须马上做些什么帮他们恢复状态。对他们而言那是最重要的。或我会接到个电话,说有个小孩要自杀,而我必须马上做些什么来帮助他。29年来——29年来我从未辜负过我的客户,我为此心存感激。这不表示说未来我决不会失手。但至今我从未失手过,其原因在于我对人类需求的理解。我今天想要和你们谈的就是这些人类需求。
So, when I get those calls about performance, that's one thing. How do you make a change? But also, I'm looking to see what is it that's shaping that person's ability to contribute, to do something beyond themselves. So maybe the real question is, you know, I look at life and say, there's two master lessons. One is: there's the science of achievement, which almost everything that's run is mastered to an amazing extent. That's "How do you take the invisible and make it visible," right? How do you take what you're dreaming of and make it happen? Whether it be your business, your contribution to society, money -- whatever it is for you -- your body, your family.
But the other lesson of life that is rarely mastered is the art of fulfillment. Because science is easy, right? We know the rules. You write the code. You follow the -- and you get the results. Once you know the game you just, you know, you up the ante, don't you? But when it comes to fulfillment -- that's an art. And the reason is, it's about appreciation and it's about contribution. You can only feel so much by yourself. So, I've had an interesting laboratory to try to answer the question of the real question, which is what's the difference in somebody's life if you look at somebody like those people that you've given everything to? Like all the resources they say they need. You gave them not a 100-dollar computer; you gave them the best computer. You gave them love; you gave them joy. You were there to comfort them. And those people very often -- and you know some of them, I'm sure -- end up the rest of their life with all this love, education, money and background, spending their life going in and out of rehab. And then you meet people that have been through ultimate pain -- psychologically, sexually, spiritually, emotionally abused -- and not always, but often, they become some of the people that contribute the most to society.
但人生中的另一个课程却很少被人们掌握,那就是“满足的艺术”因为科学比较容易,对吗?我们知道了规则。你编写程序,你遵循公式,然后你就能得到结果。就好比,一旦你知道了游戏的玩法,你就有把握进一步提高赌注,对吧?可是“满足”却是一门艺术。因为满足同感激和贡献相关联。你一个人能给自己带来的满足感是有限的。为此我办了个有趣的实验室尝试回答这个问题,问题中真正的问题。那就是:如果你看待某人好比你已为他付出一切,他的生命会有什么不同?比如说你给了他所需要的一切资源。你给他的不是普通100美元的电脑,而是最好的电脑。你给了他你的爱,你给他带来欢乐。你总是能够在他需要你的时候给他安慰。而常常这些人——我相信你一定认识一些这样的人——尽管有了这些爱、教育、金钱、和良好背景,却荒废生命,时常进出戒毒所。 然后你见到那些遭受过极大痛苦的人——那些在心理、性、精神和情感上遭受虐待的人——虽然不总是如此,但常常,这些人会成为那些对社会付出最多贡献的人。
So, the question we've got to ask ourselves really is, what is it? What is it that shapes us? And we live in a therapy culture. Most of us don't do that, but the culture's a therapy culture. And what I mean by that is the mindset that we are our past. And everybody in this room -- you wouldn't be in this room if you bought that theory -- but the -- most of society thinks biography is destiny. The past equals the future. And of course it does if you live there. But what people in this room know, and what we have to remind ourselves, though -- because you can know something intellectually, you can know what to do and then not use it, not apply it.
So really, we're going to remind ourselves that decision is the ultimate power. That's what it really is. Now, when you ask people, you know, have you failed to achieve something? How many have ever failed to achieve something significant in your life? Say, "Aye."
Thanks for the interaction on a high level there.
But if you ask people, why didn't you achieve something? Somebody who's working for you, you know, or a partner, or even yourself. When you fail to achieve a goal, what's the reason people say they fail to achieve? What do they tell you? Don't have the -- didn't know enough, didn't have the -- knowledge. Didn't have the -- money. Didn't have the -- time. Didn't have the -- technology. You know, I didn't have the right manager. Didn't have the ...
