特斯拉的 CEO 伊隆•马斯克是出了名的大忙人。因为他其实同时运营着三个估值超过十亿美金的公司,同时还是五个公司的创始人。梦想着有一天要去火星、得挤时间陪五个孩子、还要忙着约会。
根据过往公开访谈,最忙的时候。马斯克一周工作超过 100 小时。也就是说,他平均要工作超过 14 个小时。为了保持高强度的工作,咖啡和健怡可乐都是马斯克的最爱。他每天得消灭掉 8 罐健怡可乐和好几个大杯的咖啡。接下来听听这位开挂CEO的每一天是怎么度过的。

Ycombinator interviewed Elon Musk
How do you spend your days now? Whatdo you allocate most of your time to?
Elon: My time is mostly split between SpaceX and Tesla. And of course, I try tospend a part of every week at OpenAI. So I spend basically half a day at OpenAImost weeks. And then I have some OpenAI stuff that happens during the week.But other than that, it's really SpaceX and Tesla.
Interviewer: What do you do when you're at SpaceX and Tesla? What does yourtime look like there?
Elon: Yes, it's a good question. I think a lot of people think I must spend a lot oftime with media or on businessy things. But actually almost all my time, like 80%of it, is spent on engineering and design. Engineering and design, so it'sdeveloping next-generation product. That's 80% of it.
Interviewer: You probably don't remember this. A very long time ago, many,many, years, you took me on a tour of SpaceX. And the most impressive thingwas that you knew every detail of the rocket and every piece of engineering thatwent into it. And I don't think many people get that about you.
Elon: Yeah. I think a lot of people think I'm kind of a business person orsomething, which is fine. Business is fine. But really it's like at SpaceX, GwynneShotwell is Chief Operating Officer. She manages legal, finance, sales, andgeneral business activity. And then my time is almost entirely with theengineering team, working on improving the Falcon 9 and our Dragon spacecraftand developing the Mars Colonial architecture. At Tesla, it's working on the Model3 and, yeah, so I'm in the design studio, take up a half a day a week, dealing withaesthetics and look-and-feel things. And then most of the rest of the week is justgoing through engineering of the car itself as well as engineering of the factory.Because the biggest epiphany I've had this year is that what really matters is themachine that builds the machine, the factory. And that is at least two orders ofmagnitude harder than the vehicle itself.

马斯克估计是这个世界上最成功最忙碌的男人之一,他没有读过任何时间管理的书,但是他能同时管理三家公司,还有 5 个孩子。

Inc 曾采访过他,他基本不怎么使用手机沟通,他极大部分的事情都是通过「邮件」沟通,每天晚上只睡 6 个小时左右。
不过他最关键的时间技巧其实就在于:他把一天分成一系列的 5 分钟来使用。譬如他经常在开会中吃午饭,一般吃午饭的时间控制在 5 分钟或者以内。
一般人是不怎么关注 5 分钟的时间用途,过去就过去了;相反马斯克 以 5 分钟为单位的工作法则让他基本不浪费任何时间。
那么 马斯克 平时一天的时间是怎么管理的呢?
马斯克 每天一般只睡 6 小时,早上 7 点钟起床。
马斯克 经常不吃早餐,偶尔他吃的时候也是很快地喝一杯咖啡和吃一个煎蛋。
凡是 马斯克 醒着的时候,他都会以「5 分钟」为单位安排自己的日程。他平均一周工作 85-100 个小时,而且 80% 的时间都花费在工程和设计里面。
马斯克 没有两天是完全一样的,星期一和星期五他在洛杉矶的 SpaceX 工作;星期二、星期三和星期四他会在旧金山湾区的 Tesla 工作。
平均他一周有 42 个小时在 Tesla 工作,40 个小时在 SpaceX 工作。以及他还有星期六半天的时间在 Y Combinator 孵化器里面的人工智能开源项目 OpenAI 工作。
在周末的时候他总是扔硬币决定。星期天要么跟家人一起去旅游、要么就在公寓里面;星期六要么继续 SpaceX 或 Y Combinator 工作,要么陪他那 5 个孩子。
在 2013 年他在演讲里曾说过,我发现我可以用邮件的方式和他们一直保持在一起,这样我就可以持续跟他们在一起,同时也可以工作。如果我做不到的话,我就无法完成我的工作。
「多任务并行」是 马斯克 最重要的一个时间管理技巧,他会尽可能工作越长的时间。
如果你跟着 马斯克 一天,你会发现他会基本不接电话,他更宁愿使用一个复杂的邮箱地址来避免收到大量的垃圾邮件。
他不会花太多的时间在吃饭上面,他经常在开会的时候在 5 分钟内狼吞虎咽地吃完他的午餐。
为保持体形,马斯克 一般一周会去 1-2 次健身房。
尽管 马斯克 很忙碌,他还是会拿出充分的时间来阅读,譬如他最喜欢的经典系列《指环王》,富兰克林和爱迪生的自传,和一本难懂的已经 87 年历史的冒险书《Twelve Against the Gods》。
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