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Now that the Lantern Festival is behind us, we're officially running out of holiday — and excuses for slacking off!
For those of us who have cashed our annual bonus checks and taken paid leave to extend the Spring Festival holiday as much as possible, it seems only natural now we're back at work to ask ourselves some existential questions. Do I really like my job? Why am I still here?
Why am I slaving away at a job I don't even like?
Our jobs put bread on the table, they are our livelihoods. There's a reason why working is synonym with "making a living".
We don't always have the resources or the wisdom to make an informed decision when choosing our careers.
Here are some of the possible reasons why you're stuck in a job you don't like.

Wang Bo gave up on literature — something he really loved — to become a teacher at a language school after getting his master's degree in the UK. 
The passion and fervor he used to lavish on his studies of Oscar Wilde and DH Lawrence were redirected to studying test-taking skills and essay templates.
Needless to say, he was overqualified.
But after suffering from recurring stomachaches from constantly skipping meals, he's going to make sure his unborn child doesn't make the same mistake.
Li was a Straight-A Computer Science major with internship experience at China's most prestigious Internet companies. He was just about to kick-start his career after receiving a job offer from Netease.
Instead he turned the job down and planted himself in the technical support office of a local government institution in his hometown. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" became his favorite sentence.
Now he rarely gets his hands on the latest technology, except when he's shopping with his parents at local department stores.
Zhao Yang, a third-year graduate student from a top-rated university in Beijing is looking for a job now. She has applied to various companies, including media outlets, State-owned enterprise, consulting firms, and online businesses. 
Despite the half-dozen job offers she has secured so far, Zhao Yang is far from satisfied.
"Very often one is offered a job with no hukou, which means nothing if one wants to stay in the capital," said Zhao Yang. She is by no means alone in her misgivings. In Beijing, many students are seeking not only for a good job, but also a much-coveted hukou.
"对于像我这样想在北京扎根的人来说,不给解决户口的工作没什么意义。" 而在北京,赵阳绝不是唯一一个为户口烦恼的毕业生。
Do these stories ring a bell? Does one of them describe you?
I'm doing what I love, only to discover that 
freedom in the workplace is relative
You used to watch and envy those who were doing what they loved, but you never knew how disillusioned they were.
"I thought I was going to be a master architect, but it turned out I was just a lackey."
I got a job at an architecture firm after I graduated with a Master's degree in architecture.

At first I was naïve and actually thought I was going to be a real architect. But after pushing my aesthetic boundaries time after time to suit the client's terrible taste, I caved in and accepted the fact that I am just an ordinary employee.
"It doesn’t matter what I want to write, really."
I got a job in new media at an Internet company.

Later I found out that the company wouldn't pay for my expensive apartment to help me realize my dream of being a writer, because it's less about what I want to write than what the readers want to read.
进去之后才发现公司给我高薪,并不是为了让我去实现半吊子文字工作者的梦想 —— "我想写什么"与"读者想看的内容"相比起来不值一提。
These are just the tip of the iceberg.
What you don't know about that friend you envy for getting his dream job, is that once he's done memorizing everything about his client from his hobbies to his kids' zodiac signs, he's searching for hair growth serum online.
Why keep going knowing that 
you're neither happy nor making enough money?
In the TV show The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Lenny Bruce, a veteran comedian (based on the real NYC comedian of the 1950s) had a stark observation about his job.
在最近大热的剧集《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》中,一名资深单口喜剧演员Lenny Bruce对他的演员工作有一番令人印象深刻的见解。
When asked whether he likes being comedian, he says: "If there was anything else in the entire world that I could possibly do to earn a living, I would. If someone said to me, Leonard, you can either eat a guy's head or do two weeks at the Copa, I'd say, 'pass the salt'."
当剧中女主角麦瑟尔夫人问他是否喜欢自己的职业时,他说: "如果这世界上有其他的方式可以养家糊口,我都会去做的。如果有人和我说,莱纳德,你要么吃一个人头,要么去讲科帕讲两周单口,我会说,拿盐过来。"
A moment later, to the same question, he paused and shrugged with an impish grin.

Sometimes a job is like your oldest pair of shoes — stretched out, scuffed, or stained on the inside, but you still wear them more often than you do the new ones.
The rookie architect who spent day after day dealing with clients now brushes up on his passion for architecture by admiring the works of iconic Japanese architect Tadao Ando.
Ando's 1976 Row House in Sumiyoshi uses an interior courtyard to separate two living areas, rendering the changing seasons readily palpable as the owner can hear the summer rain and see the winter snow within his home.
▲ Row House in Sumiyoshi, Tadao Ando, 1976
From mastermind designs like this, the rookie architect begins to grasp that the importance of architecture lies in the marriage between aesthetics and practicality.
We all have to make choices in the workplace. Some people swallow their disillusionment and repeated daily drudgeries all year round; some fall in love with what they're doing at any given moment; and others take a rest to remember why they started before they make another step.
What choices will you make?
Source: LinkedIn
Editor: Zhang Xi
Translator: Liu Yinglun (intern)

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