乌鸦子前言: 谢谢陌上编辑部提供平台,分享美国出版的《道德经:中英文+拼音版》。  目标是为了古典启蒙ABC,帮助理解华夏传统,学中文。请大家不吝传播,收藏。  
Notes: There are many ways to understand Dao De Jing, through the lens of any system science, like computer science, medicine, engineering, political engineering.  It could also be understood as a series of Question and Answer sessions between the author, weary historic scholar from the Zhou capital city and an interviewer, (according to legend), a provincial officer.  The sessions probably took place in an outpost far away from the fading Zhou capital. 

The Interviewer, a provincial customs officer asked:   What is the Way for me to be promoted? Laozi: A Way (Dao道) that could be spoken of (道), is not the Eternal Way.  (a pun, a paradox) 道可道,非常道。 The Interviewer, undaunted:   Please tell us about the news of the famous names in the Zhou Capital? Laozi: A Name that could be named, is not the Eternal Name. (a pun, a paradox) 名可名,非常名。 

The author opened with paradoxes and puns, then continued to write one of the most unique books ever and since.  A short cryptic work, of apparently no practical value, naming no names, yet laid foundation to a hundred schools of thoughts within 200 years of its existence. 
 Why so?  We will find out. 故常无,欲以观其妙;常有,欲以观其徼,“Therefore, often without (something), (we) intend to observe its Truth; often with (something), (we)intend to observe its mysteries.” This passage should offer the clue.   In a single chapter, Laozi moved from existential paradoxes to advocate a scientific method of experimenting with/without A/B testing, and then he kept going.   
 By the end of Dao De Jing, he had gone over historic cycles, system stability and resilience, Simplicity over complexity, neutrality principles, branches of government, error correction, social standards and metrics, government Interference, legal underpinnings, scientific methods, sustainability and more. 
道:the Way, the road, speak of, how things work, the algorithms, enlightenment, Dao 
常:unchanging, frequent, sustainable, eternal 
名:Names, fame, titles, variables 
玄:Profound Black 
 妙:Beautiful but has connotations of Truth 
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