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In last week's chitchat, we talked about the Chinese urban slang "Gangjing", meaning people who argue for the sake of arguing. The closest equivalent in English is probably "contrarian". This group of people always wants to have the last word.
Our readers have shared their views on this topic. Let's see some chosen comments.
Gangjing themselves
Oh, my! I JUST discovered that I am a contrarian.
@Gary Stokes
Yes, it describes me exactly. Thanks for giving it a name. Now what's the name for the opposite — The person that never wants to discuss anything? Btw, the best way to shut me up is by saying, "interesting point, let's discuss it sometime."
The daytime without night is boring, you know. Yes, I am a gangjing who will always add some spicy in my life. So don't ask me, "Why do you always have the last word?" "We just always have the last word!"
My friend or parent is a gangjing
My mother must be the best "gangjing". She always says, "OK, you have grown up, you are the best debater, I can't win!" It seems that I'm the real gangjing.
I keep working out every day and share my workout records on WeChat Moment. Gangjing always comment like this "It's ugly for girls to have big muscles. Aren't you afraid of hurting yourself while doing the power training?" "Over-exercise would be 100 percent detrimental to your health. Just stop it." And I just ignore them or delete their comments.
I had a friend (yes, not any more) who is a typical gangjing. He always replied "not really" or "you are wrong" no matter what I said, and then expressed the exact same meaning as mine using his own words. He seemed to be pleased in opposing others.
Reasons being gangjing
The reason why they are contrarians is that they are not living a better life than others. They need to find a way to show their existence.
They think that they are the smartest around the world.
Ways to deal with gangjing
"Oh really?" I always respond like this. Then they (gangjing) will go away.
The best way to avoid the worthless argument with the contrarians is to keep a proper space between you and them. 
In essence, contrarians presumably mean no harm, but display an aggressive impression, leaving what is ready in mind upside-down even what is highly regarded in tatters. The best way to address such mal-contentment is tit-for-tat argument by hardening your stance to objectively foster conspiracy about the irrational situation.
@A durable thread
I think the better way is to suggest them to calm down first and shift the topic immediately. If it's still difficult to end the dispute, the better choice for us is stay quiet and attempt to listen before leaving. Alternatively, try to say goodbye to argument with excuses because the key is to minimize unwelcoming friction as much as possible.
Perhaps, as the saying goes, it takes all kinds of people to make up this beautiful, colorful, plentiful and wonderful world. Therefore, it is nothing big to come across a contrarian. As a teacher having been in service since 1981, I have encountered such guys who are intent to arguing with you for the very sake of argument. My recipe is to ignore them and let them sing their solo so that their passion evaporates over time.
Don't be so rude with Gangjing
Gangjing may sometimes be annoying, but some gangjing around you may also be your close friends. They might be only arguing with you, because they think you two are intimate. So always think twice before you tell them to shut up.
To gangjing: never be so indulgent in arguing. Always remember there is a bottom line in every person's mind. Don't cross it, or you may lose your dear friends.
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Editor: Zhang Xiaomin 

Intern: Shen Zheyuan 