当你问某人,为什么你无法达成某事?比如说你的员工,或生意伙伴,甚至你自己本人。当你无法达成一个目标,人们给失败提供的理由是什么?他们会告诉你什么?他们没有——他们懂的不够多,没有——知识。没有——钱。 没有——时间。没有——技术。你也听过的, 我没有合适的经理。没有...
Al Gore: Supreme Court.
And...and...what do all those, including the Supreme Court, have in common?  They are a claim to you missing resources, and they may be accurate. You may not have the money; you may not have the Supreme Court; but that is not the defining factor. And you correct me if I'm wrong. The defining factor is never resources; it's resourcefulness. And what I mean specifically, rather than just some phrase, is if you have emotion, human emotion, something that I experienced from you a day before yesterday at a level that is as profound as I've ever experienced, and if you'd communicated with that emotion I believe you would have beat his ass and won.
But, how easy for me to tell him what he should do. Idiot, Robbins. But I know when we watched the debate at that time, there were emotions that blocked people's ability to get this man's intellect and capacity. And the way that it came across to some people on that day -- because I know people that wanted to vote in your direction and didn't, and I was upset. But there was emotion that was there. How many know what I'm talking about here? Say, "Aye."
So, emotion is it. And if we get the right emotion, we can get ourselves to do anything. We can get through it. If you're creative enough, playful enough, fun enough, can you get through to anybody? Yes or no?
对,就是情绪。如果我们处于对的情绪状态, 我们能让自己做任何事。我们能完成任何事。 如果你够创意,够幽默,够有趣, 你能否和任何人沟通?能,还是不能?
If you don't have the money, but you're creative and determined enough, you find the way. So this is the ultimate resource. But this is not the story that people tell us, right? The story people tell us is a bunch of different stories. They tell us we don't have the resources, but ultimately, if you take a look here -- flip it up, if you would -- they say, what are all the reasons they haven't accomplished that? Next one, please. He's broken my pattern, that son-of-a-bitch.  But I appreciated the energy, I'll tell you that.
What determines your resources? We've said decisions shape destiny, which is my focus here. If decisions shape destiny, what determines it is three decisions. What are you going to focus on? Right now, you have to decide what you're going to focus on. In this second, consciously or unconsciously, the minute you decide to focus on something you've got to give it a meaning, and whatever that meaning is produces emotion. Is this the end or the beginning? Is God punishing me or rewarding me, or is this the roll of the dice? An emotion, then, creates what we're going to do or the action.
什么左右了你的资源?我们刚说“决定”塑造命运,这是我要在这里强调的,如果决定塑造命运,左右我们资源的则是三个决定。你要把注意力放在什么地方?现在,你必须决定你要把注意力放在什么地方。在这一秒,无论有意识或无意识地,当你决定把注意力放在某样东西上面,你必须赋予这样东西一个意义。这个意义,无论它是什么,会制造情绪。这是结束还是开始?老天是在惩罚我 还是在奖励我?或者这不过是偶然?然后,情绪创造我们的下一步行动。
So, think about your own life, the decisions that have shaped your destiny. And that sounds really heavy, but in the last five or 10 years, 15 years, how have there been some decisions you've made that if you'd made a different decision, your life would be completely different? How many can think about it? Honestly, better or worse? Say, "Aye."
So the bottom line is, maybe it was where to go to work, and you met the love of your life there. Maybe it was a career decision. I know the Google geniuses I saw here -- I mean, I understand that their decision was to sell their technology at first. What if they made that decision versus to build their own culture? How would the world be different? How would their lives be different? Their impact? The history of our world is these decisions. When a woman stands up and says, "No, I won't go to the back of the bus," she didn't just affect her life. That decision shaped our culture. Or someone standing in front of a tank. Or being in a position like Lance Armstrong, and someone says to you, "You've got testicular cancer." That's pretty tough for any male, especially if you ride a bike.  You've got it in your brain; you've got it in your lungs. But what was his decision of what to focus on? Different than most people. What did it mean? It wasn't the end; it was the beginning. What am I going to do? He goes off and wins seven championships he never once won before the cancer, because he got emotional fitness, psychological strength. That's the difference in human beings that I've seen of the three million that I've been around.
