

据媒体报道,8月7号,在和各大个大公司的CEO晚餐会上,特朗普总统暗示几乎所有的来自中国的学生都是间谍。这和FBI局长克里斯多夫·雷伊(Christopher Wray)之前说过的“几乎所有的中国学生都是间谍,中国对美国的间谍活动是全国,全社会的行为”如出一辙,互相呼应。按目前趋势,如果中国成为美国的头号敌人,在美华人,无论是手持签证、绿卡还是已经宣誓入籍成为公民,无疑在一夜之间都成了潜在的间谍。在这个紧要关头,我们是该默默接受还是群起抗议?让我们听听弗吉尼亚州联邦参议员,2016年大选民主党副总统候选人蒂姆·凯恩(Tim Kaine)如何看待这个问题。
蒂姆·凯恩在回答主持人关于“中国间谍”一说的提问。 (图片由作者提供)
以下是我们为读者提供的凯恩回答“中国间谍”的问题的中文翻译 (根据讲话视频整理):
华人在美国曾经比任何其它种族都受到更深的歧视。最早的一些在十九世纪晚期关于宪法公民权的案例,就与华人有关。当时流行的看法是,他们即使在美国出生,也不能是美国公民。可是最高法院说,“不,不是这样的”。在南北战争之后,为了改变可怕的Dred-Scott判决,我们明确了出生公民权,即只要你出生在这个国家,不管你的父母从哪里来,你都是美国公民。这个建立“出生公民权”的案例,就是“黄金德对美国”案例 (Wong Kim Ark vs United States)。在这个案子里,一位美国华人把官司打到了最高法院。他勇敢地声称,“我生在这里,我就是美国公民”。
特朗普这一无端指控,是对所有中国学生,进而对所有在美华人的地毯式的毫无根据的污蔑。特朗普甚至用到了ABC(American born Chinese)一词,即便在美国出生的华人,即我们的下一代,也会终身带着“可能的中国间谍”这一可耻的红字。结合FBI局长对整体华人社区的充满敌意的话,还有最近在“国防授权法”中试图限制在美学者,商人,企业家和中国进行交流的企图,都表明了这绝不是总统的酒后失言,而是对在美华人进行系统性的大规模迫害的前奏。这一切都是我们坚决不能容忍,绝对不可接受的。这不仅严重损害了我们的切身利益,也是对美国精神(“所有的人都有权利作为个体,而不是一刀切地接受裁判”)的违背。所有在美华人,无论身份,无论左右,无论西东,都应当坚决对此大声说“总统先生,你错了!”同胞们,让我们继续向白宫情愿,勇敢地发出我们的声音!请点击最后的阅读原文登陆白宫的请愿网站,或复制以下链接到浏览器:
That is a very very important issue.
Chinese Americans have been subject to some of the most hostile discrimination of any ethnic groups. Some of the first legal cases about, for example, what does the constitution mean about citizens, were cases dealing with Chinese Americans at the end of the 1800s.  And there was an assertion that even though they might have been born here, they couldn’t be US citizens. And the Supreme Court says “No, that is not the case”. 
After the Civil War when we rewrote the Constitution to correct the horrible Dred-Scott decision, we made it so that if you were born in this country, wherever your parents are from, you are a United States citizen. That birthright citizenship, the case that established the birthright citizenship is called Wong Kim Ark vs United States. It is a case dealing with a Chinese American who bravely fought to the Supreme Court to say, “I was born in here, I am a United States citizen”. 
So, whether you are born here or whether you are naturalized, you become a US citizen, you pledge. Or whether you are not even a naturalized, even if you are on a student visa here because you want to come and learn something, that is good for us. 
The Chinese students who come to Virginia universities, let me be honest, they pay a lot more than the in-state students.  What they are paying is helping the in-state students to actually have more an affordable tuition. So any kind of a blanket statement, Chinese are spies, Mexicans are rapists, you know, Muslims are terrorists, any kind of blanket statement like that, is just immoral and wrong. (Applause). 
We are all entitled to be judged based on who we are as individuals. We might be good people, we might be bad people, that is an individual judgement, not based on where your family is from. And I will tell you one other thing. When we use blanket stereotypes, we never use them in an even-handed way. During world war II, Japanese Americans were put to internment camps, German American weren’t. What is the reason for that? Why were German American not put into internment camps,and Japanese Americans were? Because German Americans were European. So when you use these types of stereotypes, it is always against somebody whose skin color is different, or who had a different religion. 
There is nothing more anti-American than using the stereotype right there. I will tell you there is some good news. The President said that and that is bad. If you had a vote on any sort of blanket stereotype against people based on Chinese origin in the Senate, you will get every Democrats, and you may get, you may lose one Republican vote who is afraid to challenge President Trump, but you will have rock solid support for the proposition that the Chinese American community just as patriotic as the Irish American community, or the Italian American community. I will end where I started. We are benefited in this commonwealth every day, by the skills, passion, creativity that our immigrant communities bring. If you read history, nations often rise then they fall. Why did nations fall? They often fall because they get too set in their way that they cannot change. Time is moving on, change is happening, but we just get so set doing the way we always did it that the world moves passed us, and we started to fail. 
What immigration has been for the United States, it is been, after 240 years, is the blood transfusion in the bloodstream of our body that it keeps our body young, creative, flexible, new ideas connected to the world. And if we ever start to make it, I mean we are starting to, we are in danger of this right now, we ever start selling out our loots as a nation of immigrants, we will just be hurting ourselves. So thank you for asking for that. I can assure you that I will have your back on issues like that. And I can tell you that, my senate colleagues, Democrats and Republicans, will also have your back.
Thank you so much for coming!
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