群友表示:“有孩子的家长一定要知道:现任自由党省长 Wynne 指派因性侵和传播儿童黄色照片已被定罪了的 Ben Levin 撰写通过了新性教育大纲,从小学一年级开始教孩子性知识,进而鼓励孩子们很早尝试手淫,甚至鼓吹同性恋,各种......我都写不下去啦!”
安省进步保守党领袖 Doug Ford 要重新审视这个性教育大纲,他认为孩子们的第一教师是父母,对孩子的性教育要在父母认可的范围内进行。后面我们要认真给大家介绍父母才是孩子的第一教育者机构PAFE

Dr. Teresa Pierre, PAFE’s founder, is stepping in as interim President.
我(Teresa Pierre博士)参加了一个小组讨论CBC广播,是从前,Kristen Gilbert的性工作者当前的最后一周,Matthew Johnson和媒体的智慧,一个总部设在渥太华的非盈利集团专注于数字媒体素养。
这就是为什么支持政治候选人如在即将到来的六月选举Tanya Granic Allen如此重要。谭雅知道,尊重儿童发展的基准是很重要的,没有提供更多的信息比孩子能合理处理和将争取废除安大略的性教育课程。
我(Teresa Pierre博士)对此的反应是:
这是成瘾的标志的大脑的变化已被证明发生者如剑桥神经精神病学家色情强迫观众中,Valerie Voon博士:
色情作品不列在正式的成瘾名单中,但许多色情色情领域的专家认为应该这样做。2016岁的Simone Kuhn认为应该正式宣布上瘾。
该小组的第三名成员,Matthew Johnson,来自一个专注于数字和媒体素养的小组,对7到11年级学生的色情使用情况进行了调查。他的调查结果表明,男孩比女孩更多地故意寻找色情作品。那些正在寻找的男孩们经常这样做。所以28%的男孩每天至少看一次色情片,或者每周至少看一次。所以对于那些正在做这件事的人来说,这显然是他们的习惯。
如果你也反对孩子色情暴露在课堂在年轻的年龄,重要的是支持的候选人如Tanya Granic Allen谁在PC党的领导和提出这些问题。
《加拿大父母作为第一教育家》作者:Teresa Pierre博士
As parents, we have to be vigilant that our children don’t access adult content when they are surfing the internet, whether at home, at a friend’s or even at school.  But what if your child’s teacher were to deliberately introduce it into the classroom?

I participated in a panel discussion for CBC’s Radio’s The Current last week with a sex educator from BC, Kristen Gilbert, and Matthew Johnson of Media Smarts, an Ottawa based non-profit group focused on digital and media literacy.  Find the podcast here.
The whole experience of being on this panel convinced me all over again about what PAFE has said all along about proponents of comprehensive sex education such as Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum:  they consistently fail to safeguard the innocence of children and the time of sexual latency by offering too much too soon.  In this case, they run the risk of propelling children toward experiences that may well sweep them up into the destructive world of addiction.  Both Gilbert and Johnson were comprehensive sex-ed supporters.  Gilbert, the professional sex educator, had absolutely nothing negative to say about discussing porn in the classroom.  
This is why it’s so important to support political candidates such as Tanya Granic Allen in the upcoming June election.  Tanya knows that it’s important to respect the benchmarks of child development and not to offer more information than children can reasonably handle and will fight to repeal Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum.
Gilbert said she welcomes discussions of porn whenever they come up in the classroom, although she qualified this by saying she is constrained by law about at what ages she can discuss certain topics (a fact that was omitted from the final radio program).  Asked at what age she would like to see porn addressed in the classroom, she said:
“Whenever it comes up organically in class. But I'm definitely hoping that you know certainly by Grade 8 people have a lot of information about this that they can use.”
And what would her message about porn be?  That it presents a demeaning view of women?  That pornography has been connected to the adoption of risky sexual behavior by young people?  That when coupled with masturbation it’s been demonstrated to contribute to higher rates among young men of erectile dysfunction?1 That it renders men incapable of sharing mutual decision-making within a relationship?2 
No, Gilbert’s point was:
I don't see the idea that young people might be masturbating as necessarily a downside. That's not my goal as an educator to discourage that. My goal is to give people information so that they can make decisions that work with their personal values.
My response to that was:
I wouldn't take that view. I believe that the issue as I've alluded to before is really the addictive quality of this behaviour and I think that you don't want to expose kids to this at such a young age because it can have significant negative effects on their ability to form actual attachments.
Gilbert did not specify what types of information she had in mind, but not once did she suggest placing any sort of limitations on whether or what type of porn young people should be consuming.
The brain changes that are a hallmark of addiction have been demonstrated to take place among compulsive viewers of pornography by researchers such as Cambridge neuropsychiatrist, Dr. Valerie Voon:
In a study published in PLOS ONE, a peer-reviewed journal in 2014 (and the subject of a documentary Porn on the Brain) has shown that men who describe themselves as addicted to porn (and who lost relationships because of it) develop changes in the same brain area - the reward centre - as do drug addicts.3
Pornography is not listed in official lists of addiction, but many specialists in the area of compulsive pornography viewing, think it should be. Simone Kuhn, argued in 2016 it should be officially declared an addiction.4
The third member of the panel, Matthew Johnson, from a group focused on digital and media literacy, conducted a survey on porn use among students in grades 7 through 11.  His survey results showed that many more boys than girls seek out pornography intentionally. And those boys who were seeking it out were doing so often. So 28 per cent of the boys had looked for pornography at least once a day or at least once a week. So for those who were doing it, it was clearly a habit for them. 
His experience with the viewing habits of boys supports my view that pornography viewing can rapidly become addictive. 
In the interview I argue that a general discussion of pornography in schools might be ok, but it should not take place before the mid-teens, and should contain a robust discussion of the harms of pornography. 
If you too are opposed to exposing kids to porn in the classroom at young ages, it's important to support candidates such as Tanya Granic Allen who ran in the PC Party leadership race and brought these issues forward. To help PAFE continue its work, please make a contribution today by clicking here.
For the family,
Teresa Pierre