归根结底,也许这是‘要到哪里工作’的决定,结果你在那里遇到了你的人生伴侣。也许那是一个事业的抉择。我知道那两位创建谷歌的天才——我是说,我知道他们刚开始的决定是要把他们的技术出售。想象如果他们真的决定出售技术,而不是创建他们自己的文化,会怎么样?世界会是怎样的不同?他们的人生会是怎样的不同?他们对世界的影响会有什么不同?我们世界的历史其实就是这些决定。当一个女人站起来说“不,我不会退到公车后座”她不只影响了她的人生。那个决定塑造了我们的文化。或当一个人挡在坦克前。或当一个人处于像阿姆斯特朗(Lance Armstrong)这样的处境,人家告诉你:“你得了睾丸癌”。这对任何男人都是不小的打击,特别当你是个骑单车的运动员。在你的脑海中,在你的心中,你已明白这意味着什么。但他决定了把注意力集中在什么? 和大多数人都不同。什么意思?这不是结束,这是开始。我要做什么?他开始捧回七个大赛冠军;患癌之前他一次都没有赢过,因为他具备了健康的情绪与顽强的心态。那就是人与人之间的差别。在我接触过的三百万人中,我见到那种差别。
Because that's about my lab. I've had three million people from 80 different countries that I've had a chance to interact with over the last 29 years. And after a while, patterns become obvious. You see that South America and Africa may be connected in a certain way, right? Other people say, "Oh, that sounds ridiculous." It's simple. So, what shaped Lance? What shapes you? Two invisible forces. Very quickly. One: state. We all have had time. So if you had a time you did something, and after you did it you thought to yourself, I can't believe I said that, I can't believe I did that, that was so stupid -- who's been there? Say, "Aye."
那和我的实验室有关。在过去的29年里 我有机会和三百万来自80个不同国家的人们交流。经过一段时间,一些模式变得明显。你会发现南美洲和非洲,可能以某种方式相互有所联系,对吗?其他人说,“哦,那听起来很荒谬”这很简单。什么塑造了阿姆斯特朗?什么塑造了你?两个看不见的力量。第一个:状态。我们都有过这样的经验。如果你有过这样的经历,当你做了一件事,你对自己说,我不敢相信我竟然说了那些东西,我竟然做了那种事,真是愚蠢——谁有这样的经历?说“明白”
Have you ever done something, after you did it, you go, "That was me!"  Right? It wasn't your ability; it was your state. Your model of the world is what shapes you long term. Your model of the world is the filter. That's what's shaping us. That's what makes people make decisions. When we want to influence somebody, we've got to know what already influences them. And it's made up of three parts, I believe. First, what's your target? What are you after? Which, I believe -- it's not your desires. You can get your desires or goals. How many have ever got a goal or desire and thought, is this all there is? How many have been there? Say, "Aye."
So, it's needs we have. I believe there are six human needs. Second, once you know what the target that's driving you is and you uncover it for the truth -- you don't form it; you uncover it -- then you find out what's your map, what's the belief systems that are telling you how to get those needs. Some people think the way to get those needs is destroy the world, some people is to build something, create something, love someone. And then there's the fuel you pick. So very quickly, six needs.
所以,我们追求的是我们的需求。我相信人类有六种需求。其次,当你知道驱动着你的目标是什么,并把它掀开寻找底下的真相——你不创建它,只是去发现它——然后你发现你的“地图”,是什么信念系统在告诉你如何满足这些需求。有些人认为满足这些需求的方法是摧毁世界, 有些人的方法则是建设、创造某些东西,或向某些人付出爱。接着是你选择的燃料。很快地提一下,六种需求。
Let me tell you what they are. First one: certainty. Now, these are not goals or desires, these are universal. Everyone needs certainty that they can avoid pain and at least be comfortable. Now, how do you get it? Control everybody? Develop a skill? Give up? Smoke a cigarette? And if you got totally certain, ironically, even though we all need that -- like if you're not certain about your health, or your children, or money, you don't think about much. You're not sure if the ceiling's going to hold up, you're not going to listen to any speaker. But, while we go for certainty differently, if we get total certainty, we get what? What do you feel if you're certain? You know what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, how it's going to happen -- what would you feel? Bored out of your minds. So, God, in Her infinite wisdom,  gave us a second human need, which is uncertainty. We need variety. We need surprise. How many of you here love surprises? Say, "Aye."
