2018.8.19  周日
The more you act like a lady, the more he’ll act like a gentleman.
We have "Knowledge is Power" in Latin as a quote at my old high school up in NH. I don't even know why, out of all the quotes in the world, they'd choose that one. It isn't educational or motivational. It's almost intentional.
A more literal interpretation: "Do as you're told, or you deserve everything he does to you."
It is almost saying: "Remember girls, don't ruin his life by letting him harass you!"
This. This is life in Texas for a young woman
Also, Utah, checking in.
And South Carolina as well.
And Ohio, believe it or not
Same deal in Arizona.
It is real, but the school has already been contacted and told that the quote was actually from a madame back in the day. And they are taking it down.
Of course, the sexism was totally cool but can't have a quote from a woman who profited off of men.
What they are really implying is not only VERY gender binary but also VERY submissive and assuming that if a male is acting poorly towards you it’s your own fault. The fact they removed it because of the “Madame” context even further proves their misogyny.
My husband and I have been married for 5 months and prior to getting married we had issues we thought we could get on top of but now I'm worried that we never might.
He's had an abusive past too where his father used to beat him up as a child over the pettiest of things. I believe it has left him scarred somehow though he pretends it's the past and that's that.
I'm now worried that we might be two very broken people trying to work together and it's not working. He has terrible anger issues, everything sets him off. It leads to really mean comments about me that deflate me. 
He never stops shouting at me when he gets into one of his moods and I find myself taking it until I can't. And instead of leaving him to it, I defend myself and he now claims I don't respect him as a man and he needs a submissive woman. 
What baffles me is that as the head of the family, he can be clueless. Never knows what's happening with our one year old. I keep appointments. I do all the necessary things.
Our daughter has food allergies and is teething and has skin problems but my husband doesn't even know what creams we use for her skin nor any idea on what to do when she has a fever or if I am down. So how is he head of the house if I do everything?
Even still, I do respect him. I have no idea what he means by I am disrespectful and unsubmissive except that when he belittle me far enough I snap back. But what does he expect if he constantly goes in on me even when I say sorry about things, he speaks til he is satisfied.
I can cry begging him to stop and that will trigger him even more. To him, he says, my tears do nothing for him because in his eyes I'm a man too since I challenge him and I'm disrespectful to him. So he treats me like a man and doesn't care about my feelings.
Every time we fight, I end up hospitalized due to stress. It feels like I am sick and when I go get checked, everything comes back normal but I get symptoms. I don't function very well coz he puts me down so much. I feel alone.
But I love him so much. The thought of leaving him hurts more than staying and taking this from him.
What I want to know is how can I be a more submissive woman for him? The new thing he does when I mess up is he ignores me until he wants to talk. So right now he told me he has a crush on my friend's sister. I told him I didn't know what that meant. He said he means he'd leave me for her. 
I said that hurt me coz I'm jealous and I feel bad about myself now. She is stunning. I ask him how he would feel if I said that about his friends? He says I'm making a big deal about a joke. I said I didn't know he was joking he didn't say it was a joke. He says I make everything an argument. 
So I said sorry coz I know it will be a fight that I don't want. I thought it was a pretty straightforward thing but he is mad at me now and says it's best if we don't talk.
I don't know what to do. I said okay because I can't make him talk if he doesn't want to. And now we might spend days not talking over this. He will ignore me as long as it takes and meanwhile I'll be stressed and getting phantom illnesses.
What was I supposed to do? Laugh about his crush whether I knew it was a joke or not? I never know when I'm messing up so I always mess up. I don't know what to do.
Not gonna lie, as soon as I read the first paragraph, I knew this was all bad. You need to break things off. Divorce him. End the marriage NOW. This dude is threatening to assault you and might actually do it. That's not good at all.
Hey, this is textbook abusive behavior. Don't try to be more submissive. He's doing what his father probably did, starting trouble over petty things. If he hasn't hit you or your kid yet, it's only a matter of time.
I know it's hard to leave someone you have a kid with. You say you love him, but does he love you? It sounds more like he wants someone to control more than someone to love. You're not messing up, he's causing problems just to make you feel guilty so he can use that guilt as leverage. I can't tell you when or how, but you need to leave him. You and your kid deserve better.
我们可以做的还有很多,毕竟,“gender norms are socially constructed
NH: 新罕布什尔州
intentional: adj 故意的
sexism: n 性别歧视;性别偏见
gender binary: n 性别二元
submissive: adj 顺从的,听话的,惟命是从的
misogyny: n 厌女症
scarred: adj 有心理创伤的
deflate: v 使泄气
baffle: v 使困惑
stunning: adj 极有魅力的
phantom illness: n 幻觉疾病
leverage: n 影响力
gender norms: n 性别行为标准,性别规范