文中的小姑娘名叫Jordan,17个月大,不太会说话。妈妈盘腿坐在地上,Jordan坐在妈妈的腿上,和妈妈共读一本Off We Go

We are going to read a story, OFF WE GO!

Do you see  a duck? Do you see a duck?
Do you see two mice?
Do you see a frog? I see a frog right there. Where is the frog?
Good job! And a bird?
Good job!
Yes, Jordan, you see the duck. Let's open the book, Off We Go!

Look, here is a snake and some rocks and a mouse.
Here is a spider. Look, Jordan, what's this?
(孩子说:a duck
Good job!
(这时,孩子指着并且说a cat)
Yes, that looks like a cat but it's a mouse. Two mice.

They are climbing down the grass.
Tip-toe, tippity toe, Over the leaves and down below, Off to Grandma's house we go, Sings Little Mouse.
He kind of looks like a cat because he has whiskers, eyes and two ears. But, he is a mouse, and he says squeak, squeak, squeak.
Yes, he sort of looks like a cat.

Hip-hop, hippity hop, Through the slime and over the slop, Off to Grandma's never stop, Sings Little Frog.
That's a frog. Do you see what this is?
It looks like a bee. It's a fly. That's what frogs eat, flies.
It looks like a bee because it's little, and it has wings. But it's a fly, and that is what frogs eat. They are going after those flies. Wow, look at this long tongue!
Is that what a fly does?
Good job! Jordan, are you swatting the fly? Show me the fly.
That looks like a bee, but it's a fly. Jordan, look, a mole!

You think he is funny?
妈妈读了三页后,孩子开始翻书,妈妈就把主动权交给了孩子。当听见孩子 “duck”时, 妈妈说:“Do you want to read the page about the duck? Let's find it.”他们跳过了几页,只读了孩子感兴趣的部分,整本书并没有翻到最后。

大家如果仔细一句一句地看,会发现妈妈不仅仅是在读书中的那几个句子几个单词,而是在和孩子交流。孩子把mouse认成cat,把fly认作了bee,这时候妈妈并没不理孩子自顾自地往下面去读,妈妈首先是肯定了孩子:It looks like a cat. It looks like a bee.简单的一句认同孩子的话,给了孩子鼓励。试想一下,如果妈妈对你说:“you're wrong. It's definitely a mouse! Stop saying it's a cat.”你会不会很受伤?
这位妈妈肯定了孩子:cat很像mouse,都有whiskers, eyes, two ears(孩子顺便听到了这些关于身体不同部位的词汇),又给孩子介绍了两者的不同:mouse叫起来是Squeak, squeak, squeak的声音。这样既尊重了孩子的认知,又帮助孩子得到了提高。