TR: Bullshit. You like the surprises you want. The ones you don't want you call problems, but you need them. So, variety is important. Have you ever rented a video or a film that you've already seen? Who's done this? Get a fucking life. All right. Why are you doing it? You're certain it's good because you read it before, saw it before, but you're hoping it's been long enough you've forgotten, that there's variety.
Third human need, critical: significance. We all need to feel important, special, unique. You can get it by making more money. You can do it by being more spiritual. You can do it by getting yourself in a situation where you put more tattoos and earrings in places humans don't want to know. Whatever it takes. The fastest way to do this, if you have no background, no culture, no belief and resources or resourcefulness, is violence. If I put a gun to your head and I live in the 'hood, instantly I'm significant. Zero to 10. How high? 10. How certain am I that you're going to respond to me? 10. How much uncertainty? Who knows what's going to happen next? Kind of exciting. Like climbing up into a cave and doing that stuff all the way down there. Total variety and uncertainty. And it's significant, isn't it? So you want to risk your life for it. So that's why violence has always been around and will be around unless we have a consciousness change as a species. Now, you can get significance a million ways, but to be significant, you've got to be unique and different.
人类的第三种决定性需求:重要性。我们都需要觉得自己重要,特别,独一无二。你能通过赚更多钱来让自己变得重要或特别。或通过更加关注精神的崇高纯洁。或通过在其他人不想知道的身体部位 加上更多的纹身和耳环。人们为变得重要或特别不惜代价。而最快的方法,如果你没有背景,没有文化,没有信仰和资源,是暴力。如果我拿支枪指着你的头,而我就住在个普通的社区,我马上会觉得自己很不简单。从0到10,代表不同程度。这有多么刺激?10。我有多么确定你会做出反应?10。有多少不确定性?谁知道接下来有什么会发生?真是有点令人感到兴奋。这就像往上爬进一个洞穴,然后又往下跳。完全的多样化与不确定性。而多样化与不确定性很重要,对吗?所以你会为它们冒生命的险。那就是为什么暴力一直都存在,而且会继续存在。直到我们作为一个物种,有了意识的变化。你有一百万种方法可以获得重要性,但要变得重要,你必须独一无二、与众不同。
Here's what we really need: connection and love -- fourth need. We all want it. Most people settle for connection because love's too scary. Don't want to get hurt. Who here has ever been hurt in an intimate relationship? Say, "Aye."  If you don't raise your hand, you'll have had other shit too, come on.  And you're going to get hurt again. Aren't you glad you came to this positive visit?  But here's what's true -- we need it. We can do it through intimacy, through friendship, through prayer, through walking in nature. If nothing else works for you, get a dog. Don't get a cat. Get a dog, because if you leave for two minutes, it's like you've been gone for six months when you show back up again five minutes later, right?
这是我们真正需要的:情感联系和爱——第四种需求。我们全都需要它。大部分人满足与情感联系。因为爱太可怕了。他们不想受伤害。这里有谁曾经在一段亲密关系中受到过伤害的?说“明白” 如果你不举手,你也会有其他很烂的经历,别假装了。而且你会再次受到伤害。你难道不高兴自己用这样正面的态度回忆那种经历吗?但事实是——我们需要爱。我们可以通过亲密行为,通过友情,通过祈祷,通过在自然中散步,来得到爱。如果其他方法都不管用,养只狗。别养猫,养狗。因为如果你走开两分钟,五分钟后回来,你的狗会觉得你已经失踪了六个月,对吧?
Now, these first four needs, every human finds a way to meet. Even if you lie to yourself, you need to have split personalities. But the last two needs -- the first four needs are called the needs of the personalities, is what I call it -- the last two are the needs of the spirit. And this is where fulfillment comes. You won't get fulfillment from the first four. You'll figure a way -- smoke, drink, do whatever -- to meet the first four, but the last two -- number five: you must grow. We all know the answer here. If you don't grow, you're what? If a relationship's not growing, if a business is not growing, if you're not growing, it doesn't matter how much money you have, how many friends you have, how many people love you, you feel like hell. And the reason we grow, I believe, is so we have something to give of value.
Because the sixth need is to contribute beyond ourselves. Because we all know, corny as it sounds, the secret to living is giving. We all know life's not about me; it's about we. This culture knows that. This room knows that. And it's exciting. When you see Nicholas up here talking about his $100 computer, the most passionate exciting thing is: here's a genius, but he's got a calling now. You can feel the difference in him and it's beautiful. And that calling can touch other people. In my own life, my life was touched because when I was 11 years old, Thanksgiving, no money, no food -- we're not going to starve, but my father was totally messed up. My mom was letting him know how bad he messed up. And somebody came to the door and delivered food. My father made three decisions. I know what they were briefly. His focus was: "This is charity. What does it mean? I'm worthless. What've I got to do? Leave my family." Which he did. The time was one of the most painful experiences of life. My three decisions gave me a different path. I said, "Focus on: 'there's food'" -- what a concept, you know.
因为我们的第六种需求就是付出贡献。因为我们都知道,尽管像是陈词滥调,生活的秘诀就是付出。我们都知道生活不是关于“我”,而是“我们”。我们这个文化知道。在座所有人也知道。这很振奋人心。当你看见尼古拉斯在台上谈论他的一百美元的电脑,最让人激昂万分的是,这是个天才,但他现在有个使命了。你可以发现他的不同和其内在的美。而那使命能感动他人。在我自己的生命中,我的生命在我十一岁的时候被感动。感恩节,没有钱,没有食物。我们并不须要挨饿,但我的父亲却酩酊大醉。我的母亲让他知道他是多么的糟糕。然后有人来到我们门前送来食物。我的父亲作了三个决定。我知道他做了什么决定。他的注意力放在“这是慈善。” “这表示什么?这表示我毫无价值,我该怎么办?”“离开我的家庭”。他真的离开了。那是生命中最痛苦的其中一次经历。我的三个决定把我带上另一条道路。我说:“把注意力放在 '有吃的了’上面”——多么棒的一个想法,对吧。
Second -- but this is what changed my life, this is what shaped me as a human being -- "Somebody's gift. I don't even know who it is." My father always said, "No one gives a shit." And all of a sudden, somebody I don't know, they're not asking for anything, they're just giving our family food, looking out for us. It made me believe this: "What does it mean that strangers care?" And what that made me decide is, if strangers care about me and my family, I care about them. What am I going to do? I'm going to do something to make a difference. So, when I was 17, I went out one day on Thanksgiving. It was my target for years to have enough money to feed two families. The most fun thing I ever did in my life, the most moving. Then next year I did four. I didn't tell anybody what I was doing. Next year eight. I wasn't doing it for brownie points, but after eight, I thought, shit, I could use some help.
第二——但这就是改变我生命的决定, 这就是把我塑造为一个人的决定——“某人送来的礼物, 我甚至不知道他是谁”我爸常说,“我才不在乎”突然之间,一个我不认识的人,他们不要求得到什么,他们只是给我们的家庭送来食物,照顾我们。这使我相信:“陌生人关心我们,这代表什么呢?”而使我做出决定的是,倘若陌生人关心我和我的家庭,我也会关心他们。我将要做什么呢?我要做一些事以做出改变。因此,当我17岁时,有一次我在感恩节出门,那是我多年来的目标,拥有足够的钱给两个家庭送去食物。这是我人生中做过的最有趣、也是最令人感动的事。第二年我给四个家庭送去了食物。我没有告诉任何人我在做什么。再下一年我增加到八个家庭。我做这些不是为了得到他人的称赞,只是八个家庭以后,我想,妈的,我可以寻找一些帮助。
So sure enough, I went out and what did I do? I got my friends involved and I grew companies and then I got 11 companies and I built the foundation. Now, 18 years later, I'm proud to tell you, last year we fed two million people in 35 countries through our foundation, all during the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas......in all the different countries around the world. It's been fantastic. Thank you. So, I don't tell you that to brag; I tell you because I'm proud of human beings, because they get excited to contribute once they've had the chance to experience it, not talk about it.
So, finally -- and I'm about out of time -- the target that shapes you -- here's what's different about people. We have the same needs, but are you a certainty freak? Is that what you value most, or uncertainty? This man here couldn't be a certainty freak if he climbed through those caves. Are you driven by significance or love? We all need all six, but whatever your lead system is, tilts you in a different direction. And as you move in a direction, you have a destination or destiny. The second piece is the map. Think of that as the operating system that tells you how to get there. And some people's map is: "I'm going to save lives even if I die for other people," and they're firemen. Somebody else is: "I'm going to kill people to do it." They're trying to meet the same needs of significance, right? They want to honor God or honor their family, but they have a different map.
好了,最后——我的时间马上就要到了——塑造你的那个目标——这就是人们不一样的地方。我们有同样的需求,但你是否狂热追求确定性?确定性,或不确定性,才是你最重视的?这位仁兄,如果他爬过那些洞穴,他就不可能是确定性的狂热追求者。你是被重要性,还是爱,所驱动?我们所有人都有这六种需求,但无论你的主导信念系统是什么,它都会让你往一个不同的方向倾斜。而当你往一个方向移动,你就有了一个目的地,或命运。第二个方面是地图。把它想象成一个操作系统 它告诉你怎样到达目的地。有的人的地图是,“我要拯救生命,就算我会为他人而死去”这些人就是救火员。有些人的地图则是,“我即使杀人也要去做.” 他们其实也在追求同样的对重要性的需求,不是吗?他们想要追寻上帝或听从他们的家庭,不过他们有不一样的地图。
And there are seven different beliefs. I can't go through them because I'm done. The last piece is emotion. I'd say one of the parts of the map is like time. Some people's idea of a long time is 100 years. Somebody else's is three seconds, which is what I have.  And the last one I've already mentioned, that fell to you. If you've got a target and you've got a map and let's say -- I can't use Google because I love Macs and they haven't made it good for Macs yet -- so if you use MapQuest -- how many have made this fatal mistake of using MapQuest at some time?  You use this thing and you don't get there. Well, imagine if your beliefs guarantee you can never get to where you want to go?
另外还有七种信念。我无法一一说明,因为我已经讲完了。最后一个方面是情绪。我觉得地图的其中一个部分是时间。在有的人的心目中100年是很长的时间。有的人则认为3秒种很长,对我而言3秒钟就是我现在剩下的时间。我刚刚已经提过的,你应该知道了。如果你有一个目标和一张地图,比如说——我无法用谷歌因为我喜欢苹果,而他们还没让谷歌地图与苹果电脑兼容——所以如果你用MapQuest——你们有谁犯了使用MapQuest这个致命的错误? 如果你用这东西,你不会到你想要到的地方。想象一下,如果你的信念保证你永远到不了你要去的地方?
The last thing is emotion. Now, here's what I'll tell you about emotion. There are 6,000 emotions that we all have words for in the English language, which is just a linguistic representation, right, that changes by language. But if your dominant emotions -- if I had more time, I have 20,000 people or 1,000, and I have them write down all the emotions that they experience in an average week, and I gave them as long as they needed, and on one side they write empowering emotions, the other's disempowering -- guess how many emotions people experience? Less than 12. And half of those make them feel like shit. So they got five or six good frickin' feelings, right? It's like they feel "happy, happy, excited, oh shit, frustrated, frustrated, overwhelmed, depressed." How many of you know somebody who no matter what happens finds a way to get pissed off? How many know somebody like this?  Or, no matter what happens, they find a way to be happy or excited. How may know somebody like this? Come on.

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